Question: Choose Truths.
cheeseboy - 2 (2.1%)
fundies - 1 (1%)
sabayonuser - 1 (1%)
A-T|Poliwag - 1 (1%)
Score_Under - 7 (7.3%)
JoshDreamland - 6 (6.3%)
RobertBColton - 3 (3.1%)
DatZach - 5 (5.2%)
Spirit0 - 5 (5.2%)
polygonz - 3 (3.1%)
DarkAceZ - 5 (5.2%)
DatZach_ - 5 (5.2%)
bobtheblueberry - 1 (1%)
kkg - 2 (2.1%)
dazappa - 2 (2.1%)
TheVoid - 0 (0%)
IsmAvatar - 7 (7.3%)
TGMG - 4 (4.2%)
Gary - 2 (2.1%)
sirmxe - 4 (4.2%)
bees - 1 (1%)
doxcat - 1 (1%)
MahFreenAmeh - 2 (2.1%)
Warman - 1 (1%)
Ghoul_ - 3 (3.1%)
Darky - 0 (0%)
EnigmaBot - 4 (4.2%)
ChanServ - 1 (1%)
Operator Status - 2 (2.1%)
_`_ - 1 (1%)
AceKitty - 0 (0%)
dlpa - 1 (1%)
aeprotestsi - 0 (0%)
a2h - 1 (1%)
DarkAceLaptop - 4 (4.2%)
xen - 0 (0%)
IRC Op - 1 (1%)
cowboycarrot - 0 (0%)
mode +b - 2 (2.1%)
Everyone else that doesn't matter - 2 (2.1%)
Nimrod (brony) - 0 (0%)
Total Members Voted: 11

Pages: 1
Author Topic: Who do we Like the Most on #enigma?  (Read 1854 times)
Offline (Male) DarkAceZ
Posted on: April 29, 2013, 10:29:25 am

Location: United States
Joined: Dec 2011
Posts: 75

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(users are in no specific order (too lazy to))

Should we also have a who we hate the most? That'd be just as fun, if not more!
My Goodness! Is it 4:30? I'm supposed to be having a back, sack and crack!

Pages: 1