Son of Blagger remake
Project description : Son of blagger is a platform game made in 1984 for the commodore 64. It was written by Anthony Crowther (c.f
Anthony Crowther was a famous programmer at that time, as very often he was writing alone his games (doing programming, graphics and music). He was also a very prolific programmer, as he could write games in a few weeks. I was a fan of Anthony Crowther and i decided to make a remake of 'Son of blagger'.
As i wanted the remake to look and behave as much as possible as the original game, i spent a lot of time doing reverse engineering of the C64 executable. I updated the graphics by smoothing them and adding light and shadow effects. This is the first time i tried to program a game.
Gameplay:The goal of the player on each level is manipulate Blagger, a burglar, to collect the scattered keys and then reach the safe. The keys must be collected and the safe opened in a set amount of time. Blagger can walk either left or right, or jump left or right. He must avoid monster and deadly objects.
Keys :Left and right arrows to move and space to jump.
The player can't make 'double jumps', except if he is on a slide. Beyond a given distance, the falls are deadly, except if he is on a slide.
Progress :I consider the game is 80 % finished. The game engine is done, but i need to add an animation when the player has finished the game. Also i would like to add some options to modify the keys mapping, the sound and the possibility to use a joystick. I would like also to add some new levels.
Windows installer: code of game maker studio version : javascript version : code of javascript version : (24.10.2013) : new version with full screen mode. When you are playing, just press enter to switch on/off full screen option.
Update (15.08.2015):By default the game starts in full screen mode. You can switch off/on full screen mode with alt + enter (This the default keys in Game Make studio).
Also i made a javascript version with the Phaser framework. I decided also to share the source code of the game maker and javascript version.