Outsourcing saves money => Third Party => Topic started by: Goombert on September 20, 2013, 12:03:10 am

Title: LibMaker
Post by: Goombert on September 20, 2013, 12:03:10 am

This is the action library maker for LGM. It is compatible with regular Game Maker action libraries and LGM's LGL format.

More Information: http://enigma-dev.org/docs/Wiki/Library_Maker
Download: http://enigma-dev.org/docs/Wiki/Install:Extra_Packages

To modify the default action libraries you need to obtain the latest version of LateralGM's source code from GitHub, and you will need to rebuild the jar with the Eclipse IDE. If you simply intend to create a new action library, create a folder called "lib" next to "lateralgm.jar" which is in the folder "enigma-dev" on Windows, and put the LGL file there.

More information on the LGL format is available on the Wiki, it has up to a 10x file size reduction over GM's format.
A GPL v3 licensed C++11 compliant library for reading LGL's and LIB's is available on GitHub.
Title: Re: LibMaker
Post by: time-killer-games on September 20, 2013, 09:21:16 am
Omg I am so using this!
Thanks for sharing this is a nice find! :-)
Title: Re: LibMaker
Post by: time-killer-games on September 20, 2013, 03:36:42 pm
It would be helpful if it explained anywhere on the wiki how the heck I can install the LGLs I just made. The folder structure is different in LateralGM how I would install a lib alll I'd have to do is drop them into the LIB sub-folder in my game maker directory. I tried searching my ENIGMA / LGM folder for the default LGL (I searched "*.lgl") actions and none were found. So I can't really use the actions I made unless you or anyone else who might know how to do this to actually excplain the installation process for LGLs.

Thank you.
Title: Re: LibMaker
Post by: Goombert on September 20, 2013, 06:16:41 pm

Those are the default action libraries as they appear in the latest LGM which I just updated last night with the missing Stupido drag and drop actions. You could build LGM yourself if you want to just take that repository as a ZIP and download the Eclipse Java IDE, I can assist you with building the project.

But I think LGM checks for user action libraries at startup, let me investigate and post back.

Edit: It does...
Code: (java) [Select]
public static void autoLoad()
if (!Prefs.enableDragAndDrop) {
      codeAction = makeCodeAction();

File dir = new File(Prefs.actionLibraryPath);
if (!dir.exists())
if (LGM.workDir == null) return;
dir = new File(LGM.workDir,Prefs.actionLibraryPath);
if (!dir.exists()) dir = LGM.workDir;

codeAction = null;

File userLibF = new File(Prefs.userLibraryPath);
if (userLibF.exists())

if (codeAction == null) {
    codeAction = makeCodeAction();

I don't have the preference added for it yet though, so the default location is...
Code: [Select]
#Library settings
enableDragAndDrop = true
actionLibraryPath = org/lateralgm/resources/library/default
userLibraryPath = ./lib

So just make a folder called "lib" next lateralgm.jar inside enigma-dev and put the LGL's there.
Title: Re: LibMaker
Post by: time-killer-games on September 21, 2013, 09:52:22 am
Thanks! Got it working!