Development => Works in Progress => Topic started by: time-killer-games on August 07, 2014, 07:25:18 pm
•[OFFICIAL GAMEPLAY SPOILER] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de_7y0ADCfs)
•[DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS] (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79893663/Cabin%20Fever%20Escape%203D/downloads/Cabin%20Fever%20Escape%203D%20for%20Windows.zip)
•[DOWNLOAD FOR MACINTOSH] (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79893663/Cabin%20Fever%20Escape%203D/downloads/Cabin%20Fever%20Escape%203D%20for%20Macintosh.zip)
•[DOWNLOAD FOR LINUX] (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79893663/Cabin%20Fever%20Escape%203D/downloads/Cabin%20Fever%20Escape%203D%20for%20Linux.zip)
•[MORE FREE GAMES] (http://timekillergames.weebly.com/)
Product Features
•Official website - www.timekillergames.weebly.com (http://www.timekillergames.weebly.com)
•General parody of the typical low-budget escape game
•Poorly modeled, poorly textured, poorly materialed visuals
•Find all strangely hidden keys before the cabin rental expires
•Original repetitive banjo soundtrack by Jared Johnson
•Beautiful title screen animation text that is not legible
•A really stinky surprise for the whole family to enjoy
Product Description
Oh no! You're locked in your vacation cabin! Escape the cabin fever in this point-and-click escape game based on a real vacation cabin in Louis Mountain, Virginia (US). This would have been an online game, so you wouldn't have to download anything, but, it runs way too slow online so much that it's not playable. Since you download the files locally on your computer, the game should run properly.
My two cents:
Very nice website you've got!
Regarding this game the screen is too big and can't be resized, some pointers as to how to turn, zoom in and out, open drawers, etc would be nice at the start of the game (I got cabin fever trying to get stuff done! :D ), this of course on linuxmint, don't know if it's the same on windows, my monitor is 1280x720 so....
Thank you for the feedback and compliment! :D The clicking and navigation is more obvious on windows and mac, because their WebView control supports changing the cursor from javascript. The Linux version was made in Qt which doesn't support changing the cursor with javascript. It helps a lot having the cursor change to a hand when your cursor goes over a clickable hotspot. The size can't be changed I'm afraid. I wouldn't just need to resize the game window, I would need to scale the images and every clickable hotspot coordinate which would be a nightmare (math isn't my thing).
Thanks for playing! :D
Thank you for the feedback and compliment! :D The clicking and navigation is more obvious on windows and mac, because their WebView control supports changing the cursor from javascript. The Linux version was made in Qt which doesn't support changing the cursor with javascript. It helps a lot having the cursor change to a hand when your cursor goes over a clickable hotspot. The size can't be changed I'm afraid. I wouldn't just need to resize the game window, I would need to scale the images and every clickable hotspot coordinate which would be a nightmare (math isn't my thing).
Thanks for playing! :D
Okey, will try it again when I get a bigger screen or when I finally put together my multimedia center :D
Regardding the cursor changes... Could you put something that is invisible and becomes visible when the cursor passes over it? Some knid of glow or a star or a dick that guides the player on linux? if you do this you can have the exact same look and feel on all systems, and I suspect you wouldn't need anything else but enigma (Or was it GMS?) :D
About resizing the window... If you detect the screen height and take that as a variable, then you take your game window height and do a (Regla de tres in spanish) you take the two known quantities and multiply one by 100 and divide the result by the other known, this gives you the percentage of your game window's height that is the screen window then you resize everything by that percentage, this should leave everything in site but resized (I think) ;D
I'm not going to resize it, that process is just way too involved and a lot of mesmerizing code to look through, that of which I didn't write, (98% of the HTML/JS/CSS code was auto-genterated by a very simple IDE that targets non-programmers).
But what i will do is make the hotspots glow on linux if it's going to be as easy as I'm expecting. Hopefully that should fix everything up but I have a lot on my plate right now, I'm seeking to finish ALL projects showcased on my website before the end of the second quater of 2015.
Wish me luck. :D
edsquare, the resolution is still huge, however, I did manage a semi-decent method to change the cursor. It's looking like my only option with using QtWebKit. The cursor starts as the default. When you click on a loading screen, the cursor changes to a wait cursor. When you click on a clickable hotspot the cursor will change to indicate you clicked an area that actually did something.When you click on something that doesn't do anything, i.e. not on a hotspot the cursor changes to the default. Of course it would be much better if it would change when the mouse if hovering over something important, instead of only reponding after clicks, but Qt doesn't work like that. :'( Boo hoo
edsquare, the resolution is still huge, however, I did manage a semi-decent method to change the cursor. It's looking like my only option with using QtWebKit. The cursor starts as the default. When you click on a loading screen, the cursor changes to a wait cursor. When you click on a clickable hotspot the cursor will change to indicate you clicked an area that actually did something.When you click on something that doesn't do anything, i.e. not on a hotspot the cursor changes to the default. Of course it would be much better if it would change when the mouse if hovering over something important, instead of only reponding after clicks, but Qt doesn't work like that. :'( Boo hoo
Are you sure? the hover event doesn't help you?
Also the hasmouselistener could help or maybe this can give you a clue:
// At the original click location we draw a 4 arrowed icon. Over this icon there won't be any scroll
// So we don't want to change the cursor over this area
bool east = m_panScrollStartPos.x() < (m_currentMousePosition.x() - ScrollView::noPanScrollRadius);
bool west = m_panScrollStartPos.x() > (m_currentMousePosition.x() + ScrollView::noPanScrollRadius);
bool north = m_panScrollStartPos.y() > (m_currentMousePosition.y() + ScrollView::noPanScrollRadius);
bool south = m_panScrollStartPos.y() < (m_currentMousePosition.y() - ScrollView::noPanScrollRadius);
if ((east || west || north || south) && m_panScrollButtonPressed)
m_springLoadedPanScrollInProgress = true;
if (north) {
if (east)
else if (west)
} else if (south) {
if (east)
else if (west)
} else if (east)
else if (west)
Thank you so much edsquare! But while normally that would work, I'm not changing the cursor with Qt C++, it's a Qt HTML5 container application, so all cursor changing is being done in JavaScript based on the mouseover event on a clickable hotspot. I recreated the project as a duplicate to check what options I have for creating a new project, there was a check box labeled "Enable touch optimized navigation" which seemed to disable the right click menu, which gives a more native feel, good, and it enabled the JavaScript cursor changing to work partially how it should, great. But it's not changed by the mouseover event, it's only triggered after a click. To be honest I don't know what the purpose of that "Enable touch optimized navigation" check box is even used for if it can't set the cursor correctly. :'( oh poo
Thank you so much edsquare! But while normally that would work, I'm not changing the cursor with Qt C++, it's a Qt HTML5 container application, so all cursor changing is being done in JavaScript based on the mouseover event on a clickable hotspot. I recreated the project as a duplicate to check what options I have for creating a new project, there was a check box labeled "Enable touch optimized navigation" which seemed to disable the right click menu, which gives a more native feel, good, and it enabled the JavaScript cursor changing to work partially how it should, great. But it's not changed by the mouseover event, it's only triggered after a click. To be honest I don't know what the purpose of that "Enable touch optimized navigation" check box is even used for if it can't set the cursor correctly. :'( oh poo
HTML5 + JavaScript?
Are you using CSS? If so there are ways to achieve that in CSS, also why not check if HTML5 lets you do what you want?
Well I just checked an HTML file and realized it's been quite a while since I initially added cursor changing, and turns it it was done in a CSS style and not in JavaScript. HTML5 does support this according to w3schools. It's something jacked up with the QtWebKit. Oh well. What I have is close enough, thank you edsquare for the help! Though this issue isn't fixed I don't want to eat up more of your time. :D
Well I just checked an HTML file and realized it's been quite a while since I initially added cursor changing, and turns it it was done in a CSS style and not in JavaScript. HTML5 does support this according to w3schools. It's something jacked up with the QtWebKit. Oh well. What I have is close enough, thank you edsquare for the help! Though this issue isn't fixed I don't want to eat up more of your time. :D
In other words : "I'm not gonna fix it ok? stop bugging me!" :D
Well I just checked an HTML file and realized it's been quite a while since I initially added cursor changing, and turns it it was done in a CSS style and not in JavaScript. HTML5 does support this according to w3schools. It's something jacked up with the QtWebKit. Oh well. What I have is close enough, thank you edsquare for the help! Though this issue isn't fixed I don't want to eat up more of your time. :D
In other words : "I'm not gonna fix it ok? stop bugging me!" :D
Looks like you took a quote directly from the YYG's handbook :P :D
I wasn't able to get very far, but it seemed that most times when I clicked somewhere to go it would bring me somewhere else or zoom in too far for me to even tell what I was looking at. I don't know if it's a bug in the Windows version of the game or if I'm just bad at it :p.
Well I just checked an HTML file and realized it's been quite a while since I initially added cursor changing, and turns it it was done in a CSS style and not in JavaScript. HTML5 does support this according to w3schools. It's something jacked up with the QtWebKit. Oh well. What I have is close enough, thank you edsquare for the help! Though this issue isn't fixed I don't want to eat up more of your time. :D
In other words : "I'm not gonna fix it ok? stop bugging me!" :D
Looks like you took a quote directly from the YYG's handbook :P :D
I am the great and mighty poo and I am going to throw my shit on you
@daz this game is an all-out parody. The genre is known for having frustratingly difficult and confusing navigation. If you're a major fan of classics like 'Myst' and 'Riven' by Cyan Inc or 'The Filmmaker' by Christopher Brendel you'd feel right at home.
I'm a fan of MYST and have the boxes gathering dust and spider webs on my shelf :P I did not notice any difficult navigation in fact I was amazed, and this is one type of game I'd love to do in ENIGMA, I have the coding knowledge to get this done, but there is still missing surface video rendering, currently there is one sold on the YYG marketplace, where you can blend video and game elements together, and its source code sold for $999 LOL!
Actually TKG, there are no video playback DLLs, the few that existed were all incompatible with studio and only worked with previous version of GM and were utter rubbish.
The $999 version includes source, the other version is $24 +/- and renders the video ontop of the game surface, where the video gets treated as any other "object", you can change depth, etc, still if you think about it the concept is great, however, it's something that YYG should have offered in gay studio, as this is a standard feature offered by competition.
And his extension does more stuff than the video functions in ENIGMA, currently you cannot render the video on a surface and place objects on top o the video. You cannot rotate, etc........however this extension is limited to AVI where ENIGMA is limited by the directshow codec on your system, so there are pros and cons to both.
Charging $24 or $49 whatever the hell it costs would have been reasonable if at least it supported more playback formats :P and $999 - crazy ! Like someone is going to pay $999 for source code of ONE bloody function that in itself is incomplete........FUCK ME, seriously, this is a joke indeed. it is said to be for professional developers LOL! Yeah like a pro developer will spend $999 on a piece of source code to play AVI files in your bloody games ! CRAP!
I don't get your point darkstar. I don't know why anyone would want depth or rotation. There's no point, you want a video, play a
The video, unlike ENIGMA and other video engines, is rendered inside the room/game, and is treated like an asset. By having depth, means you can have the video playback and allow for objects on top of it.
The advanced functions available in that engine of his would allow for some very complex interactive video games blending CG, and video. ENIGMA's video engine for now is limited and cannot yet render on a game surface/DX surface. Though still enough to do cut scenes, intros, etc.
Rotations is useless. If you want a super-interactive video use sprites and particles.
That's a shitty way of doing things, and would mean rendering a video to a PNG....very memory and CPU intensive and limited, whereas with external video it actually gets STREAMED and not read whole in RAM. That's how commercial games work. God forbid if they preloaded ALL their pre-rendered cut scenes :D
If the sprites make your game too many MB's then GayMaker isn't your engine. No one will use this guy's useless DLL unless he adds
I never said I will use his DLL TKG :P and I don't use GayMaker either, that's why I use ENIGMA, because my projects will contain EDL and C++ and none of my future ENIGMA projects will be even remotely compatible with GM, I just have had bloody enough and decided to focus on something else, at the same time I get to use C++ :D
I have some strong suspicions that the guy who made this engine, used to be a member here....... We had a member recently talk about a video engine where he could blend game and video, remember he posted some screenshots, some scene on the beach ? I don't know maybe I'm wrong, but the feature of this guy's DLL is very similar to what lone was describing here, and it's C++ which he was working on hmmmmmm.
Still his engine in theory might sound good on paper, but AVI support only, RUBBISH.
If you are going to charge that much money for a bloody video engine at least support more than just AVI FFS ! :D
more platform support. GMS is targeted to an audience who strictly wants to go cross-platform. No one will care to make a Windows-only game with GMS.
Exactly, because most of the good functions were removed for the sake of laziness, anyhow won't get into that again, but yeah, that's why I came to ENIGMA, I am a WINDOWS developer and if I want to develop for ANDROID, I will not be ripped off $199 + $299 for a YYC compiler, I will just wait until there is android support for ENIGMA, or I will use your services ;D
They can dowgrade to GM 8.1 and use a DLL and it's the same thing just 2 FPS slower (based on my realistic, personal testing). Also videos don't support transparency unless you manually hack it with more DLL's
In film, we use a technique called chromakey, basically you shoot something against a green screen and that is used as a KEY, which is replaced with video. In computer graphics/video, you could decompress the video frame, use a key colour and exclude it, replacing it with video or whatever is in the background. this is used in video games, if not mistaken also can be done at the hardware level.
and use no codec, for exact, uncompressed pixel color! An AVI that big will make your game explode into the double-digit GB's!
The AVI is just the container, AVI supports compressed video. Of course one would have to be crazy to use uncompressed video frames in a game, at 1GB/minute :D nowadays commercial games use compression, compression for sound, compression for everything, and not always optimal quality either :P
So no, i'm not CRAZY enough and have not gone insane to buy his game engine :P
You misread a good amount of what I was saying. I know AVI supports compression, it supports quite a variety of codecs. If you still want to discuss this let's do it in PM's, this topic is about my game.
I think you are getting better at making/designing games TKG, this is some nice work.
Thank you Robert! :D But this game has been around for almost 3+ years. Just recently I decided to re-publish it with some very minor changes made.
linux problem the game not detect libQt5WebKitWidgets.so.5 , but in my system is istalled, i use linux mint 17