- Total Time Spent Online:
- 76 days, 22 hours and 11 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 794 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 46 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 17 votes
- 12 am
- 1 am
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- 12 pm
- 1 pm
- 2 pm
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- 5 pm
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- 7 pm
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- 9 pm
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- 11 pm
- General ENIGMA
164 posts of the member's 794 posts (20.65%)164
- Issues Help Desk
135 posts of the member's 794 posts (17.00%)135
- Proposals
118 posts of the member's 794 posts (14.86%)118
- Announcements
100 posts of the member's 794 posts (12.59%)100
- Function Peer Review
35 posts of the member's 794 posts (4.41%)35
- Ideas and Design
12 posts of the member's 794 posts (1.51%)12
- Off-Topic
11 posts of the member's 794 posts (1.39%)11
- Developing ENIGMA
7 posts of the member's 794 posts (0.88%)7
4 posts of the member's 794 posts (0.50%)4
- Works in Progress
2 posts of the member's 794 posts (0.25%)2
- Function Peer Review
35 posts of the board's 536 posts (6.53%)6.53%
- Proposals
118 posts of the board's 2012 posts (5.86%)5.86%
- Ideas and Design
12 posts of the board's 233 posts (5.15%)5.15%
- General ENIGMA
164 posts of the board's 4611 posts (3.56%)3.56%
- Issues Help Desk
135 posts of the board's 4585 posts (2.94%)2.94%
4 posts of the board's 136 posts (2.94%)2.94%
- Announcements
100 posts of the board's 3644 posts (2.74%)2.74%
- Developing ENIGMA
7 posts of the board's 876 posts (0.80%)0.80%
- Third Party
1 posts of the board's 221 posts (0.45%)0.45%
- Off-Topic
11 posts of the board's 3077 posts (0.36%)0.36%