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Messages - Darkstar2

Developing ENIGMA / Re: Command Line Interface
« on: June 28, 2014, 10:36:59 am »
Harri is on a roll :D

I love how Darkstar missed the point entirely - when he was notified of this, he was still missing the point for several posts more. :D

What am I still missing ?  LGM passes its memory to the compiler, where CLI would process the file directly no ?  Not everyone has a clear understanding of the inner workings of ENIGMA or how IDE and compilers connect to one another.....  :P It's mostly his comment building an entire game without the IDE,

On that note, I agree we should use EGM.

Also there is a flaw in LGM anyway, despite saving project before closing LGM it always keeps reminding me that I have not saved my changes and if I really want to quit. So that would need to be fixed first.

Developing ENIGMA / Re: Command Line Interface
« on: June 27, 2014, 10:22:00 pm »
Can't wait to try this one,

could you document what it does and what it does not YET compile, would be really nice.

So once this is finished you will plug this into LGM ?

How will it work will we still have the option of using the regular method passing the memory content to the compiler OR saving project then accessing the CLI ?
It would probably be best to make the CLI inside LGM optional until it is 100% fully compatible.

Faster compile and more stable that would be a major step up as LGM is crashing like crazy, and no not just JoshEdit but there is shite coming from different orifices each time, EGMLib, JVM, Out of Memory, Swing, and some weird shite I never heard of it's a pain in the arsehole !

Off-Topic / Re: True Valhalla
« on: June 27, 2014, 10:17:23 pm »

Interesting topic I read it all.  Did you read TV's reply ???

I can confirm this is not slander his book really is 20 pages long, that's like charging people $1 per page which is hilarious. It was in huge font too, I felt like I was reading a book geared toward children with bad eyesight. It isn't slander to count 20 pages of pure fluff. That's not a personal attack, it's called having eyeballs.

Well no not slander, the calling someone con artist, scam artist, thief, liars, etc, that's slander, but according to law if you can back your claims with facts, that will hold in any case and protect you, though these things are very subjective, as are games.  Some might consider his games amazing and his eBook amazing, whilst some might consider it rubbish.  Personally I would never sell an eBook without giving my readers some good credentials....Showing the index of the book, few pages, etc.  It is not uncommon for people to allegedly feel ripped off buying eBooks online, but there are lot of gray areas.  Most of the shite you find in these fucking eBooks you can find for free if you do your own research and know how to properly use a search engine :D  However it is not against the law to sell information that's already out there and FREE, that's a billions $ industry :P 

As far as the alleged misleading people, he claims he never mentioned about the sponsor list or made it a selling point, personally I have not followed this whole thing myself, but I never actually believed his claims / revenues and I don't have any respect for people who allegedly push those get rich quick schemes online.

There are many ways to earn money online, unfortunately most involve pyramids, matrix, ponzi schemes and affiliate marketing garbage / MLM ,etc.  The real money you earn with your bloody sweat, talents, efforts, or sell games like flappy bird :P

Read the first few comments on this article for more details

Well, TKG......If a guy can make $50k a day selling Flappy Bird I guess anything is possible.  One would wonder why would he lie about his income unless he is selling a program to teach you how to earn similar......Mind you I was skeptic and did not believe his reports, but after the whole flappy bird thing, who knows what is possible now.  In theory one could make 5 figures daily selling sea shells and rocks if they wanted to........we live in a weird world. :D

His desktop titles are nothing to be desired, and by no means could ever be evidence of his income. He don't even make his own graphics (coming from his mouth on his website) he collaborates with artist who I assume work for free.

Or allegedly uses royalty free images - again nothing wrong about that ! Not everyone has the skill to hand draw their graphics.  I have nothing against people outsourcing their game  content or using royalty free, they still have to code the game, so long as they give credit and are allowed to use content......Truly 100% hand made original games are rare.......

His games are nothing special at all, their pretty much like any other crappy indies polluting the web.

If you think that is bad see his html5 shite. The games are boring as fuck, especially that bird thing that can switch vertical gravity.

FLIP DUCK PREMIUM !   Hmmm.  Nice.....:D  Mind you some of his games are far better than some of the rubibish I've seen, in other words I've seen worse. But again, that is subjective.  You might not like his games, but some do, and the internet has billions of people out of which millions who would buy these kinds of games, and reason why some people make riches without top notch games. :D

PS  He must be stoned on some pretty hard liquor if he really think he can convince everyone that he really makes that kind of money he claims to get in the mail regularly. I'm telling you this guy's on drugs. A fucking pothead. XD

Now that's slander :D   :P

#1) Whether he makes that kind of money from his games is open for debate.  I was skeptic once, but it's not impossible to earn such money on selling games, proof is out there :D

#2) As far as his alleged online earnings from other sources, this is where I would raise big red flags, as I myself am familiar with lots of the programs online to make money and have followed this for a long time...there are lot of scams / work at home / earn online crap .... so that part I would question, but keeping in mind it is not impossible to make such earnings online, whether the money comes from legit business models is another story, I am not familiar with the programs he uses so can't comment on that.

Issues Help Desk / Re: So much for variable type declarations
« on: June 27, 2014, 02:01:59 am »
I remember reading that it is bad practice to use var inside ENIGMA.

Issues Help Desk / Re: So much for variable type declarations
« on: June 27, 2014, 01:02:08 am »
So how do I define a string in my enigma project then?

Issues Help Desk / So much for variable type declarations
« on: June 26, 2014, 11:46:43 pm »
string a;
in create event
1 Objects:
 obj_0: 12 events:
  Event[0]:   Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `obj_0::create...Syntax error in object `obj_0', Create event:0:
Line 1, position 1 (absolute 0): Unterminated brace at this point

How the hell am I supposed to declare string variables in ENIGMA ?

I can only do int, double, long, float ,char,
but no string !?!?!?!?

Issues Help Desk / Re: script threading does not work
« on: June 26, 2014, 10:50:18 pm »
Does it work only for show message ?

What about binary file read ?
I tried calling a script that had binary read and it froze the entire game until the block was loaded and script finished.

Proposals / Re: File operations SHIT slow in ENIGMA!
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:50:37 pm »
Thanks Josh I was aware of this, these are from the stdio, but didn't know I could integrate these kind of C++ codes into my projects. :D

Proposals / File operations slow in ENIGMA!
« on: June 26, 2014, 04:39:09 pm »
Now I now this is same behaviour for another known game development software....... but how about making it actually different in ENIGMA, or adding some new file handling ?

writing or reading binary @ 10MB/20MB is slow when today,s hardware can handle 100MB-200MB+++.
IS there a way to implement more optimised faster file I/O in ENIGMA this is one area we don't need to match GMStudio.

Issues Help Desk / script threading does not work
« on: June 26, 2014, 03:01:52 pm »
Let's say I want to load some binary data in the background without the dreaded black screen freeze,
and having a loading and progress bar, it does not work.
Example script is write.

I tried thread = script_thread(write,1)
(passing value 1 to script write.
But it does not work.

Third Party / Re: Sprite/Map Editor Almost Done!
« on: June 26, 2014, 02:48:04 pm »
That's great, but I think you meant 32bit not byte :)

LOL I'm locking this !  no replies, and all this was on the back of an enabled depth buffer. :P

Now it's fixed.

BTW, any follow-up on this proposal ? I think for large game developers learning to use efficient, dynamic resource handling is a positive step, keeping the IDE fast and tidy.  Those not wanting to use individual files and pack file formats reading only a range of bytes from a file directly to memory.

Off-Topic / Re: Sound Editor (MIDI)
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:46:16 pm »
Did I say 6 months to a year? fuck that, it'll be more like two years, the room (level) editor is something really hard to do.

Will see if I can't find examples in other languages and try and port one of them.

Good thing you wrote that I was going to say you are really optimistic unless you have mad skills and alien like traits, maybe, mind you not impossible, but doubt you'd be putting full time hours, I've always said 1 year best case scenario, 2+ years realistic, could be more.  But don't worry mate, by that time PCs will be discontinued, there will be a totally different CPU architecture, and your code will probably not be compatible.
Unfortunately people are moving towards gay consoles and hand held shite and mobiles ditching PCs gradually.  I think this is one of the reason why a certain company I know that makes a game development engine is focusing more on mobile and consoles and slowly disregarding windows.
In fact a roumour from a trusted source says that they are moving slowly away from windows and support only consoles and mobile.

So if in 2 years your engine does not support a plethora of export options you basically will have wasted time.

Proposals / Re: Make the views visible in the rooms editor
« on: June 22, 2014, 11:57:02 am »
I think he's also referring to using view boundary rectangles as done in GM.
Those are not present on LGM.

@egofree:  I simulate this by creating my own outline in my paint program and overlapping it whilst editing room. then removing it once game is completed.  it would be nice to have this feature though.