Development => Works in Progress => Topic started by: Goombert on November 17, 2013, 07:43:36 pm
I figured we should start a topic where you everybody can show a game they are currently working on, doesn't have to be made in ENIGMA, it can just be anything you are currently working on.
The general forum board rules apply here as well, including no pictures of pornographic material, etc. But there are a few extra rules for this topic.
1) You can have multiple screenshots in a post, but please use the [img width=xx]url[/img]
code to embed the images shrunken so your post doesn't take up someones whole browser.
2) Only 1 post per person, this is not a place to give feedback on people's projects, save it for when they actually have a working demo and their own topic.
3) No download links, if you have a download link, just go ahead and post your own topic.
This topic will be archived and a new one posted in it's place when it gets too large. Allow me to start off with a screenshot of my game I am making.
Here's another one by me, God of Man.
Im starting the dev of my first game: RainingCrystals, an action-platformer with my own characters
looks nice ^-^
Yeah I agree with TKG, the graphics look really nice. (Y)
Thanks :3
Its funny because those graphics are placeholders while i get a proper graphic artist or such, but im trying to learn some basics of drawing sprites.
when creating my game: Crocky, classic platformer
Looks good, i like the cartoonish style ;D
(http://i.imgur.com/RUwmx6Q.gif) (http://imgur.com/RUwmx6Q)
Small project. Still quite a bit to go.
I wish that I could scale tiles though :eng99:
Scale at runtime or scale in room editor? Because we do support that at runtime with tile_add(). There would need to be changes in LGM's room editor to support that though.
Yeah these games are all looking great you guys. The tile scaling hasn't been added yet but LGM does need the IDE properties for the room editor and then ENIGMA could implement them when it's ready. I won't be doing that in the next LGM release though, I don't think.
The game in Missle Command style, will be Open Source
My friend broke down and did some graphics do not like that, but maybe not so bad?
Linux 64:
BTW. Do you have any issue about broken save (LateralGM bug??) ?
Sometimes my saves get corrupted because LGM crashes during save. But we already know about LGM crashes, so I'm tired of reporting them.
Sorry for being a bit offtopic but when i tried to save my project in egm format it gets corupted after a couple of days maybe hours, does exist a solution for this?
Can you load it after the save at all? If yes, then does LGM crash during saving? Because for me corruption only happens if LGM crashes during saving. It doesn't get corrupt without crashing, so if this happens to you it might be new issue.
Yes, as TheExDeus points out, some additional information is necessary. Such as what you were doing when the file was corrupted and any error messages you may have received including the version number.