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Messages - Darkstar2

Off-Topic / Re: On a distant future
« on: July 19, 2014, 08:24:34 pm »
If you hurry, you can get it on a VR platform that hasn't been bought by Facebook, before they expose the public to something that ruins all of VR for them. Maybe you can prevent disaster.

I'm guessing you are not a fan of FACEBOOK.


The last thing they haven't acquired is the air we breath. :P

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 19, 2014, 08:23:40 pm »

I don't know diddly squat about games in 2D what makes you think I would know something about 3D games? the image I posted? it was going to be part of a game made with GameEditor, fake 3D, but in the end I didn't finished it, now if I ever get good enough with enigma maybe I will

Also already took two IQ tests, no I'm not 180 only 136 so no genious here man.

When I take Blasters game to the next level, real time holographic projections, Alternate Reality, sensory realism, travel suits, time machines, etc, I'll be sure to give you a call.  ;D

If someone can help me find a time machine fairly inexpensive so I can fuck off to another planet or universe with life form that actually live in peace with one another and all equal I'd love that though, you can give me a call, if you find me such a time travel machine.
Where's Art Bell when you need him, LOL.

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 19, 2014, 08:17:46 pm »
Darkstar I love you man but he basically wanted you to stop and you're still not doing it. Chill bro.

Did he ASK ?   Also don't put words in my mouth, I never said drugs and drunks are worse than pedophiles...... I said DRUGS are a big problem in society and majority of crimes committed evolve around organised crime industry and gangs, and you and him are smart enough to know that drugs is the center of those crimes.

Also I seem to recall that I did not start the religious debate / topic, in fact I have not discussed such topics in years, only responded since people here have open mind and smart.

He said he was not going to respond, he did not ASK me to stop.

This is a public forum where anything can be discussed.

I would like to remind the OP or anybody that if you don't want a topic to continue to be discussed LOCK IT.  At the bottom you will see an option LOCK TOPIC, only the topic starter can lock topics, and of course an administrator.

I've locked topics before because they were getting out of control.

The LOCKING topic feature is available to every member.  USE's better than "ASKING" or "DEMANDING" that people stop..... :P

Also if people are offended and not open to debate, they should be careful the type of topics they open......This is just a general comment not aimed at anybody in particular......if you can't take the heat, don't start the fire.

On that note, cheers.

If only this long debate and flame only reinforces my beliefs .... thanks.

I too will not be responding to religious type posts in this topic.  Still open to discuss this with anybody who wishes, but don't start topics if you can't handle the discussion or
make it clear from the start what you want and don't want to discuss.

Whatever trauma you had as a child or an adult in relation to priests or religion I am sorry, you must have gone through something really serious I can feel it in your posts, maybe I'm wrong, but it's just an instinct.  I guess a forum might not be the place to discuss these things if they are sensitive in nature.

Peace out.

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 19, 2014, 08:10:41 pm »
Only to this will I answer, I don't want you to convert to any religion, if I were to start proselitizing it would be to de convert people out of every religion, but you see... the Jains are the only religion out there (that I know of) whose tenants can be taken to any extremism you want and still will not cause suffering to anybody (They believe only in non violence) the extremist among them cover their mouths and nostrils so as not to aspire an insect by accident and harm it.  :)

Never heard of this religion, but I don't have a 180 IQ either lol.  All I am is born Catholic and my entire family is catholic, and that's about it.....I USED to go to Church every sunday and pray the stone and wooden statues like the other hypocrites - I used to pray every nite before going to bed, I used to be more "practicing".  But as I grew up it's as though I distanced myself.... though never stopped believing, however, and oddly, I felt so much better in so many ways when I was more "religious" than I do now.......but that's another story, perhaps a lot of the scamery and hypocrisy and crap involved in my religion has not inspired me, I dunno, I think our creator is non discriminating, in other words it's one creator to all, and not one God per religion / race / culture.  Logically, if someone created the world, they made ALL of it, including all forms of human and life, not one God for each race, that to me would make no sense, however I respect those who believe otherwise, as apparently if one has to rely on religion there are probably 166 different Gods out there ! :D

Now I am very interested in topics of dreams, parallel universe, paranormal, physics, quantum physics, etc.... and that has NOTHING to do with God or religion, and I have an open mind, debating..... IN fact some of my future games might include some elements of that, traveling from one galaxy or universe to another, etc.

And by your 3D game I also reckon you too like such fields.......

I'd love to help but my skills with 3D are extremely limited........ :(

Though if you want to take your game to the next level, real time holographic projections, Alternate Reality, sensory realism, travel suits, time machines, etc, I'm your guy ! lol.

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 19, 2014, 08:02:16 pm »
Exactly, I've never done any drug and yet I really think it should be legal to buy them and do them, we already allow two legal drugs (tobacco and alcohol).

I have never done drugs either, I don't think it is right to do drugs.  WHY ? because not only you are putting your life in danger, but the life of others in danger !  I have seen and heard about many vicious violent crimes, in majority of the cases they are drug related. FUCK drugs.  I'm ok for its medical use, under a controlled environment, but allowing everyone to stone themselves, you can imagine what kind of society that makes.  People who have kids and want them to play outside or if you want to get out of the house you want to feel safe, not fear someone will kill you because they were under the influence of a drug and did not know what they were doing, then get away with it and plead insanity and avoid jail ! makes me fucking sick.

Also mate, alcohol is NOT drugs.  That would be comparing apples and oranges.  Sure alcohol can also be used wrong and you can take the life of someone through drunk driving, BUT.....DRUG is a bigger problem anyway, many people have screwed their lives from drugs and their brains.

Also drinking, or doing pot and being promiscuous is, in no way, equal to being a rapist pedophile, a murderer, a

Nobody claimed otherwise.   However remove the drug cartel industry and you eliminated 95% world crimes.  Here, nearly 99% of crimes involve drug transaction gone wrong, money/drugs, there is always a connection drugs.

Anyhow if you got to know me in real life you'd see religion and God are the last topics I discuss, I only discussed this here since the topic was brought up by someone else, otherwise I have not discussed religion or God in ages.......:P

As far as games I am extremely busy and flooded, barely sleep.  I have too much on my plate, I have a few submissions I would like to do with LGM and ENIGMA, working on some native C++ application and projects I am writing straight in C++ and will use this in my projects/games directly and have them integrated to ENIGMA if accepted...
 and want to get some breather and really get into gaming and doing weird stuff too :D

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 19, 2014, 06:29:00 pm »
Believer and practicing christian, you mean like the pedophile priests?

Not all priests are pedophiles  and not all priests are real Christians - they are pedophiles who decided to become priests for obvious reasons :P  There are pedophiles in every religion mind you, some at higher levels, but I won't go into that :D

So in short, anybody who is a prick isn't a true believer but a secret atheist? Give me a break! You can't be serious!

If you bothered reading carefully you would see that I meant that there are pricks in the two groups, religious and non religious perhaps equally.  There is no such a thing as a secret atheist that is absurd, most atheists are open about not believing in God or ANYTHING.  Might not be the same for religious people, by fear of persecution, :P

So basically you are saying that any self proclaimed believer who happens to be a dick is in reality an atheist and that since they are atheists, and some atheist do have a different standard about moral than you (drinking, drugs, promiscuity) then all or most of atheists are dicks, cunts and m***erf***ers?

Nope you are taking everything out of context - I said I am sure there is an equal number of pricks on both sides of the pond, even though I too have seen more bad atheist, but I know that does not mean all of them, I ALSO but you failed to read because there might be an agenda, I ALSO admitted I have seen non atheists being real jerks too, so what's the damn problem ???  I'm trying to say that religion or one's belief is not the sole indicator of someone's character, there are just as much bloody imbeciles who are Christian believers than here are those in any other religion or those non believers. 
Now if you are a jain I apologize, I wish every religious person converted to that religion.

See, I openly admit my beliefs but I don't try to ask people to convert to mine, and I don't appreciate people, especially atheists to tell me to stop believing or convert to another fucking gay religion, because I don't do that :D

I could give a fuck less about the cunts of priests or higher up fags who gave my so-called religion a bad name, that won't change my mind or change my beliefs, that would be like persecuting an entire race for the crimes of certain ones, that would be equally bad than saying a particular race is violence / crime prone.

To each their own, if some ****a across the street worships cotton candy and rocks, so be it, so long as the motherfucker doesn't bother me or try to change me, so be it, I respect that.

I have a feeling that in your case you probably have had an extremely traumatic experience, either in your childhood or as an adult in regards to religion, God, etc..... Not every believer or religious person is a raping pedophile or criminal.  There are probably just as much rapists and violent criminals who are non believers too.  You stopped believing for whatever reason, that's fine, nobody is judging you for that, I could care less really what religion people have or their beliefs, :P  BUT YET in 20-fucking-14 (2014) people still judge others based on skin colour, hair colour, sexual orientation and religion.

It almost makes me feel a shame to be part of this human race...... :D

Off-Topic / Re: On a distant future
« on: July 19, 2014, 06:09:43 pm »
Of course it will run on a virtual reality headset in a full-body haptic suit, right?

LOL !!!  Comment of the day ! :P

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 19, 2014, 01:42:45 pm »
I think TKG nailed it sort of, I too have had the same experiences, most atheists I have seen just fuck around, drink, have no morals, disrespect authority, others, etc.  YET again TKG gave good examples of Christians who are fucked up seriously, and the name he gave are PERFECT examples, especially one of them amongst the names he mentioned :P  That's where you draw the line between believer and practicing Christian, I mean there are probably just as many believers who are sinning 24/7.  Though I have seen a trend of more promiscuity amongst atheists and bloody fucking drunks and violent tosspots. 

So as far as Christians who rape, cheat, lie, fuck around, etc, are they really Christians or are they dictated to be by their parents ???
You see that's the problem people are raised with religion so you use this as a guide, then you grow up and rebel...... That's the shite that happens when you dictate your life based on forced religion !

YET you might have some non religious people NOT fuck around with dem howes, drink up etc, because they know that's best, NOT because they are of a given religion.

So you have a division.

A group of SO CALLED religious/believing people being dangling pricks.


Non religious/non believing people being equally dangling pricks.

YET in my experience I have seen more of a trend amongst non believers but yet I know better not to rely on such small sample and I'm sure it is pretty much divided, as human race flaws does not discriminate, no matter what fucked up the arse religion we are, we all share the same design and attribute flaws.

Now let's push this even further, how many so-called Catholics out there are non sinners, by the book......I think we could count them on our hands ......
NOW take any other religion, Buddhism, Judaism, Islamic, etc.etc... how many people in each group abide 100% by their rules.........Not much, how many people in a given religious practice their religion ? Again I would bet some money, not much.
I'd say now far less than before, times are changing.  People seem more open to believing something is out there than actually following a religion and "rules".

Some of the most promiscuous fuckers and drinkers of society were once Christians !
There again you have the opposite born again Christians.

So religion can be a bad and I'd even go as far as saying good for some.......
Especially those people who took wrong path in their lives and caused harm to themselves and others who one day are reborn Christians or whatever shite they decided to believe in......if it sets them on a right path and lead a good life, then so be it, all the better for them.

So religion can be a doubled edged sword.

A PERFECT example of people claiming to be religious but not knowing FUCK ALL about any of it, is this lady colleague whom I used to work for, she bragged that she was raised in Church, hardcore Christian all the way yet she was the most disgusting, rude bloody CUNT of an employee, promiscuous hoe bag, defying authority, disrespecting everyone in the office.........Christian my arse........I almost once called her out and wanted to ask what the bloody fuck kind of fucked up the arse Christian are you BITCH ??? But I didn't........ This goes perfectly with what TKG was saying citing examples......
YET.......there were some atheists who were calm, respectful...... WHY because they were raised to know better......... RAISED by the parents.....not by religion.

So in the end you have 50/50 I think.
No discrimination - You will see this trend across all races, cultures and religions.

Now maybe the fact TKG and I are seeing this trend more prominent with atheists might be a coincidence......
One thing for sure, people make babies now like flat bread !!!  It's so easy and pleasurable to FUCK and out comes the baby from the person you barely knew, that you fucked after a one nite stand or in a crack house...... Out of all the new born in this fucked up planet we live on, what % do you think was planned ? What % of those new born come from parents FIT to raise said child ?  I'd gamble and say the majority of babies put in this world were accidents from one nite fucks, or because the 2 bitches didn't wear the rubber when they were shagging each other after a hot nite out.  Result they put up babies in the world they can't properly raise, and some of those parents can be religious too.......So it's all in how you are raised and your own values..... This is why I am a strong supporter of abortion, under such circumstances.....instead of people making babies they are going to raise like shite.

If religion is suffice to keep some people in check, all the better, UNFORTUNATELY in 2014, religion is used mostly for evil and scam! if people are not aware of this, look at the news !!! 

One thing I disagree - wanking is a sin, pleasure is a sin......... If that was a sin then why did God make it pleasurable to blow your load.  So to me religion has flaws, and since it is man kind's creation, it is just as flawed.

But we all have free will (and free willies :D) ok the non english might not understand this part but never mind!

It's OUR own choice to be dicks or to NOT be, not God.

God is not a dictatorship.

Religion is man made, and therefore rules can be bent (just like the prostitutes these same Christians shag on a daily basis!).

@TKG: You are on the money !

@Ed: Are you MENSA ?  I mean with 180IQ,you are in the extreme rarity nowadays.

@Eds: I understood perfectly what you said to TKG, and it's true, don't let people put you down about yourself, fuck them, in the sense just channel them out.  HOWEVER, keep in mind some individuals have shite magnets and seem to be rejected by a large number of it's kinda hard to channel out

Some people get along with anybody no matter how much of a pendejo they are ! and some people for odd reasons seem to attract only the bad people....I call those shite magnets.  How do I know ? Cuz I'm a shite magnet lol!

La belleza es subjetiva..... Algunas personas atraen la mierda.  :P

You will discover more and more why I think there is  a force controlling our lives, and that we are more than physical bodies.
Some people are nice and innocent and are part of the shite attractors, regardless of where they go, yet you have the most evil people get along with everyone.

Same for the music industry - again citing TKG's names he used as example, these people he mentioned are ZERO talent, arrogant, self centered *****..... in my opinion :D   So it's all about popularity right ?  YET some people with amazing talent are unheard of and just struggle.

So I'm hoping that after all this there is reward in the end...that this whole life was not for nothing ........ :D

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 18, 2014, 09:48:36 pm »
Most likely yes, but even if science ends up saying we don't know, that's not a reason to jump and say aliens!

Not everyone is "jumping", only a certain group of people who are preaching alien beings and other stuff :P  However since ends up saying they don't know but that does not mean they can't entertain the possibility....  There is no proof of a God or aliens, but there is also no proof of the non existence and since humans are hard wired to only believe in what they see, I guess one can take the easy way and assume nothing exists, even if science cannot explain it. 

Do you know eds that the US spends billions of $ yearly in search for other life and other planets, whilst people are fucking dying and starving to death ?  Guess if that is not proof enough science is interested in finding out and entertaining the POSSIBILITY, then what more proof do you need...... I'm sure science knows MORE than it lets out, but keeps it classified for political and financial reasons and population control.  I do firmly believe we have cures for many diseases that currently cannot be cured, but some cures are being blocked. 

There has never been a demonstrated case of someone having no brain activity (Brain death) and comming back to life,

Very wrong on that one, it is documented.

Clinically dead is no heart beat and no brain activity.  Not ALL cases report NDEs, but out of all the reported NDEs cases they all share the same thing in common.  Maybe medicine can explain the tunnel visions and lights, but they have yet to explain how people manage to see and hear above their body what is going on in the ER and other rooms.  That cannot be explained by chemical reactions or brain cells dying off / firing off at the time of death.

Maybe because that exact experiences can and have been recreated in a lab by stimulating the right frontal lobe of the brain with magnetism, and the people see god, a tunel, a bright light, and even aliens, depending on their beliefs.

EXACTLY, good you have been doing your homework :D  They have recreated only PART of what people report from an NDE, but they have yet to recreate or explain how people managed to SEE and recall what was going on above their bodies, and the conversations / seeing across rooms.

As far as the recreation in a lab, this I believe is what's behind the theory that we have a "God" part of our brain responsible for our beliefs and the euphoria we feel/see at the moment of death as a coping mechanism to death.  But NDE is more than just tunnels and seeing lights, and those events can be recreated providing brain activity is present.  otherwise people are experiencing these at the flatline/brain dead stage as in absence of electrical activity and a hear beat you are clinically dead.

How did life start? since the hypothesis of chemicals forming polymeres until those same polymers could replicated themselves hasn't been sufficiently investigated

Right, so what created those alleged chemical forming polymers ? :P  What created the creator ?  These are questions that we will never be able to answer.
But it's far easier for the human brain to process that NOTHING exists, we are the only one and everything outside us is void.....than process a bunch of theories.  The brain will always choose the easy path :P

These two things are over 90% of the known universe, so we as a species know didly squat about 90% of the cosmos, and yet there's no reason to shout: The scientists dont know? God did it!

Well we can both agree that humans didn't create the black matter, stars, other planets, meteors and all that is happening in outerspace......So who the bloody hell did then ?  We can sit all nite and say that this does not mean a God exists, but then WHO/WHAT created this ?  It's hard for a human brain to grasp that something has always existed and never been "created".
So who created the sun ? who created the moon ?  BIG BANG ? So who created the big bang, and who created the thing that created the thing that lead to the alleged big bang ?
Who created the emptiness before all things started ?


the more we know about the universe the more small and unnecessary he becomes.

Really because unless proven otherwise we still don't have answers to most of the important things.  I mean all we hear from NASA is discovering new planets, new galaxies with gay names, and earth like planets....and they starting to claim we might not be alone....Gee thanks NASA, we pay you billions of $ to tell us something we already bloody knew :D  So if we are the only living beings in the entire space carrying universes and galaxies, what the hell is the purpose of other planets then ? Just for show ? So it was just a COINCIDENCE that 2 rocks collided and boom, a universe, galaxies, planets, life ???? :P
Science knows fuck all about this shite, it's all based on assumptions/speculations and seeking of proof, which they will never get or if they do they will keep it classified and lie to the I think they are right now. :D

Some people? In my humble opinion all organized religion is a scam (note the word organized? it means the institutions and their employes, not the believer)

That is in sync with what I was saying....But the "believers" are not part of this mess.  It's the way religion has been commercialised..... but I again, religion != God...  Religion is a creation of man kind and inherits its flaws with it.

Documented by science? where? Child prodigys do exist, and so do savants (people with severe authism that are geniouses in some field without studying), but this doesn't prove god nor the aliens.

lol did not mention about Aliens....... But entertain the possibility we are more than just physical bodies and electrical impulses.
otherwise science cannot explain those child prodigies and people who seem to "know" without having learned.  What about people knowing stuff from regressive hypnosis they never could have possibly known.

I do believe there is more to it than physical bodies.  We are physical but we are also energy.  now don't attribute everything I say to God or Aliens :D 

There has been studies made where plants, flowers, etc, growing around an environment where love is present, to grow faster and healthier, whereas negative would have the opposite effect on plants.....etc.  In fact science is studying many different aspects but has yet to explain how certain mechanisms work.  Science claims we only use a % of our brain.  What about people who have amazing abilities, they might be using the rest or only a few % more, but what about the 70-80% not accounted for........This shows you that science has a long ways to go to fully explain the human body.

People recovering from terminal illness, yes I know it does happen, you sure you want to make the case for god based in that?

No, I did not say that, but that we might not be alone and that there is something beyond our physical world and level of comprehension.   Might have nothing to do with a God or aliens......I did not imply that.
I do still believe in a God/Supreme creator but ALSO believe there is more to our physical bodies.  LIFE itself HAS to have some meaning, otherwise why the hell do we exist in the first place........ALL this for nothing ?

Why doesn't he heal then all the babies and children? I'm sure their parents can be teached whatever important lesson in other less painful ways.

Good question.  Why can't we all love each other, why can't we NEVER have diseases, why can't we all sing and dance and party and never fight and all be happy on earth........  :P  Perhaps it would negate the purpose of life.  No answer to your question, why this and why that.......Why can't God stop the tornados and hurricanes, why can't God catch you if you decide to jump from the ledge :D Fuck if I knew, I dunno, and nobody will ever know.  if there was a God or supreme being, it would not run on dictatorship but allow free will and not intervene.  Should the definition of GOD = constant interventions ???  :P
That is RELIGION territory and that is where man kind carved religion and all the rubbish surrounding it, what you refer to a SCAM, which it is. :D

FUNNY, now you are quoting scientific hypothesis (the multiverse, the permanent universe, panspermia, among others)

I was just messing with you I'd figure you'd enjoy that part..... I'm just as human as you are mate :D

As far as parallel universe, shadow universe, multi dimensions, etc to be honest I am on the fence about that .......I'd LOVE to entertain the possibility of me existing in parallel in different planes, experiencing a different outcome.......Note the word "entertain"..... So I might be eating a pizza on this earth and on some other dimension where I also exist, be eating a big hamburger.  :D Please note this has nothing to do with God or aliens now.  As far as aliens, again, on the fence on that one.
Where my beliefs are strong is that we are more than physical bodies and that all this space containing life form and energy has a creator. :P  Maybe Elvis did it !  ;D

Warp holes, if I understood that book about quantum physics correctly, are indeed possible, not sure how likely but possible yes.

Sorry I meant black holes.  Everything around it is sucked in, but where does it go to, does it just disintegrate ? 

Time travel is possible, yes science tells us that, it's only impraticable by us in the current state of our knowledge,

One thing that is puzzling to me, what we call "TIME" again is something man made, as there is no "TIME" as we know it so could this explain that past-present-future exists simultaneously hence, explain why we can "travel" this "timeline" otherwise if time did exist, wouldn't that negate time travel as events have to come to pass in order to go back in time..... But that is good for another topic though..... These are the type of topics I really like to discuss. :D

We are not alone... If you mean aliens do exist, yes is so probable that it's almost a certanty, do they visit earth? I don't think so:

They do, they are evil and they are what we call "politicians" lol!

So I see you studied quantum physics and astronomy that's good that you did your homework.   :P

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 18, 2014, 07:21:53 pm »
I don't remember anyone refering to you or anybody by name, so I don't know what got you so riled, anyway; and if you were a grade school dropout so what? Until a couple of weeks ago I myself was a higschool dropout (Had to) now I have my diploma and am planing on going to college (University),

Another TOPIC worth discussing alone is education.  There are many examples of people who did not finish high school who are billionaires and very successful people....yet there are people who have went far with their studies and are no better than the average person.  Some people are skilled and self taught and have become self made millionaires ! MANY examples of that.  Some of the most successful and richest people on the planet have not continued past high school.  Also keep in mind the % of people who stopped at high school, not by choice, but given circumstances as I'm sure you are aware.

I'm 48 and for your information my IQ hasn't moved one bit since the day I reached 18 it's around 180 points, and it was the same when i did believe. I repeat: likely is just a posibility not a certainty.

possibility.  :)  And IQ of 180 are you sure about that ???  so you are a savant/genius then...... MENSA ????
Rare are people at the 150-160......180 ? probably 2 digits in an entire country, so you are a genius ! :D

You're right, for all I know you could be an astrophisicist and still have religious beliefs, I think a small percentage of the people in that field do.

astrophysicist  or I could be a film producer / writer too :D

Absolutely right, the hard sciences (math, physics, chemistry) along with biology hold the larger percentage of non believers. And you don't have to be a PhD on those fields, often is enough to read popular science books and magazines to deconvert.

Deconvert is not a valid word :D

but I know what you mean.  All you have to do is watch the news about the pedophiles, rapists, religious crimes, fanaticism, tv evangelism, enough to turn even the most religious person a non believer..... Outside influence can make or break you, not just studies or science.  I am disgusted by the fact but I know that what we see on TV and all the scam artists don,t represent the majority, only media is more likely to report the bad doers than the good doers. :D

But since it doesn't drop to zero and the ones that do believe in a god are equally smart as the ones that don't your case would be easilly disproved.

Well intelligence and studies have nothing to do.  Some of the biggest world terro***ts have studied in University and have high IQ....only problem is that they used their abilities for evil instead of good.
I don't think the majority of religious people are bad people, but I do think that all religions are bad.

They are bad because they were created by man kind and is responsible for the 90% of world conflicts and divisions.   We are all the same species, all the same.....who created the barriers that separate us (cultural, race, colour, religion, etc.) man kind, not a supreme being that's for sure.  So yeah, what do you expect from man's creation which is not perfect. :D

Remove religion from the equation and all of a sudden you just resolved 90% of world conflicts, wars, etc.

You can still believe in a supreme being (God for all) without being religious or practicing any religion.

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 18, 2014, 06:49:09 pm »
Another thing people don't discuss much about is the environment you were brought up and around you, that has an influence as well. 
That is why more non-western countries need to be additionally examined. But the point is that in 2009 study US only 4% were without belief in general population, but 41% in science. That is a great difference that cannot in fact be explained by family's or places the person grow up in. That is the point all those studies try to make and figure out. (

Of course lol "science".  Are you surprised?

People who study the field will use science to try and find any logical explanation behind everything even if there is no concrete explanation.

You are sitting down watching the tely and all of a sudden you notice a shimmering white lite hovering across the room and zipping through your window.

Sure there must be a scientific explanation......:P

Or doctor who treats a patient in the ER, patient flatlines, no brain activity, for several minutes.  Patient is revived and recalls the entire conversation with 100% accuracy amongst doctors, but also doctors in other rooms - SURE.....I guess there must be a logical explanation right, brain was dead during that time, no electrical activity whatsoever.

I think out of the percentage of non believers in science there could be the "I-don't-wanna-be-crazy" syndrome, where people deny and don't WANT to believe by fear of persecution by others.

SO instead they will compensate with scientific explanations even though they are not facts or proven !  i.e. oh it was just brain cells firing or chemical reaction at moment of death (even though they know no activity was shown!).

People make science as absolute, when science only has answers to a fraction of questions.  Still science cannot explain 100% of our brain function, still don't know why certain things occur, etc.  MANY things science cannot explain.

Another problem that is making non believers is hoaxes and charlatanism, some people are using religion as a propaganda tool and making it an industry full of hoax and scams.

Now in medical science, there is a specific area of interest, our "God" part of our brain. It is believed that we are hard wired, and that belief in a God/Supreme being is the result of that area in our brain.  STILL does not explain all the mysteries - how come some people all of a sudden can heal of terminal illness that otherwise would be impossible / unlikely in medicine.....where illness has gone and vanished as if it were never there.  How to explain that some people have amazing abilities / talents so young in age and seem to have knowledge of things they never could possibly have known, through regressive hypnosis.  All these cases are documented by science yet still cannot be explained.

On that note,


Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 18, 2014, 06:05:41 pm »

No man the study (I will give you a link when I find it again) says just that the more you study the less likely you are to be a religious person, not that everybody that goes to college or the university throws away their faith, or that only dumb and uneducated people have some sort of religious belief.

Yeah the less likely but not for the reasons most people think.  Because most of the time you are too damn busy and flooded with work and assignments you barely have time to eat, sleep and wank let alone think of religion or go to church, and yes I know because I've been there, or did you lot assume I did not go farther than grade school because I believe in God ? LOL.
I would be disappointed otherwise so yeah, most of the time you are spent studying, work, studying, work, studying, and then there is the social aspect, so too busy to be "religious" so to speak, but no matter how busy one can be does not mean you don't believe!. Again I repeat for the millionth time, I am not a religious person, I'm the last person who will be pushing religion lol.  But I believe we are all created from the  same, it's just that man kind made religion, and all the cultural barriers that separate us......Not all of us believers are grade school educated monks you know :P  I could be a well educated ER doctor that believes in God and goes to church from time to time.....
What is the % of people who continue past high school ? small percentage...... It's been a long time I have seen figures, but last time I saw figures it was about 11-14%, I don't know about US figures, it's probably around those or higher.....So are the majority % of those high school educated people all religious ? Not necessarily.

There again maybe it depends what you are studying, maybe if your field is studying medicine, science, etc, you might be less LIKELY to be religious, some would say,
 HOWEVER, I know people in the field who are religious / believers.  In medicine there are documented cases that defy any medical science / explanation or anything taught in med school.  In fact some non believers became believers, and the other way around too.   Another thing people don't discuss much about is the environment you were brought up and around you, that has an influence as well. 

Instead of us believers being the target of atheist as if we were fucking criminals when all we are doing is minding our business and not pushing our crap on anybody (believer does not necessarily mean fanatic!) perhaps you lot should target those CRIMINALS, those charlatans ministers and TV evangelist who run their SCAMS on TV to lure the suckers !   Or a certain religion where people KILL in the name of their God, claiming any people outside their religion is evil and must be exterminated.....FUNNY how people don't put much emphasis on that, and instead label anybody who believes in a God / Supreme being as being a nutter.
You humans are so odd in your way of thinking.....

EDIT: Since TheExDeus already and kndly posted the links and helped clarifying the issue I hope we are cool.

Sure it was never an issue. :D

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 18, 2014, 04:26:18 pm »
What a load of horse fucking manure. :D

Would someone with faith and beliefs necessarily be uneducated and less so than others ? that is most fucked up thing I read in a while, I'd love to see those studies and any credibility they have and the sample data they used.........  Some of the world's most vicious terro***ts (had to * to avoid tripping NSA flags :D) and fanatic religious person have continued their education and university grads with masters.  Do I need to cite some examples ? :D

There are many people who hold PhDs and Doctorates, who have faith and religious beliefs, they do well for themselves.  Some of you still are obsessed with this !  There are big differences between have religious beliefs / faith and fanaticism, or people trying to push their shite and convert others.  Maybe such a theory would hold some truth for that category.  Not everyone with a masters degree is an atheist and not everyone who believes in God is a welfare hoarding motherfucker without an education.

Perhaps whoever came up with this fucked up the arsehole theory must have thought that the education system brainwashes people into thinking science is absolute, that it has answers to everything, since it is part of a multi trillion $ industry and corruption, people thinking outside the box are deemed crazy.  There are many things beyond our comprehension that science cannot explain, paranormal in nature, lots that the NASA and military is not telling people and classify that info.  Many of these have a University education.

I see that a lot I mean have not come across more university students that have beliefs than those atheist should I go tell them ,hey come the fuck come you are in univeristy, you are supposed to be a dumb git because you have beliefs.

Man created religion.......and the same man kind also created retarded stereotypes.  ;D ;D ;D

Off-Topic / Re: Religious wars in the programming community
« on: July 18, 2014, 04:14:59 pm »
I myself am a JavaScript evangelist, and make regular sacrifices to C++. I also hold the belief that Windows users are headed for hell, and Mac users are already there.

Windows users went to hell and heaven back and forth (Me, Vista, ) now it's back in hell with windows 8.  Seems Windows is working on a tick-tock generation, heaven-hell-heaven-hell etc..... :P

General ENIGMA / Re: New functions available in the rooms editor.
« on: July 17, 2014, 02:46:00 pm »
You are on a roll, indeed what you are suggesting would be great.  Also if you want TKG to worship you :D you might want to add object rotation, scaling and selection as in GMS.  :P

BTW are you doing all this through JAVA or C++ to JAVA conversion ?

I'm not familiar with JAVA to make significant changes in LGM.