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Author Topic: Request  (Read 8591 times)
Offline (Unknown gender) time-killer-games
Posted on: October 22, 2014, 03:29:52 pm

I'd like my account to be suspended for one month so I can have a break from this and get a chance to cool down. This is for the sake of me and the whole community I haven't been exactly the best example of what this community should be. Hopefully next month things will be back to normal! :) I know this is stupid but I need this enforced because I have no self control at this point.
Offline (Male) Goombert
Reply #1 Posted on: October 22, 2014, 03:49:21 pm

Location: Cappuccino, CA
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I don't understand nor do I have the authority TKG. But I will add that I thought you were doing tremendous with the development of your border style extensions and what not. I think you ought to find a good project to soak up that energy in.  (Y)
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect.

Offline (Female) IsmAvatar
Reply #2 Posted on: October 22, 2014, 04:13:46 pm

LateralGM Developer
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If you seriously wish for this, please private message an administrator of these forums, such as myself or Josh, and we can ban your account, host, and/or ip for a fixed period of time.
Offline (Unknown gender) lonewolff
Reply #3 Posted on: October 22, 2014, 05:10:02 pm

I understand fully where you are coming from TKG. I did the same thing with my YYG account a while back, I needed a huge break from social media.

After having a break, it changed my perspective and I was able to come back refreshed.

Before posting these days I usually (not always  :D) have a huge think before hitting the 'Post' button. I think to myself 'will the world really care if I hit the post button'. Normally the answer comes back 'nope'.

Partially, this is one of the reasons I have ditched FB, Twitter, GameJolt, etc... No one really gives a crap about what I post, so why post it? I don't need a fan club or 10000 followers, 9999 of those people couldn't care less about me anyway. So, why give them an avenue to direct crap at me?

The internet is now one big 'score board', I don't need to be a part of 'that game'.

Just an insight into how my brain ticks over these days. :)

So, I fully understand your position, TKG. And none of us are 'out to get you'. We all have bad days and post crap that we didn't really mean. It really does happen to all of us.  :)

You just need to really sit back and start disregarding peoples posts if you don't agree with what they say. Once you realise it. The 'block' button is your best friend. Once someone throws garbage at you, 'block' and then 'bang' they are out of your life. Never have to worry about them again.

Before closing my twitter account I had most of the YYG staff blocked. Nocturne, Mike Dailly, Jobo, (and generally anyone else in the 'boys club'). I just don't need to read thier shit.
Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Reply #4 Posted on: October 22, 2014, 08:53:30 pm
Joined: Jan 2014
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You are probably taking big decisions by emotions, been there mate, I almost hit that delete account more than once, don't let the emotions guide you!
In this case sometimes just letting the dust settle and moving on helps...I've been in such situations, you say what you have to say and then move on, sometimes people misinterpret things and bash you, but then you defend your view and attempt to fix things......been there a lot on just learn in time to let dust settle and avoid situations that can spark trouble.... take it as a learning experience..... Remember the religion topic you started that created a lot of tension between myself and some users ? That is a good example of learning experience, things were said and we moved on......There are many occasions I too would have closed my account.

If you feel you need time out, you can simply log off and not visit the forum.....asking to be banned is kinda odd though, but in some cases a timeout is good, and if you really  cannot control it, much like a gambler asking to be excluded from casino then I guess so be it, keep in mind you are not alone, many have gone through this stage, including your best mate lonewolff :D - and myself, and many others, different people handle it differently.  I take it as a learning experience and I too think many times before hitting submit and try as much as possible to avoid topics that can go downhill...... we are human and not perfect.

You might even use this as inspiration to a game, like you did with the bully game HD thingy :D
Offline (Unknown gender) Darkstar2
Reply #5 Posted on: October 22, 2014, 08:58:24 pm
Joined: Jan 2014
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The internet is now one big 'score board', I don't need to be a part of 'that game'.

Just an insight into how my brain ticks over these days. :)

The internet is the reflection of life.  People succeed and make money NOT because of their hard work and talent but because of popularity... Life is a popularity contest.  Some people become viral and famous overnite with trash posted on social media, some actually deserve it because they are bloody creative geniuses, and many don't fucking deserve it,
*cough*Justin*cough* fill in the last name :D

So, I fully understand your position, TKG. And none of us are 'out to get you'. We all have bad days and post crap that we didn't really mean. It really does happen to all of us.  :)

You just need to really sit back and start disregarding peoples posts if you don't agree with what they say. Once you realise it. The 'block' button is your best friend. Once someone throws garbage at you, 'block' and then

Block/ignore button on forums, though one would really miss out by blocking you as you give constructive feedback / criticism that can be useful.  to think that all these fights over a video player bloody hell, good thing you are not a married couple you would have killed yourselves LOL.

Before closing my twitter account I had most of the YYG staff blocked. Nocturne, Mike Dailly, Jobo, (and generally anyone else in the 'boys club'). I

Christ were you really that desperate ? LOL!

Offline (Unknown gender) lonewolff
Reply #6 Posted on: October 22, 2014, 09:10:54 pm

I was blocking the YYG guys LOL - they were following me. Not the other way around  ;)
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