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Messages - Darkstar2

The purpose of generated code is not to be pretty. ENIGMA's generated code is C++ with wildly bloated loops and gotos. GCC's generated code is then assembly with nothing but a dozen instructions for any piece of a loop, and gotos for any branching at all. That is the nature of compilation; it isn't a flaw in a compiler by any means.

LOL he hasn't seen the code generated by the YYC! :P

I mean come on is this serious ? DO people expect the code generated to be the same as writing your own C++ from scratch ? In the end it is the results that count and most people probably won't even notice the overhead from the engine anyway, in any case far better than what they are or were getting from game maker ....

Proposals / Re: Device checking related functions for game compatibility
« on: February 16, 2014, 01:45:28 am »
The point of using one (or many) large files is usually to get better disk throughput.

Also Darkstar, why would you need to have the files uncompress / unpack to the disk? Why can't you uncompress / unpack directly into memory? (Well, maybe this is an issue with Enigma actually)

For several large files that might apply, for games that use so many smaller files that would be true.  Better to have single file resources than thousands of small files scattered all over the place.

I guess it's more convenience than necessity it all depends on the developer.  Nowadays with blazzing fast memory and disk access, most people would really not notice any difference in random access considering some games pre-load those and would not affect gameplay otherwise.

As far as compression, I don't mind my resource not be compressed, but if I use many I would encrypt and store them together.  If there was a way to binary read from files starting at pos X to end pos, store that into a variable or a buffer and add from a buffer, that would skip having to READ / WRITE / RE-READ, instead it would be READ,you would skip write and re-read.



binary read from pos 10000 to 25000
storing into a buffer
add background image from stored buffer
or add sprite, video, sound, music, from buffer, etc.

So this would allow direct to memory reading.  Imagine
the disk access you would save (writing back + re-reading) when talking about large resource file, and big games the speed increase would be interesting.

From what I was told game maker has some form of dynamic handling, but I think it is shitty at best, I want to be able to handle my resources the way I want them and not the way they tell me to ! :)

Issues Help Desk / Re: Texturing in 3d
« on: February 15, 2014, 05:24:39 pm »
Because initially Game Maker was meant to be a 2D game creation tool.  The 3D was just so optional and extremely basic/limited.  That's what libraries / extensions were for.

As to 3D there are probably better programs suited for that if you are willing to spend money and learn coding. :D

For 3D stuff there are scripts to handle that.   I think back in GM there used to be some action LIBs for the 3D stuff.

Programming Help / Re: Making games in Full HD resolution 16:9 possible ?
« on: February 15, 2014, 05:20:10 pm »
Don't call our games shit unless you have the balls to prove you can barely cough up something remotely half as decent. Easier said than done. :P if youre so badass prove you are instead of throwing seriously annoying cry baby rants.Until you do this, I have no possible means to take you seriously. Just a thought.

How can he talk about our games when there aren't any ?

1) As far as I know you haven't even released a playable version of your game

2) I haven't posted any screenshots nor game yet.

But he's probably right, mine will probably not be up to his expectations at first  ;D

General ENIGMA / Re: Should I help Develop Enigma?
« on: February 15, 2014, 05:17:15 pm »
Right except ENIGMA, doesn't have a price.

LOL.  Too funny!

But he does have a point though you gotta give it to him, about some of the crap out there, I think he nailed it, it's true that some games are over priced and not worthy, you play and forget about it (no replayability) ! Gotta give it to him.

Where I disagree with the clown is about ENIGMA, it's FREE, it's still in development and it's going places.

Off-Topic / Re: New Member Intro + Other
« on: February 15, 2014, 05:12:47 pm »

On the GMC he would be eaten alive !   ;D

General ENIGMA / Re: ANGLE Project
« on: February 15, 2014, 05:08:23 pm »
It should be a concern that people on Windows Vista can't run shit.
Tell me about it. My mother's PC runs Vista, and fuck is it terrible.

I remember back then when I was running Windows Me (before XP) people thought I was crazy and said that Me sucked.....Never had any issues with Me mind you, but VISTA, that is another story, and terrible is just an understatement, I can think of many other words for that OS....... :D

Why in God's name is she still using Vista ?  I would never subject even my worst enemies to such pain....(oh ok maybe !) lol.

I kinda forgot all about VISTA until it was mentioned!

General ENIGMA / Re: ANGLE Project
« on: February 15, 2014, 05:05:59 pm »
Actually, it is much more, this is a full graphics abstraction layer, which means we could remove all of our graphics systems and have all of it just GLES, but it can run in D3D9 and D3D11 mode. So this is exactly why Studio does not allow you to choose your graphics system. I have permission from Josh to implement it, but I am having a bit of trouble building it. This would also mean OpenGL framebuffers would work for people with shitty PC's like polygonz by use of the EGL_ANGLE_direct3d_surface extension.

What the bloody fuck do you care about people's shitty PCs ???

Do the new next generation games worry ? NO.  you don't have a PC up to par you can't run the fucking game, simple as that.

Actually you are clueless and wrong ! Not everyone has the luxury to have the latest hardware, and game companies HAVE to care, otherwise they are losing money.  That's why you have the flexibility of adjusting game settings in most games, texture quality / visuals etc from low end to ultra settings. There are 2 requirements, minimum requirements and recommended ones, some games are ahead and even with latest hardware you might barely get decent performance but playable, many games push the ilmits but allow you tweak your settings based on your system.

So software companies have to care !

lol - how many people do you think still use DirectX9 cards.

Not everyone updates their GPU every year or twice a year. :D

Off-Topic / Re: YYG's "GM game of the month" isn't a GM game :P
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:17:31 am »
oh ok  ;D ;D ;D

3 things

1) LOL! Too much info :P

2) What new compiler ? What does it eat and when ?

3) There will always be people buying inferior products even though there are free alternative staring them in the face. So don't worry about Mike's very big pay check, some little bird on a tree top tells me that eventually the price will be increased from $800 up to $1k.......Of course maybe more as allegedly new console exports are officially announced and they announce buy now master collection before prices goes up.

4) I don't think ENIGMA is a real threat to YoYo, far from it.  Now that it is clear that they are focusing their attention on platforms and soon consoles, the large cock you speak of :D will only be felt once enigma offers the same export platforms.  People spend $800 not to develop for windows, but for non windows platforms, so they are banking on that right now, and when or IF enigma becomes multi platform, then they might need the butt plugs, but until then, I think we can agree that it won't happen anytime soon right ?     Might be interesting to see ENIGMA compile to Android and IOS first, then adding the rest gradually, ideally it would be great if that happened before GM:Next. 

Off-Topic / Re: YYG's "GM game of the month" isn't a GM game :P
« on: February 12, 2014, 10:40:33 pm »
I am not sure I was reading it specifically the other day someone threatening them and they refused the refund.
A google search turns up this, but this aint what I was reading.

ok that's another issue early on when they announced they would charge $299 for the YYC (for non master collection users).

The confusion started when people were reading their wiki / roadmap and seeing the LLVM mentioned as a feature of 1.2.  In reality the YYC compile was never meant to be a feature of 1.2 per se, but a new EXPORT to be introduced in 1.2. 

Now we all know from the beginning that YoYo mention they would charge for separate export modules for Pro users, and Master Collection users would get all future exports free (of course for 1.x most likely).

People purchased the software when YYC did not exist, so they got exactly what they paid for at the time and so no company is obligated to release new features.

There would clearly be no case if someone sued YoYo over the YYC. it is not an essential part of GM:S, MAJORITY of people will never need them as it is really meant for CPU intensive games, this is where you will see the biggest gains.  So is it a case of false advertising ?  They never announced it would be free.  They sneakily "marketed" it as part of 1.2, instead of mentioning beforehand it would be an export......(marketing 101, most companies do the exact same thing) and it's not illegal :D

Off-Topic / Re: YYG's "GM game of the month" isn't a GM game :P
« on: February 12, 2014, 10:32:19 pm »
Yes you're absolutely right that's false advertising, the did the same shit with YYC someone was also threatening to sue them for a refund.

And to think I came this close to making a fucked up mistake in dishing out $299 !  I should thank the Gods that I have found ENIGMA.  I also heard about some people not happy with the YYC, don't know if it was the same person or other cases.

BTW they are aware they are being talked about in a negative way, and from what I recall they are laughing in their office saying that so many great games were released and thousands of releases so they are happy.  Hey at least they are happy right ? :P

Off-Topic / Re: YYG's "GM game of the month" isn't a GM game :P
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:20:40 pm »
Interesting and highly disturbing if true.  I would think that there is a whole process before games get featured.

If I'm not mistaken, they have internal tools they use to scan the EXE and they can determine if a legit or cracked version was used along with other key info embedded in the exe.
In other words they would know if the EXE was made from GM or not using key info inside the EXE.

I highly doubt they would blindly just run the EXE and place it in the showcase.  If that is the case that would be a good case for misrepresentation.  The whole idea is to showcase games made with GM, not with other tools.

It's strange that you mention these platforms because I heard allegedly that some console support will come to GM:S, and these might be the alleged platforms :P

So who knows maybe a GM made game that was ported to other platforms with their help ? internally ? Who knows.
Just thinking out loud.

The fallback would be big on YoYo if it is proven that this was not made with GM.

As far as the Squirrel, I am sure they are referring to the Wii.......In fact I'd bet my money on it.

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM Beta
« on: February 11, 2014, 12:06:16 pm »
Adding on to Harri's clarification, there is no need to add the streaming options, just stick audio_add in a script and call script_thread.

*_add commands will load the resource in memory and give it an ID, and not stream it. To my knowledge the only function that I know of that streams anything is the splash video.

Programming Help / Re: get_string without a dialog
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:17:02 pm »
Thanks, but what I actually need is a direct text entry with cursor, no boxes whatsoever and no dialog boxes.  I would like to handle my own text input area and just have the text input start at whatever area of the room that I point it to.
Both of my examples and the Robert's example already did that. You should probably check them out before posting a reply. :D

lol !  Yeah I saw a rectangle there that's why. :D

Anyhow thanks a lot to everyone, appreciate it ! You have a solution to everything, :D

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM Beta
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:14:34 pm »
Now that is great ! Really like how the updates are presented, nice and clean.
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work, will certainly install it and give it a try.  More frequent bug fixed and updates than the other program and yet a smaller team, amazing.   They have such a big team now and things are progressing at a snail's pace, kinda makes you wonder what are they doing ?

BTW, will the backspace / capital H bug be addressed in a bug revision ?

As far as JAVA, I would be surprised if people still use 6, with all the bad press about java 6's security, most people should already be java 7. 

I have a question, in the audio I noticed you can choose streaming, now I assume this means the audio is streamed from disk and not loaded in memory.  Where is this audio streamed from is it a resource file containing all the streaming audios that is separate to the EXE or how does it work ?
I believe YoYo uses a WIM or used it ? Haven't used studio in a while, heard they pack everything in the EXE,