General fluff => General ENIGMA => Topic started by: hpg678 on January 16, 2021, 06:12:45 pm

Title: Enigma and The Raspberry PI
Post by: hpg678 on January 16, 2021, 06:12:45 pm
Greeting, my fellow enigmanaunts! With everything that is happening in the world nowadays, there wasn't much word from me about the state of Enigma progress. Well i'm happy and excited to tell you that there's another platform Enigma have been successfully transitioned to. That platform is no other than ARM via the Raspberry PI4.

Through the generosity of Goombert, one of the project devs, in gifting me one, such a feat was accomplished.

The Raspberry PI4 used has 4GB memory with a 32GB flash card for storage. You can upgrade the storage as high as you are willing to go. 32Gb is descent enough,As far as installation goes, it went through smoothly. However I had numerous problems attempting to upgrade the gcc and g++ libraries. Unfortunately, the highest version Raspbian uses is 8.3 which causes errors.

After numerous failures trying to upgrade, i installed Manjaro ARM and all problems were non-existant. you can use the setup instructions detailed from here.
There are some tweaks I did which you do if you choose to. Depending on you PI setup, you can use a USB or Flash Disk with higher capacity. I opted to use an external drive enclosure with a 500GB Hard drive as i had one laying around.. There are kits and enclosures designed for the PI but as mine is already in one, this external drive option was the better solution.

i will do instruction a video from installation to compiling a game soon, so look out for that soon.
i must say that I am marveled at the PI. Not only for its size, but its simplicity and power consumption  5 Volts. to run a computer and its peripherals. It is indeed a wonder of technology.
if you have any questions , you can find me on the Discord.

Until then, "be excellent with one another"
Title: Re: Enigma and The Raspberry PI
Post by: Yambam on January 18, 2021, 01:55:14 pm
Well actually I was just thinking about getting myself a Raspberry Pi 4 as well, so I just wanted to chime in and say: thanks for the news! I'll try to remember that I need to use Manjaro distro too. :D
Title: Re: Enigma and The Raspberry PI
Post by: hpg678 on January 20, 2021, 03:14:30 am
you are so welcome. I will try to convert some more titles.......and testing on the PI in the future.

Title: Re: Enigma and The Raspberry PI
Post by: time-killer-games on March 20, 2021, 05:20:31 pm
This topic was a painful read.

No - you don't need to install manjaro. It will work with any Linux distro if you actually know what you are doing.

To top it all off, if you know how to copy and paste a script from our Ubuntu/Debian wiki, that should work just fine on Raspbian.

I did that just now. My pi came in the mail today. Instructions didn't need to be modified. It 'just works'.
