It is a 'Marketplace'. Nothing should be released before it has even been tested.
I personally would never release anything unless I know it is 100% bug free
Amazing ! You just described what 99.9% software on the market are NOT.

Testing for obvious bugs and functionality I agree 100%, but 100% bug free that's over the top, if you have a gift then you are sitting on a gold mine and a fortune, and you should go work for Microsoft and company

and teach them how it's done lol! 100% bug free, that'll be the day.......Sometimes you can test over and over and discover bugs later on, what you want to sort out are the obvious bugs most people can spot and find.....It is not uncommon for software not to be tested properly........I see bugs all the time in software and go "how the bloody hell didn't those people find this obvious bug a 10 year old could figure out", sounds familiar? I see that in software and games... How about the very operating system !
(as certain as you can be of that anyway). People will find bugs and they will annihilate you if they find them.
True. So true.......Which is why it's best to find them early on - But on the good side it's FREE.....vs. an $800 software full of bugs and glitches

This is one of the major problems with the Enigma project. I don't know how it is now, but it was always freatures over stability. No one wants features over stability.
It's not as much as a problem as a software costing $800 which now has a large team...... ENIGMA is FREE, open source and relies on multiple contributors, which are scarce, and as you know some parts of ENIGMA are an utter MESS, left over by some previous contributors who left for whatever reason so leaving 2 developers who barely have time to piss picking up the pieces and MESS left overs, and few contributors here and there patching things and adding stuff, so yeah CONSIDERING this situation it's not bad. What ENIGMA needs is more contributors, and to contribute to ENIGMA, a C++ background

and Java for LGM.

and knowledge on graphics progamming and sound progamming for working with gfx and snd libs. So yeah that's what sets apart commercial products from open source.
Stability over features, true, but people want both, as people praise your product for its features......if it is stable but lacks feature you will still be "annihilated" (your term

) So anyhow many fixes and bugs resolved since you left, and many new features added, particularly to the IDE.
They probably added and fixed more stuff in that time period than YYG did at the crawling snail's pace they work on, but hey they are too busy now on developing GMS 2, so soon enough your beloved GMS 1.3/1.4 will be abandoned just like they abandoned GM8.1 where people reported many bugs left overs they ignored and didn't want to bloody fix....... So yeah....

I always go by the rule, start with a small feature list and make those features rock solid.
You are wise indeed, I agree. But the key word here is START. So one should say ENIGMA should have STARTED, but again with an open source project with multiple contributions, on a FREE project sometimes it can be hard to get people on the same wave length, you witnessed that ay ? lol

Yes you START at the base and build and make sure your foundation is solid. But what happens when you started wrong and have built an empire full of cracked walls and duct tape everywhere, it's overwhelming you just want to kick your nuts

Sometimes demolishing and rebuilding is not a real option, building ENIGMA took 100 years, so asking people to wait another 100 is ludicrous

So yeah you raise a good point, so at this stage they work with what they have and the time they have, better than nothing, I have seen lots since joining here, lots have been fixed and addressed, one could build a full functioning game in ENIGMA...there will always be bugs here and there and they are being addressed to the best of their ability and time ..... it's not as if they are adding new features every second day, most of what's done are bug fixes, but the problem is so much mess left behind, some stuff to be fixed would require lots of hard work.....but ultimately this whole attachment via GM's umbilical cord comes with a people want a stable solid FAST ENIGMA or be attached to GM's knob, that's the question. Personally I'd love to see ENIGMA be its own product, with the same ease of use, feature set + + +, and break from the whole GM compatibility - do stuff their own way, efficient, fast, stable.....I think part of what's holding back is the compatibility, maybe someone can correct me if i'm wrong.
Set the benchmark on how it should be done. Build a frame out of titanium, instead of trying to build a mansion with cards. 
Right.......Now go back in time using Art Bell's time machine contraption and go tell that to YYG..... Oh wait....then I guess if GM fit that description maybe there would be no ENIGMA.........Yeah we should be thankful for GM, as ENIGMA would not exist without .......