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Author Topic: NVIDIA GTX 1080 and 1070 line of cards !  (Read 8107 times)
Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Posted on: June 12, 2016, 07:34:26 pm
Joined: Jan 2014
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Not long ago NVIDIA introduced its next generation line of GPUs to the market.  Of course the games are becoming more demanding and the GPUs more powerful, we might need dedicated outlets to power our computers soon  :D

What are your thoughts about these new GPUs ? Overkill ?

I wonder if a GTX 960 strix is still decent enough to play latest games at 1080p res, it seems every bloody fucking time I spent money on upgrades I never quite make full use of it, until months later it is obsolete and something new comes out :D

Really tempted with the 1070 / 1080 but they are way too expensive, I mean I'd have to be completely out of my fucking mind to spend $1k on a graphic card :D

I hear the 1070 is going for £ 399

At least we don't have to worry about new versions of DX for a while or new OS.  I'm not much into 4k anyway, still happy with 1080, so I'm holding back.

Any thoughts ? Anybody purchased or ordered one of those yet ? Do these beasts run hot ? :D
Offline (Male) HitCoder
Reply #1 Posted on: June 13, 2016, 03:04:35 am

Location: Oxford, England
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When I initially heard of the release of the GTX 1080 I heard it was going for $600 in the US, but that in the UK we have it for like, £1,000 ish
But yeah, I love how one minute something new is brought out and next minute it's fucking obsolete. Oh well, my PC has pretty low spec excluding my R9 380.  ;D
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Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Reply #2 Posted on: June 13, 2016, 10:37:02 am
Joined: Jan 2014
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Well hopefully this card should be good for a few years of gaming - of course before 8k, 16k, and 32k monitors lol.

£1,000 ???? Right - I'm sure everyone will be camping outside waiting to spend that money on a GPU :D

Now let's see what is the big problem with these cards in general.  The hardware part is powerful, but yet the software component does not even take advantage of anywhere near 100% of hardware.  It's expected in the industry, be it gpu or sound, nothing is fully optimised -  Look at all the previous NVIDIA cards, all the hype and specific GPU features, how many of them were really being used.

There will probably other versions, less expensive, like they did with the strix series, I mean 8GB of video memory.
Maybe those cards are overkill for 1080p gaming, but one
thing for sure, the game companies need to u their shit!
Some games are visually stunning but the gameplay / story and longevity utter shit. :D
Offline (Unknown gender) TheExDeus
Reply #3 Posted on: June 13, 2016, 01:12:34 pm

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For 1080p the 960 should be totally fine. I have overclocked 970 and I can play every game on ultra without any problems. The new ones will greatly help with VR though, as requirements there are a lot higher (2 * 1080p with 90fps). But if you don't plan to VR (or at least on Utra) then you can hold off for now. I personally think the only VR worth considering is the steam's HTC Vive, but sadly it costs 1k. I will probably skip a generation.
Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Reply #4 Posted on: June 13, 2016, 05:55:16 pm
Joined: Jan 2014
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Yeah I probably will hold off for a while.
I don't plan on using 4k anything soon.

Only thing is that the 960 strix I have is 2GB,
and textures are getting bigger, pretty soon you'll
have more RAM on your GPU than your PC, 32GB, 64GB etc.
it's crazy, we are being siphoned of money :D

They should start first by making better games, ones that
last more than just a few hours, even on hard difficulty  ;D
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