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Messages - TheExDeus

Off-Topic / Re: What is a good programming language to start off with?
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:20:19 pm »
Harri, you are still way off base.
I am not sure if my English is absurdly bad or something, but people keep somehow not understanding me. What you described in the rest of the paragraph is exactly what I described in the paragraph about GL1/GL3.

And you are still incorrect
The rest of your sentence just said the same thing I did. :D " WIDE array of extensions", "add scripts directly to your project that will modify the interface of the Unity editor", "custom dialog for you to import a custom mesh format". All that is an example of "And that you need to figure it all out. While in ENIGMA/GM you usually write all your stuff on your own. ". That is in no way a good thing, but it does teach you more. That is what I am saying. I am not saying that a person should use ENIGMA/GM over Unity. I am not saying Unity is bad. I am just saying that for "learning" and "first programming language" you should actually use a tool that requires "learning programming language".

GM isn't good for education either
It actually started specifically as an educational tool. Mark Overmars was teaching game design and GM was a tool he created to teach that (originally was for animation though).

You seriously need to venture out and try some different game engines other than GM.
I have. I haven't tried that many tools though. I have used C++ based and Python based engines. I also dabbled with Source a while back, but it's also C++. GM is about the only game tool that I have tried. Hasn't been that many reasons to try something else.

Developing ENIGMA / Re: GM5 Compatibility plugin --feedback requested
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:10:58 am »
If there is a limited amount of GM5 games you wanna run then I think it would take less time and effort to just port them. Right now we are basically slightly breaking even GM8 compatibility as we strive for GM:S now. I also write games only in ENIGMA and I use ENIGMA specific features (like data type) and so I cannot port back to GM anyway.

About the issues - I used GM5 ages ago (probably more than 10 years now), so I cannot remember how it worked. Draw_text_sprite is something we could implement straight into ENIGMA. But if you really want to add this (especially as an extension) then I guess you are on the right track. draw_polygon*() functions can just be wrappers of draw_primitive() functions. You use draw_line_width() for draw_rectangle and draw_ellipse and that can be a bit slow (as every draw_line_width() involves a cos() and sin()), but I guess it won't be much of a problem unless you use it hundreds of thousands of times. In GL3 graphics system they also will be probably batched together in one draw call.

Off-Topic / Re: Everyone is Always Right
« on: January 06, 2014, 08:05:31 am »
Your definition of science is non-existant. I can just as easily tell you the same things.
Well I gave several definitions, and there are several, but there is an overarching idea that they all share.
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
And here comes in your understanding what is meant with observation and experimentation. Because evolution (as for example Robert pointed out) is both observed and experimented with. The fact that you cannot see human go from ape ancestor to now doesn't change anything. Just how we haven't actually seen gamma radiation with our own eyes, but only detect it via secondary means.
ExDeus, you've repeatedly mentioned creatures adapting to back up evolution, so if evolution has nothing to do with that, you are contradicting yourself. Make up your mind.
There again is difference between "adaption" in biology (and evolution) and "adaption" in the layman's terms which you were actually using. Using a coat is adaption in layman's terms, because you are making a conscious decision towards a goal. It's not like a coat spontaneously generated around you. No, you either made it or bought it, and then you wore it. You adapted to outside world, but you made an effort to do that. Here is evolutionary definition:
1. Adaptation is the evolutionary process whereby an organism becomes better able to live in its habitat or habitats.
( What here is meant that the organism doesn't actually decide that it will adapt to survive. What it means is that certain individuals in the population have the traits to survive in a specific habitat while others do not. An example of evolution and adaption:
Take flies and put them in a box with air, food and anything else they would need to survive and procreate. At certain temperature flies would die immediate - for example, at -10C they would probably die pretty fast if put there from room temperature. But if you lower the temperature slowly (very slow, over hundreds or even thousands of generations) then this is what will happen - Flies that are more resistant to colder temperatures will live longer than those who are not suited. That mean the ones more resistant will procreate more and their descendants will also be more resistant (as it will be more likely that both parents have this mutation). After hundreds or thousands of generations they will be able to survive at cold temperature, because even though maybe 0.1% at the beginning were capable of that, in the end 100% will be. So they evolved and adapted to the habitat via the evolution. The reason for their survival could even be a "coat" - as in more hairy flies would be the ones more resistant to cold. This would also make them a new species - a hairy cold resistant fly. They would also be physically (visibly) changed. So they "adapted", but trough evolution and random mutations. If none of them had these mutations, they would die out (go extinct). If the temperature change was very drastic (like taking from room temperature into -10C), then they would also all die out even if there was some individuals who had the mutation, because of the speed of the event it would not be possible for the right individuals to procreate and the mutation that gives the resistance to cold could also be primary only over time (many generations). I could probably even program this as an example in ENIGMA.

What was this shit you were saying about science not based on visual evidense?
And it's not. Observation, again, doesn't mean LOOKING. You keep using your own basic vocabulary and jump to conclusions. None of the words you keep using have the definitions you think they have in the context we use. For example, definition of observation:
Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary source
Thus, nothing specifically to do with visual evidence. (

And science doesn't need to be tested in order to be declared science?
It does need to be tested. I never said it doesn't need to be. But your understanding of "testing" or "experimentation" is very limited as you don't get what induction and deduction means. Many (I would say up to 99%) of hypothesis cannot be tested directly, so they are instead tested indirectly by knowing relationships (which theories and hypothesis describe) between things.

Mutations have never been proven to cause anything positive or hereditary such as a species becoming dominant or survive longer than other species.
There have been countless examples (even posted here) on the contrary.

Mutations can never be passed on to the next generation, so who are you fooling here?
What? Do you know what a mutation even is? How the hell you think it cannot be passed to the next generation? You do know, that for example, eye color is a mutation. One has green, others has blue. If both parents have blue eyes it is a lot more likely that the child will also have blue eyes, because they passed that mutation to their next generation. On the other hand it is possible that the child has a different mutation and eye color doesn't match. For example, all my family has blue eyes while I am the only one with green. Even my grandparents doesn't have green eyes. So I have a mutation that I didn't inherit. But my children have a pretty large chance to inherit green eyes from me.

This is an issue I have, if this is the case, then why are we not amongst some of our already evolving ancestors.
40k in evolutionary terms is drop in an ocean. People usually have problems with large numbers and understanding the scale of evolutionary time. There are subtle changes from people that lived 40k years ago, but of course there isn't much that has changed. Just like Cambrian explosion. I have seen some movies where creationists use it as an example why evolution is wrong. They say that it's impossible that number of species increased so fast, as the length of time is only about 20minutes in earths lifetime (if we take earth's life as 24 hours). But the thing is these 20minutes is still 80million years. And even 80million years divided by 40k you were mentioning is 2000. So that evolutionary stage took 2000 times more. So in the end evolution is extremely slow process and it works only because we can take hundreds of millions of years into account. 40k or even 100k is drop in an ocean on this scale.

The big bang is a theory because a large majority of scientists can not recreate the same experiment and get the same results consistently proving the big bang
Actually scientist do recreate same experiments with consistent results. That is why big bang is also "theory" in the scientific sense - as in everyone agrees that it most probably happened - or alternatively - as close to fact as possible. Like we know pretty detailedly what happened less than fraction of a second after the big bang. Knowing what happened before this fraction is still the open question and that is why we build very expensive machines.

Now gravity is a scientific law because it has been tested by many scientists and regular people over and over again with the same equations and always yielded the same results.
In science it actually still is theory. I already pointed out what is law and theory in science. Gravity is defined by general relativity theory, not by general relativity law. We of course do know that it works and in layman's terms it is a law. But scientifically, it is a theory.

So i think it's a little bold to say there is no difference between theory and facts.
In science theory and fact and law are often used interchangeably. There are subtle differences, but overall they doesn't make one less true than the other. And theories try to explain observations and make predictions. I guess using "facts" in any context is quite bold because of the misunderstanding people might get.

often belong to 'clans', with their 'dogmas
I don't like seeing these words in scientific context. Because while of course people do fight new ideas, scientists are the ones who are the most open minded. They are the ones having no problems changing their understanding when new facts arise. They don't care about being "right" before, they care about being "right" right now. That means you can propose a revolutionary idea, and if it has any evidence behind, they will accept it. That is why every theory is tested. For example, when some Italians (or whatever) made headlines by creating "cold fusion" reactor, most scientists of course were skeptical, as they know that such a device is probably impossible. Yet, they didn't have problems performing tests on their machine or read their paper on it. Of course scientists ended up being right, as their reactor was most probably not a cold fusion reactor. But it does show how every theory is tested when it makes sense to do so, even if it contradicts our current understanding. They don't hold on to their dogmas. They hold on to what they know. If someone says something they don't know, then they listen. Giving credit and listening to others is very important in science. I have never seen a scientist who has been ridiculed for a theory if the theory is in any way valid/probable.

But what is a billion micro-evolutions? Couldn't it then be macro-evolution?

Off-Topic / Re: What is a good programming language to start off with?
« on: January 06, 2014, 06:24:19 am »
even ones from the 90's that use hardware accelerated graphics, and it also leads to less coding!
If you mean do it via the programs GUI then yes. If you mean draw with code, then no. Batching (as we both now know) takes a lot more code than immidate mode. And drawing in ENIGMA/GM is one line per drawing, which is the bare minimum you can actually have. On the other hand the fact that they have GUI's for all of that proves my point that it is a little higher level than ENIGMA/GM as you have already many things included.

Which makes GM's system rather counter-intuitive. And this also explains why I had a much easier time learning GDI with Visual Basic than I did with GM's fucked up system.
It's actually not counter-intuitive. It's like the debate on GL3 (without FFP) and GL1 (with FFP). When you look for a topic on immediate mode (glBegin/end) deprecation you can see how people (often ones who also teach GL) bitch how GL3 is a lot harder to explain. Because in GL1 you start with drawing - that's it. You make a window and draw a triangle. In GL3 you must at least write two shaders and make VBO's to create one triangle. So while GL3 is a lot more efficient, it is far from intuitive. It takes a lot more code to do simple things and it is a lot harder to learn. And GM in this regard is lower level (as I mentioned before) as you don't do manual batching or push vertices or whatever, but you draw immediately after issuing the draw call. And while this is now batched in both GM:S and ENIGMA, it is still relatively low level.

you drag and drop particle emitters and tinker with them in real time to actual see how they will render.
But that is my point exactly. I wasn't saying Unity is in any way worse. I was saying that it has a lot of functionality built-in. And that you need to figure it all out. While in ENIGMA/GM you usually write all your stuff on your own. Which for productivity may be bad, but for education it is good. The audio dialog shows the same thing. It has far more options, but that means you need to understand far less.

Wow, I never knew Unity's 2d system optimized vertices / polygons like that. Might be enticing to use it over GM for very heavy 2d games...
GM:S and ENIGMA also batch vertices. And now you can even make your own VBO's (or just use model functions) to batch.

You mean new object for every bullet? I usually wouldn't, as I love to have as few objects as possible (often only one or two). But that does defeat the purpose of objects in general, so I guess it is ok and even encouraged to create one object per bullet type. But they should also be as modifiable as possible, so in case you just want to change the sprite and increase damage by 5 you wouldn't have to create new object.

Also, when you do instance_destroy() the instance id isn't freed. GM and ENIGMA just increase max_id whenever an instance is created but it is large enough (2,147,483,647 on a 32bit system) to not be a problem.

Need a connection between p1_ship (Player1) or p2_ship (player 2) instance which can access the selected ship objects variables with (.) operator
p1_ship and p2_ship already allow you to access its variables, as they are instance ID's. So p1_ship.x = 20 will set player 1 ship to x position 20. For bullets you do:
Code: [Select]
var bullet; bullet = instance_create(p1_ship.x, p1_ship.y, obj_bullet1);
bullet.image_angle = p1_ship.direction;
If you need to change bullet information later you can then add player's ID to the bullet (in the same code as before):
Code: [Select]
bullet.parent_player = p1_ship;And then in obj_bullet1's code (like step event):
Code: [Select]
image_angle = parent_player.direction;This would make the bullet look at the same direction as the player even after it has been shot (and will impact all obj_bullet1's).

I hope that is what you needed.

Off-Topic / Re: Everyone is Always Right
« on: January 03, 2014, 12:37:29 pm »
through visual evidense.
Science HAS NOTHING to do with "visual" evidence. I already gave you numerous examples and even the freaking definition of science. You cannot come here and tell me what is and what isn't science, because it is NOT up to you. Science is rigidly defined and it's NOT what you think it is. It cannot even, by definition, be debated. Because IT HAS A DEFINITION already. It's like you trying to tell me that regular car wheels are rectangular just because you want them to be. Science (in this case it's more about linguistics) is NOT wishful thinking.

Theory is guesswork that has never been proven because it can never be tested.
I already gave you the definition of scientific theory. It has nothing to do with "guesswork". A scientific theory and fact is the same thing. Just like scientific theory and scientific law is almost same thing (only in law's case it is mathematically written).

What all evolutionists fail to see
What you fail to see and I have been telling you this for 3 freaking forum pages now - YOU DON'T HAVE TO SEE MACRO EVOLUTION IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES TO ACTUALLY CONSIDER IT A FACT! Like you cannot see the rotation of constellations in one human life time either. Science is not about seeing things in one human lifetime.

- yes animals adapt to their surroundings -
But that IS NOT evolution. This kind of adaption means that the animal makes specific steps forward that goal. Like you wearing a sweater is your choice and it's nothing to do with evolution. Something like evolution in this case would mean that a mutation would make you really hairy and that would allow you survive an ice age while others would not. That would still not be evolution because, as I stated, evolution is not about one guy having a mutation. It's about a community - over a VERY long time - having many mutations that go to the next generation.

Are you seriously reading any of this?
Sadly I am. Your understanding of science and evolution is non-existent. And it just hurts me that after all the explanations I gave you, you still misunderstand it.

We aren't playing make believe here - it's not rocket science - please connect some dots.
I am connecting the dots very clearly, while you continue ignore the two suggestions I make for you - Learn what is science (very important in a debate about science) and learn what is evolution (very important in a debate about evolution). And you will again cry that I somehow offended you but, I didn't. I gave you two solid suggestions. I gave you A LOT of links. A LOT of definitions. A LOT of examples. And yet all you talk about is five legged goats and you wearing a sweater. Both of which are irrelevant to evolution.

And I really do find it very ironic that you don't believe evolution just because you cannot see it in one human lifetime (which is the only "reason", ignorant as it may be, you have given in your posts) and yet you believe in god which you cannot see ever.

P.s. And I do try to give answers to all your questions, so I am in no way dodging some kind of question. Then only thing you still find a reason to not believe in evolution (or call it science) is that you cannot see it your lifetime. But that just stems from your misunderstanding about science. And I tried to rectify that many times in this topic.

There is no sharp line between speculation, hypothesis, theory, principle, and fact, but only a difference along a sliding scale, in the degree of probability of the idea. When we say a thing is a fact, then, we only mean that its probability is an extremely high one: so high that we are not bothered by doubt about it and are ready to act accordingly. Now in this use of the term fact, the only proper one, evolution is a fact. -H. J. Muller

Scientists most often use the word "fact" to describe an observation. But scientists can also use fact to mean something that has been tested or observed so many times that there is no longer a compelling reason to keep testing or looking for examples. The occurrence of evolution in this sense is fact. Scientists no longer question whether descent with modification occurred because the evidence is so strong. -National Academy of Science (U.S.)

Off-Topic / Re: What is a good programming language to start off with?
« on: January 03, 2014, 08:38:20 am »
Well, it's not for everyone. I personally used D&D sparingly as well, but it did help me understand the basics. I jumped into GML quite early and the fact that the syntax is relaxed (no reason to remember semicolons, data type and other stuff) made learning it a lot easier. At least it doesn't have a million buttons for stuff like in Unity. The thing about GM (and in turn LGM with ENIGMA) is that it was actually quite low-level (while it seemed to be contrary) because there is no large amount of built-in stuff for things. You can make everything you want in it, but it required you to do the whole thing. For example, before GM:S it didn't even have a real 2D physics engine, there were many for it made, but there wasn't a build-in one. The same with widgets. You don't have a specific object or class or even functions for things like buttons or scrollbars. You draw a button with draw_sprite just like any other sprite, then use either "mouse click event" or do mouse_check_button() in code to add logic to it. On the other hand Unity has a shit ton of functions just for GUI's and HUD's and Widget's and so on. So GM ends up being closer to C++ in development style than things like Unity. And I believe a person needs to know low-level basic stuff as well, so I think you should better start with GM. That will require you to make all solutions yourself and that means you will learn stuff. Later though, you can go to Unity. That at least is my take on it. I haven't actually used Unity much, just looked at docs and tutorial videos, but I think I got the idea. I also don't really make stuff that requires me to use Unity. I can make everything I need in ENIGMA. Especially when I know the internals. :D

Off-Topic / Re: Everyone is Always Right
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:54:28 pm »
Please understand, there are two concepts. Evolution and Devolution.
You please understand that there is a difference between the word "evolution" and the "evolution theory" as in biology. In biology there is no such thing as devolution (at least since 19th century - There is only evolution.

My point clearly was, yes I know a five legged animal isn't evolution - that is my point exactly. Mutation is never positive and is almost never hereditary. Are we on the same page?
Why aren't mutations positive? And something as drastic as five legs is not yet evolution because evolution would also mean that this trait is given to its children as well. "Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations". Evolution is also not about evolving an individual, but about evolving a population (as in the previous definition). Another good quote:
A subtle point worth noting is that individual organisms do not evolve, not even if a particular organism is the one possessing a beneficial mutation that later spreads throughout the population. Populations evolve; individuals do not.
So while the mutation is the one giving the goat five legs, it will not be beneficial and it will probably not pass it to its children (either because of natural selection (as in it won't have any children) or because the mutation will just not carry over. Not all mutations transfer from parents to children).

ou are so determined to say that evolution is true science. Why?
Because it is. It is not way less "true science" than physics (any kind of physics, even the ones giving you IPhone) or biology in general (where evolution is an extremely important part). I guess I will give you definition of science as well. One definition:
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
And this all applies to evolution. I already told you before - science is not about jumping and then saying that there is gravity. Science is about why there is gravity, how to perform tests that would try break our theory of gravity (falsifications) or confirm the theory. In gravities case we now have theory of general relativity. It states that gravity is tied to mass and mass is tied to time. So gravity can impact time. To test this scientists have launched satellites in space and have noticed time drifts because of gravity. They have also just done that with two atomic clocks at different altitudes and noticed time dilatation. And that is science - scientists didn't stop with "We fall, ergo there's gravity".

"guy discovers solid proof of evolution"
You will never see that in media because evolution is already a scientific fact in the scientific world. No one writes academic papers with titles like "proof of evolution", but instead they write "evolution in species X". Even when in computer science they talk about genetic algorithms they don't start with "This is based on an unproven theory about evolution", but instead you hear "This works great, as it uses the same principle as nature". So it doesn't matter that evolution is not a "fact" for you. No one really cares, as science doesn't hold its progress so "that guy" would get it. They "evolve" (pun intended) while some sit still. And of course there could be a totally different process at play, as one of the pillars (again I mentioned this about 15 times now) of science is falsifiability. That means it can be proven wrong (unlike many made up stuff like religion). On the other hand science also works with facts, so proving it wrong is extremely hard (and rarely happens). Especially with theories with so large amount of scientific evidence.

It seems that sometimes religions can evolve too.
That is something touched previously a little. I have also noticed that some religious organizations like in Vatican not longer try to say that their book or ideas are fact. They stand away from science and agree with everything that comes out of it. And I believe they are doing the right thing. That will allow them to at least keep their religion together for a little while longer. On the other hand groups that don't do that will have less and less believers in them as people get more and more educated. Vatican has no problems with aliens, evolution, homosexuals or anything else right now. And as these ideas transcend to their adherents as well, then you could indeed call it a sort of evolution.

edit: Also check this: (a long read, but has many explanations about the things you are misunderstanding).
Also this: (It's a FAQ style guide on evolution. If you have a specific question you are not getting, then try searching for it there. It has the 99% of the questions creationists usually ask (for 50 years straight)).

edit2: Also, as Robert pointed out - Evolution in humans have almost stopped. At least natural selection has stopped and so is evolution is more "chaotic". As anyone now, even with terminal genetic condition, can usually survive while in not so distant past they couldn't. So of course we still evolve, but it is no longer for some kind of fitness.

Off-Topic / Re: What is a good programming language to start off with?
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:07:18 pm »
As in "programs" to start with GM does seem like the best thing. Unity isn't something I think a person should start with as it isn't as intuitive and easy. But it is more powerful and better maintained so if you master it, then that will help in the future. If you just want to start programming (as in looking for a language and not a program), then Python is one of the easiest ones. It isn't as powerful when making very large projects, but programming basics can be easily grasped in it.

Off-Topic / Re: Everyone is Always Right
« on: December 30, 2013, 06:42:55 am »
Harri you got it all wrong, read my last paragraph a second time, and you'll see why I mentioned the Nazi's, god fearing conservatives are just as bad as godless liberals.
Even so, what I meant is that you cannot take a groups actions, add only their religious beliefs and then think it's 100% connected. It's connected only if they specifically say it's connected (like Taliban killing women who wish to go to school, as it is contrary to their beliefs). In other cases it just shows how their beliefs DOESN'T allow them to make a better decision like they often say ("we are more moral because we are christians").

'If you don't follow our path, you will burn in hell'
But that is not about disregarding god. In other religions you burn in hell mostly, because you "offend" god. Like "you will burn in hell because you don't believe our god". In Buddhism it's just "you will burn in hell if you are a bad person" as karma is the only thing saying who does and doesn't go to hell.
A Naraka (Budism hell) differs from the hells of Abrahamic religions in two respects: firstly, beings are not sent to Naraka as the result of a divine judgment and punishment; secondly, the length of a being's stay in a Naraka is not eternal, though it is usually very long.

First you should see that i've put a smiley next to the sentence. This means it should be taken with a 'grain of salt'
That is why I added "(I doubt it's meant like that in your case though)". ;)

I am fed up to encounter people in every day life who think they know everything
I am too. But those people rarely are scientists. The thing "We know nothing" or "We have a lot to discover" is said often by many scientists as humility (as in understanding you might be wrong, changing your thinking whenever you have proven wrong and so on) is also very important in science. But I just wanted to say how not knowing something doesn't justify believing in god or anything else supernatural. You can if you wish, of course, but going on TV saying how science is BS just because they cannot explain X on the other hand is ignorance. And that is what I am referring too. There are many in this world (even among scientists) who are spiritual or believe their own idea of God, but they don't interfere in matters of science and our acquisition of knowledge while others sadly do. And people (like TKG) sometimes misunderstand science or some specific theory and then also goes on "science bashing" spree even when they are actually the wrong ones. And that is what often distinguishes scientists from theologians. Very few scientists ever dabble in religion (as in trying to prove one religion is false or other truthful or anything else) and they just do their research in the field they know the best. On the other hand there are many theologians debate (often without enough knowledge in the specific subject) about scientific theories because these theories contradict their ideas. So while one doesn't usually care about the other (as religion cannot destroy science), the other often does (as science can destroy many foundations of many religions).

edit: And I forgot:
And "Deus" is Latin for God, so unless I missed a hidden meaning I think I know what your username means.
Of course I do know that. My nickname comes from "Deus Ex Machina" (that is why I have Ex there as well). And it has really no connection to god.

Off-Topic / Re: Everyone is Always Right
« on: December 29, 2013, 04:45:20 pm »
Adolf Hitler - pretended to be religious, deluded enough that he may have actually thought he was, father was an atheist, mother was a devout religious believer, he was baptized and also an altar boy of the Roman Catholic Church, it was also Christian-Germans that he mainly represented when he came to power, he was also known as a "solider of christ", the Holocaust also grew out of Hitler's Christian teachings where Jews were inferior in Christian Austria and Germany, it is also known that Martin Luther (not the civil rights guy) had a livid hatred for the Jews and their religion because of his book titled "On the Jews and their Lies"
Nazi's - Very religious, hated jews, official belt buckle read "God With Us", also pushed Christianity to be taught in schools to counter the jews
Americans - Self-acclaimed saints and "guardians of the gates" of freedom, also known as god's country, invented and were the largest promoters of eugenics and ethnic cleansing which would later inspire the Nazi's
Joseph Stalin - Soviet Union head honcho, promoter of communism, raised as Russian Orthodox Catholic, stopped practicing religion, could be either religious or atheistic
Mao Zedong - raised as a Buddhist, but abandoned it and became an atheist, he is the guy whose face hangs over Tianenmen Square where those 2000 students were massacred for trying to rebel against China
I don't agree with this rant as in any way relevant. You can find both theists and atheists doing bad deeds and it's not like that will change. What I do believe is that religion just can be a reason for violence (as in "in the name of God"), while atheism technically cannot be (as it isn't anything. Atheism doesn't have like a book or code or anything. It's absence of belief in god. Just like me NOT being interested in rocks doesn't give me a "title" non-geologist.). For example Hitler (and Nazis) is not an example on why religion is bad, but it is an example on how being religious doesn't make you more moral. Just like Stalin was probably atheist during his communist reign, but that didn't make him a better person either. They both did what they did for other (mostly personal) reasons. And no god stopped them from doing it. There are some things you might call be done in "name of atheism" like religious persecutions in USSR, but it's hard to call them to be done "in the name of atheism", but more like "against the religion". Anyway, these things have stopped in most of the world.

Some people call Atheism a religion. It's not, and you can think of it this way - If there was no religion, there would be no atheism (just like if there were no stars, there would not be astrologists or the example I gave in the previous paragraph), while religion would still exist even if there was no atheism. So one cannot exist without the other, while the other can exist alone. Maybe in 1000 years there will be no religion and at that point there no longer will be atheists either.

Issues Help Desk / Re: Can't get ANYTHING to run (not even catch the clown)
« on: December 29, 2013, 02:27:40 pm »
NOWHERE NEAR mature right now
What I meant was that it can be used to create whatever you want in it. The room thing (as Robert pointed out) is LGM side. ENIGMA is only the game engine and the parser/compiler part. It is quite hard to make some GM projects (especially large ones) to work in ENIGMA just because of small incompatibilities (even syntax wise), but that doesn't mean ENIGMA is less mature. I have been using ENIGMA exclusively for about 1.5 years now for many different projects and I haven't had been in much problems. I don't make that many (or good) games though, so maybe there is problem in that regard. But I have created everything from AI simulation to 3D point cloud rendering in ENIGMA. I have played with pixel shaders (some problems there because of FFP we still use in GL3 implementation) as well as graphical effects using things like surfaces and it's functional. Right now there are still things that need to be done though. So you can come back 6 months and things will either be working flawlessly or (a bigger possibility) everything will be broken because of some another major system recode. :D

Off-Topic / Re: Everyone is Always Right
« on: December 29, 2013, 01:58:28 pm »
You still haven't explained why exactly evolution suggests positive mutations while real life can easily, blatantly display that is retarded and opposite what is fact. You aren't capable of defending your views, so you resorted to ignore the points I made about evolution and changed the subject to why you think religion is bull.
I didn't do that because I said you misunderstand the theory of evolution. Because even now you say something about five legs for a goat, while that is in no way what evolution is all about.

I have no choice but to do this. Please come up with an elaborate excuse as to why you supposedly disagree with this quote I'm reposting...
It's hard to disagree with it as it makes almost no sense. You haven't actually made a point in it. You just say that a goad growing a 5th leg is somehow a "positive" mutation. There is no "positive" or "negative" mutations. It's the environment among a thousand different factors which in the end would determine if it's "positive" (even though no one calls it that). And mutations over a period of time is extremely small (that is why it takes millions of years). That microevolution you mentioned that you agree with, is in fact the same thing. A million microevolitions is a macroevolution. Also, evolution is not "guided" in any way and so evolutionary changes don't happen because of specific need. For example, we won't grow 4 arms just because it would make us more productive. For example - "The Peppered Moth":
Originally, the vast majority of peppered moths (Biston betularia) had a light, mottled coloring which was a good camouflage against predators. Before the industrial revolution, a uniformly dark variant of the peppered moth made up 2% of the species. After the industrial revolution, 95% of peppered moths showed this dark coloration. The best explanation as to why this change in the species occurred is that the light moths lost their advantage of camouflage as light surfaces were darkened by pollution, and so light moths were eaten more frequently by birds. The peppered moth as an example of evolution has been attacked recently, usually as to the cause of the shift in coloration, but the example still stands as a major shift in a species caused by mutations leading to variation and natural selection.
( It might not be the best example, but it should demonstrate at least the idea. So it's not about what is "positive" or what is "negative". The color of the moth initially didn't matter and it was just a random chance that some, because of a mutation, would be black. When we started lighting up the place it was more advantageous to be black, so white were in a natural disadvantage and got eaten. This would increase the possibility the blacks would procreate and they - via natural selection - became to be the dominant ones. And that is what evolution is all about. It's not like moths became poisonous all of the sudden or grown new limbs. So I didn't try to be offensive before (and I sadly somehow offended you which was not my intention), but I am still adamant that you just misunderstand (or at least misunderstood) the whole idea. And it's nothing to be offended about. I don't call you stupid because you had a wrong impression. We all learn and I have made many such mistakes before. That is why I rarely give an "opinion" now, because I have learned that I need to be competent in the question to make a competent opinion. There are sadly many peoples on the internets (not you necessarily) who just talk and "discuss" about things they have no knowledge about - like you can find many videos on youtube about "free energy" and how "cold fusion works" and so on, but none of these people have any real understanding of physics, but they still have "strong" opinions that sadly end up spreading. That is why I also don't feel I should somehow teach evolution here (as I am not a biologist), but I do understand the basic idea and you must at least get the idea before trying to prove it wrong.

I doubt it, as human being is not only a logical being, but he has got also an heart with feelings, and science will never talks directly to human heart. But it's not its goal, and this doesn't mean science isn't wonderful. But i hope that 'dogmatic' religions, who reject science facts, will loose more and and influence.
Well that is what I mentioned before. I get that a person can be spiritual and believe something not proven (and usually in essence unprovable) by science, but I was referring to the religions which try to spread "truth" that clearly contradicts current scientific knowledge. And that is the current problem. Many religious people disregard evolution not because they have "evidence" against it or because of lack of evidence for it, but because a book says that it's wrong, and so it must be wrong. The same with many other questions. And it's not like they hold it to themselves like a spiritual person would, but they try to spread it (often times violently) to others.

Also, some of the most brilliant scientists have been believers.
You should be more careful on how you use the word "believers", because that is what usually implies God. But there is a large difference between being just spiritualistic and being religious or believing god. The greatest scientists for example mentioned in the book excerpt you posted:
Einstein - Atheist. He even clarified it when people took some of his quotes out of context or just misunderstood them (because he did hold some spiritual beliefs).
Heisenberg - believed God (but was not very religious).
Schrödinger- Atheist.
Louis de Broglie - non-religious.
Max Planck - Deist.
Wolfgang Pauli - Possibly spiritual, but not religious.
Arthur Stanley Eddington - believed God.
So many didn't and many new brilliant scientists still don't believe in God. God as in the sense any religion defines it. What they did believe (and some still do) are connected to spirituality. So you can be atheist and still be spiritual as well (as atheism is about not believing in god, not "life force" or something like that). Others were just deists who believed "personal god".

edit: Also, egofree:
But they don't what are exactly dark matter and dark energy !! What of joke !
The problem with many religious people is that they make a statement like this because it somehow "proves" god (I doubt it's meant like that in your case though). What I mean is that whenever a religious person find a single thing a scientist cannot precisely prove or explain, then that somehow becomes a reason to believe in god (also know as "god of the gaps" And that is a way of thinking that should be stopped. Science is an iterative process, we know now a million times more about the universe than we did 200 years ago, and there is no reason to believe rate of scientific inquiry will slow down or stop. So saying "They don't even know! What a joke!" is just ignorant, as in 1,5,20 or 100 years they might know. And then you will not be the one saying "I was wrong", but the one saying "yeah, they got that one, but they still don't know X". So no offense to you as well, but you should be more rational about your statement.

Off-Topic / Re: happy holidays
« on: December 29, 2013, 12:31:49 pm »
I also don't think it's a problem. Of course etymology wise it does come from religious side, but that in no way means it somehow a religious thing now. There are many secular and national holidays around the world. For example, commemoration of ending of WW2 is a holiday, but it is not in any way connected to religion. Just like Earth Day or many other. You can of course come up with a better name, but in English it is the most used one ( And I personally don't know another one which could be used.
In other languages of course there are other way to say it. In Latvian we have "brīvdiena" which means "free day" (as in day off). We also have "svētki" which in essence just means "holiday" and it even has a similar etymology ("svēts" means "holy"), but are not considered to have any religious connotations now. For example "Christmas" is "Ziemassvetki" which just means "Winter Holidays" (ziema + svētki). And it was called like that before Christianity, as originally it was a name for a pagan celebration for winter solstice (