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Author Topic: A rough draft on written Tutorials  (Read 8732 times)
Offline (Male) hpg678
Posted on: April 23, 2018, 04:13:49 am

Location: Barbados
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 283

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Greetings all. It has been quite a while since i last posted. I've been very busy of late with other work which have taken a lot of my time. However I've still involved in ENIGMA if only for a couple of hours.

I've in the process of writing some Tutorials for LINUX users. My first publication is not quite finished but I thought I would share what I have done so far with you, to get your opinions.

The link to the file is here.

I also plan on doing a Tower Defense tutorial, A Guide to using ENIGMA and migrating GM samples and scripts to work for LINUX.
[compromised account]
Pages: 1