Posted on: September 22, 2014, 08:34:31 pm |
This is a small collection of Windows extensions I created and got working in GM:Studio, GM:8.1, and ENIGMA. Click screenshots to enlarge them.    Change the window border style of your game window to one of many styles. Download Window Styler: https://db.tt/QzcZe74J   Embed webpages whether online or local directly inside your game window. Download Web Browser: https://db.tt/7jKQaYby   Embed external applications and programs directly inside your game window. Download Embed Exe: https://db.tt/OqORLj9wThey are free, open source, and public domain. I hope you enjoy.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 03:46:20 pm by time-killer-games »
Reply #1 Posted on: September 22, 2014, 08:46:11 pm |
 Location: Cappuccino, CA Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 2991
This is excellent news TKG! I want to note though that for ENIGMA compatibility you may need to download the recent window fixes using git fetch and git pull from the git-bash program in the ZIP. I will include these changes in a future ZIP release but I am currently busy improving XLIB.
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect. 
Reply #2 Posted on: September 22, 2014, 08:58:14 pm |
 Joined: Jan 2014
Posts: 1238
Very nice work TKG and company. Finally someone among few who releases worthy material in the market place  Good to see there is finally hope for this feature. Cheers
Reply #3 Posted on: September 23, 2014, 08:29:44 pm |
 Location: The throne of ringworld Joined: Apr 2014
Posts: 402
Okay, now I know why Lonewolff visited here again today (I saw him online). He was upset with me, refused to accept my apology and misunderstanding, he saw this and decided to down rate my window styler extension. He has major issues. If he wants there to still be tension then that is very imatur because that won't do anything but make us but heads and continue being upset for no apparent reason. Okay now that is a retarded idea.
The funny thing is even with his hostile intension he did nothing but help me, and when the issues he described I have fixed, I can get an admin to delete his review by force. Ironic, isn't it?
So the guy who claims to be dumber than me has several finished games, knows enough to write extensions for GM and is selling them already . . . Yea, I'd say you are definetely dumber than me . . . NOT!On a more serious note, congrats TKG!  On both the finished games and the extensions, don't forget about us mortals when you buy Steam!
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. Groucho Marx
Reply #4 Posted on: September 23, 2014, 09:37:35 pm |
 Joined: Jan 2014
Posts: 1238
Yeah he makes games, shiny floors and walls too, that takes skill and creativity....not a given, he's smarter than he gives himself credit though.....game developer, music composer, etc. he might have a future in film making  I read LoneWolf (Jason Soup Campbell) review, hey at least he made constructive criticism, maybe his intentions were to actually help, nice report he made, he could have just said "it sucks" or one liner but he gave lots of feedback. But he gave you one star, that was harsh  I think you had every reason to be suspicious of him, don't feel bad about it, him coming here asking about the video and suddenly vanishing, deleting his account and all posts, that would strike as highly suspicious, so is selling a video extension for $999, I mean Christ, he sure didn't defend himself or deny anything other than delete his accounts and vanish. So don't feel bad. As long as his review is FACTUAL, what he claims was true, you can't really have it removed, you can consider it constructive criticism - that's to be expected in a market place - some people will maliciously down rate you, others will back up their claims, though I don't think you both will kiss and make out anytime soon though, but fuck it, you are better than him, he had us all fooled here and let's leave it at that. Cheers
Reply #6 Posted on: September 23, 2014, 10:16:44 pm |
 Location: Cappuccino, CA Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 2991
Guys this extension actually had another bug, we were not setting the window flags consistent with GM8.1 which was causing the window size to report bigger than it was which was also adversely affecting the GUI and viewport scaling. Please fetch/pull from master and this extension should work perfectly now, I will have the fix in the next Portable ZIP. Edit: Fixes included in the new Portable ZIP. http://enigma-dev.org/docs/Wiki/Install:Windows
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 11:58:57 pm by Robert B Colton »
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect. 
Reply #7 Posted on: September 23, 2014, 10:24:50 pm |
 Location: The throne of ringworld Joined: Apr 2014
Posts: 402
Guys this extension actually had another bug, we were not setting the window flags consistent with GM8.1 which was causing the window size to report bigger than it was which was also adversely affecting the GUI and viewport scaling. Please fetch/pull from master and this extension should work perfectly now, I will have the fix in the next Portable ZIP.
Not to worry I have some really busy months ahead so I probably wont be doing any game testing/development until maybe 2015's second half.  Will keep checking the progress you guys make and busting TKG's chops anytime he sells himself short, but I really don't see how I could make the time for anything else than my school and helping my son get to the higschool he choose. (The lad wants to be a game programer, wonder where does he get that inclination?) 
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. Groucho Marx
Reply #8 Posted on: September 24, 2014, 06:33:26 am |
Okay, now I know why Lonewolff visited here again today (I saw him online). He was upset with me, refused to accept my apology and misunderstanding, he saw this and decided to down rate my window styler extension. He has major issues. If he wants there to still be tension then that is very imatur because that won't do anything but make us but heads and continue being upset for no apparent reason. Okay now that is a retarded idea.
The funny thing is even with his hostile intension he did nothing but help me, and when the issues he described I have fixed, I can get an admin to delete his review by force. Ironic, isn't it?
Err, hang on a sec. I pointed out what is buggy in your extension (which is quite a bit). I also emailed you directly explaining how to use window_handle() correctly, as you are not using it properly. It is used as a ty_string and not a ty_real, as it is a pointer. Your extension is of very poor quality (sorry to say it, but just being honest). How can something be rated more than one star when none if it's functions work flawlessly? Seriously. I also said in my email to you that I had no hard feelings with the abuse you sent me through a fake Google account (of which you begged for an apology via email - twice). I think you are being very two faced about this and keep hiding what is actually happening behind the scenes. Would you like me to post both of your apology emails here for people to really see what is going on? You thanked me on the review page for pointing out half a dozen problems on a simple extension for Christ sake. I didn't have to go to that level. It is up to you to make sure your extensions are of a commercial quality before releasing...
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 06:53:52 am by lonewolff »
Reply #9 Posted on: September 24, 2014, 03:18:24 pm |
I didn't get your email but I will read it after this post. It isn't a fake Google account. If it was from either samuel.venable.1@gmail.com, which I use for YouTube. Or my hotmail, samuelvenable@hotmail.com I don't remember part of what your talking about. But it's no big deal I'll take your word for it.
Okay I understand where you are coming from but I don't always check the window size and every other possible variable when I changed the window styles, I discovered that it was nothing wrong with my code it was a dumb idea Microsoft had that a lot of windows devs have complained about.changing the window style shouldn't every effect the client area size, but on windows it does. I wouldn't be surprised if this problem doesn't exist on the Linux equivalent,
Anyways, sorry about that. I fixed everything you mentioned. The only known issue I have now, which I discovered on my own. The maximize button when having a sizeable window, it can be maximized, but not un-maximized. I know how to fix. If the window rect is greater than equal to the display minus the taskbar area, then don't store the size in a var, otherwise do. When unmaximize is triggered set the window back to prev size. It should be done within a few hours, I'm busy ATM.
Thanks for telling me how to use window handle, I was using FindWindow instead for studio because window_handle I had the impression stopped working in studio, apparently not.
Edit. I'm not being two faced. What I post here was what I really thought was happened and I was wrong, again, and why I thanked your review is because I was being nice to you even though I thought your rating was intentionally harsh, which it wasn't.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 04:02:44 pm by time-killer-games »
Reply #10 Posted on: September 24, 2014, 03:28:33 pm |
 Location: The throne of ringworld Joined: Apr 2014
Posts: 402
The maximize button when having a sizeable window, it can be maximized, but not un-maximized. I know how to fix. If the window rect is greater than equal to the display minus the taskbar area, then don't store the size in a var, otherwise do. When unmaximize is triggered set the window back to prev size. Between this and your own extension you should be able to quickly modify your games so I can play them then  (Just saying) 
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. Groucho Marx
Reply #11 Posted on: September 24, 2014, 03:41:15 pm |
What problems are you having edsquare? I know the resolution is a problem on my point and click games, and that'll take a while to fix due to both bugs in how I made them and how studio handled it. Everything else should work on your machine. Edit. Are you able to resize your resolution to be 1280x960 or larger? If so it's not hard to do in the meantime.  a temp fix for you.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 03:43:14 pm by time-killer-games »
Reply #12 Posted on: September 24, 2014, 03:45:13 pm |
 Location: The throne of ringworld Joined: Apr 2014
Posts: 402
What problems are you having edsquare? I know the resolution is a problem on my point and click games, and that'll take a while to fix due to both bugs in how I made them and how studio handled it. Everything else should work on your machine.
Edit. Are you able to resize your resolution to be 1280x960 or larger? If so it's not hard to do in the meantime. a temp fix for you.
What would that accomplish? Throw everything out of sight on my small screen? Don't worry though I can wait to try them when I finally fix my bigger screen or buy a new one (whatever is cheaper) 
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. Groucho Marx
Reply #13 Posted on: September 24, 2014, 03:55:11 pm |
Good stuff.
Reply #14 Posted on: September 24, 2014, 05:05:41 pm |
Okay I understand where you are coming from but I don't always check the window size and every other possible variable when I changed the window styles, I discovered that it was nothing wrong with my code it was a dumb idea Microsoft had that a lot of windows devs have complained about.changing the window style shouldn't every effect the client area size, but on windows it does. I wouldn't be surprised if this problem doesn't exist on the Linux equivalent.
Changing the window style will always change the client area. It is a well known fact. Stupid yes, I agree. For example if you request a normal window to be 640 x 480, that will be the size of the window, not the client area. Client area will be less, unless borderless. So, each style, button, etc, will throw the client size around every time and needs to be recalculated every time you change something.