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Pages: 1
Function Peer Review / median[1..4] + action_set_gravity + action_move_contact
« on: April 23, 2011, 09:23:28 am »Code: [Select]
// Median functions @ mathhnc.cpp ; mathhnc.h
double median(double x) { return x; }
double median(double x,double y) { return fmin(x,y); }
double median(double x,double y,double z) { return x > y ? x > z ? y > z ? y : z : x : y > z ? x > z ? x : z : y; }
double median(double w,double x,double y,double z) { return w > x ? w > y ? w > z ? median(x,y,z) : median(w,x,y) : y > z ? median(w,x,z) : median(w,x,y) : x > y ? x > z ? median(w,y,z) : median(w,x,y) : y > z ? median(w,x,z) : median(w,x,y) }
// { D&D functions @ actions.h
#define itype enigma::object_planar* const
#define ithis ((enigma::object_planar*)enigma::instance_event_iterator->inst)
// Gravity action. Tested; works
inline void action_set_gravity(double d, double g) {
itype me = ithis;
if (argument_relative) {
me->gravity += g;
me->gravity_direction += d;
} else {
me->gravity = g;
me->gravity_direction = d;
// Move Contact Solid action. Concept, might not work as intended for <1 values
inline void action_move_contact(double d, double m, int o) {
itype me = ithis;
double pr = 1; // precision
double dx = lengthdir_x(pr, d);
double dy = lengthdir_y(pr, d);
for (int i = m; i > 0; i -= (m != -1 ? 1 : 0))
if (!(o > 0 ? place_free(me->x+dx, me->y+dy) : place_empty(me->x+dx, me->y+dy))) return;
me->x += dx;
me->y += dy;
// }
As mentioned, action_move_contact might not work exactly like in GM, but its clearly better than nothing.
Pages: 1