General fluff => General ENIGMA => Topic started by: hpg678 on May 22, 2020, 06:11:26 pm

Title: OpenSuse Support for Enigma
Post by: hpg678 on May 22, 2020, 06:11:26 pm
Now users using Opensuse can develop games with Enigma for that platform. For now i can say it is a bit experimental as there are a few 'kinks' to smooth out. Sound support for other formats other than .wav is an example. When sufficient testing has been done, the procedures will be outlined in the Wiki.

I dont have that much experience with Opensuse. I do find it fascinating though. It is very sleek and efficient OS. From its package manager to YaST, you can find just about any package you need. Commands in the terminal and very easy and simple to remember. Need to update your OS......you can type " sudo zypper update" or "sudo zypper up" .to remove a package............you can type 'sudo remove <package name>' or 'sudo rm <package name>'.

It had been tedious finding all the dependecies to get Enigma to work. With Opensuse being totally, open source, libraries that had a hint of being proprietry could not be used/found. It does allow one to use proprietry software from 3rd party vendors but doing so could break the system. Opensuse does not test/check for any flaws or bugs from such software, so the risk is all on you, the user.

Click on the link to see some screenshots.

https://imgur.com/gallery/0G3dfkm (https://imgur.com/gallery/0G3dfkm)

Title: Re: OpenSuse Support for Enigma
Post by: hpg678 on May 27, 2020, 06:27:01 pm
You can find the instructions on install ENIGMA on Opensuse here (https://enigma-dev.org/docs/Wiki/Opensuse_Setup).

If you need any further help, post here in the Forums or drop a request on the Discord channel in the #troubleshooting section.

Title: Re: OpenSuse Support for Enigma
Post by: time-killer-games on June 09, 2020, 03:22:07 pm
yeeeaah boi
Title: Re: OpenSuse Support for Enigma
Post by: hpg678 on August 18, 2020, 06:24:11 am
The instructions have been updated in the Wiki with additional links to install the libdumb library. libdumb is needed for producing sound via the OpenAL API.  SFMLis no longer supported through the same API widget as OpenAL so it was necessary to provide this update.
To get the library you will need to type some CLI commands in the Terminal as you need to add an additional repository to get the package.
Title: Re: OpenSuse Support for Enigma
Post by: HitCoder on October 05, 2020, 12:05:08 pm
This is awesome, Hugar! Thanks for making this, hopefully it will make Enigma a more accessible platform for OpenSuse users.  :D :D :D
Title: Re: OpenSuse Support for Enigma
Post by: hpg678 on October 15, 2020, 12:37:49 pm
Thanks for that Hitcoder. To be honest I have made it my main work machine. What can I say, its works so well. ;) (Y) ;)