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Author Topic: Looking for Programmer  (Read 13092 times)
Offline (Unknown gender) Mush
Posted on: September 03, 2013, 01:02:22 am
Joined: Sep 2013
Posts: 3

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I've been working on this project for a couple of months, and am realizing that I need some help with it. Primarily I am a pixel artist, but I dabble in programming to see my work in action. It would be awesome if someone would help me out.

You can learn more about the project here:

I am willing to provide monetary compensation, depending on your level of commitment. If you're interested please post in this thread! I hope to see you around the forums or irc  :)
Offline (Male) Goombert
Reply #1 Posted on: September 03, 2013, 05:04:58 am

Location: Cappuccino, CA
Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 2991

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Oh my god, I don't know what it is but I love it, I love stuff regarding the wild west and like the early settlers of America, the new frontier, etc, ever since I played Oregon Trail on the Apple II

Can you tell me more about your game?
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect.

Offline (Unknown gender) Mush
Reply #2 Posted on: September 03, 2013, 10:35:25 am
Joined: Sep 2013
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Downieville is a side-scrolling stealth platformer. The player's goal is to advance through the various chapters of the game to reach some end point of each chapter. You play as an adolescent boy who, accompanied by a stray klepto-cat, is trying to dig up the mysteries surrounding a thriving gold mining town.

The player's level of steapthiness is determines by three factors: visibility, quietness, and smelliness. Like other stealth games, the player can be found if seen or heard, but in Downieville, the player can also be found by his smell. Werid, huh? Well in general, stealth games put importance in decision making, and adding smell to the mix increases that importance; you'll have to think twice before eating that garlic to increase your health, jumping into that pile of trash to hide from a patrolling guard, or dragging that rotting cadaver's body to draw less attention. Though, smell can also be used to your advantage. For example, you can manipulate your cat companion by placing sardines at stratgeic location in order to get him go where you want.

Another gameplay element is the slingshot. Downieveille's gameplay is driven by player's slingshot, which the player uses as a weapon and as a tool to otherwise interact with the game's environment. Here are some different uses:

The simplest use for the slingshot is to shoot projectiles at enemies to stun/damage/kill them.

Example Projectiles: pebble, explosive, smoke device, flashing device, knives.

The slingshot can also be used to interact with different objects in the game. You can hit switches, extinguish lanterns, ignite ropes.

Example Projectiles: pebble, flaming object, water-filled object.

Lure enemies and other objects to you to get in better position to incapacitate, pickpocket, or other modes of interaction.

Example Projectiles: gold nugget, food.

Repel things to avoid being discovered or damaged.
Example Projectiles: gold nugget, stinky things, rabbid animals.

The feel and pacing of the game will take hints from the Paper Mario franchise. Each chapter will take place in a different location, and at the end of each chapter, the player discovers something new to help unravel the mystery that was presented at the beginning of the game. Like Paper Mario, characters will be quirky with lots of personality. The dialogue's humor will be dry and morbid but a bit ridiculous at times.
Offline (Male) Goombert
Reply #3 Posted on: September 03, 2013, 02:01:33 pm

Location: Cappuccino, CA
Joined: Jan 2013
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Well I love the idea so far, if I wasn't so busy I would definitely help out, I definitely want to play it if you get a demo out, so let me know!
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect.

Offline (Unknown gender) TheExDeus
Reply #4 Posted on: September 03, 2013, 03:41:05 pm

Joined: Apr 2008
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Looks very good. I see that you tried to use C#/XNA/Monogame before. So I guess you don't really know ENIGMA/GM at all? EDL (the language ENIGMA uses) and GML (which is what GameMaker uses and is the basis of EDL) are very easy and allows for rapid prototyping if able to get hang of it (which shouldn't be particularly hard). There are also a lot of examples in EDC and the internet (for GM, which ENIGMA usually can run).
I could probably create the things you already shown in the gif's for you. But you should be a little more specific about the some things - like you have the 3d blocks version (where you move in the z direction like in many beat-em ups) and then you have the example where you are 2d. While going from one to the other isn't particularity hard, it is something that should be decided on at the beginning. Your current idea is the 3 level depth which I guess could work best.
The physics could be based on Box2D physics engine in ENIGMA (which would make things like rope behave a lot more like rope), although if you want the more basic physics (which maybe works better for your style of game) then of course it is also possible.
Also, what platforms are you targeting? You say you don't want mouse because of other platforms. Right now ENIGMA supports Windows and Linux (but should work on Macs as well. It's just that no one has tried in a while). Our embedded development pretty much halted, so don't expect Android/IOs support in any near future. Xbox one could be more probable because we have a working directx port going on.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 03:46:41 pm by TheExDeus » Logged
Offline (Unknown gender) Mush
Reply #5 Posted on: September 03, 2013, 03:53:41 pm
Joined: Sep 2013
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Actually, I've only programmed in Game Maker and ENIGMA (+ the stuff I'm forced to do in Java and C at University). I'm doing ok with the project so far, but it's taking way too much time for me to do all the art and coding at the same time. The GIFs seen in the dev log were done chronologically, meaning the "3d" ones are newer than the ones showing off the slingshot. I'm in the process of retrofitting all the stuff I did in 2d to "3d." If someone were to help with the project, I would not care if they tossed everything I've done; I'm very flexible in that regard.

As for platforms, I'm targeting Windows, Linux, and Mac. I also plan on selling the game in the future, so if you join the team, revshare is on the table.
Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Reply #6 Posted on: September 08, 2013, 10:25:05 pm

I'm in for it. But I can't be working for you day to day because I won't always be available with life and my own projects getting in the way. So what I'm say I can do for you in a nutshell is once a week or so let's say you have a serious programming issue which is stumbling you and stops you from making forward progress and it's time sensitive, important that you have some coding assistance, I'll mark my calender we can agree on a certain day of the week but it doesn't matter which day really as long as it is no greater or less than once a week. And don't pay me it's my joy to help. :-)  sound good?

Also I'm not a miracle worker so I might not be able to solve some coding issues you might have but it not very likely to happen since I'm rather fluent with GML at this point. Send me a PM or add me on face book my profile picture is of me eating a marshmello (yum) and my full name is Samuel Venable.
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