Gamemaker Studio is indeed a wonderful software, however it does have a lot of drawbacks: the main issue being made for Windows.
I've been using windows software since forever and no issues. Yes there are stability issues, but that comes down to the software itself. Windows 7/10 has gone a long way. Isn't there a MAC native version of GMS2 or one in the works ? I was under the impression that it was said that there would be Windows, mac and Linux versions. Maybe one day.
When I buy a product, the manufacturer should not have any rights to the use of said product. After all when you buy a pair of shoes, do Adidas or Converse tell you how to wear them?
This is where I disagree. You are buying software and you have permission to use it. Buying does not entitle you to own the rights, decompile, resell it, modify it, etc. Keep in mind that you are buying GMS2, which entitles you to use the software and produce
games. You own the rights for YOUR games, however, the engine belongs to YYG, and whatever is used inside your compiled games belongs to their respective authors.
So essentially you are saying, you are buying software from me but that should give you the rights to modify it, give away, resell it ?
Also keep in mind it's not much different with ENIGMA, other than ENIGMA is FREE, it is open source, and subject to specific rules. You must distribute your game with the source code and you must accept the fact that people can modify and re-distribute your game. This is open source, whereas with GMS2, this would not be possible without expressed permission. As far as stability, GMS is day and night next to ENIGMA in terms of stability. Of course ENIGMA produces smaller EXE files and shines in some areas, but overall in terms of stability, documentation, features, GMS shines, but there is a price to pay for software development, whereas on open source projects it tends to be stagnant pending developer availability. You can do as you want with GMS2, the games you produce are yours, and you own the rights, however, the engine belongs to YYG - The same way commerical software you buy also mentions the respective licences in their software agreements. Every solution has its pros and cons.
So don't fret; or be discouraged from using Enigma. it is a wonderful piece of software. I absolutely love it and will continue to use it.
I love it too, but now it is so much out of date, incomplete, buggy and unstable.
For some people it's a question of money they want a FREE alternative. Now with GMS2 and the new IDE and features, I think this makes ENIGMA even more obsolete.
Too many workarounds in order to make functional games in ENIGMA, mainly with the IDE.....Not saying that GMS2 is perfect, it's not, but it's more complete and stable than ENIGMA's IDE there's no doubt about it.
I think ENIGMA is obsolete and continuing any kind of development around it is a bloody waste of time - ENIGMA needs to change course and be its own product and detach from GM's knob.

The problem ? It relies on availability of developers and experienced developers - Open sourced projects is also susceptible for clashing of developers and division, disagreements and fuck ups due to abandonment, poor testing, etc. I guess this was the case with ENIGMA if you followed the older topics