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Messages - Darkstar2

Proposals / Re: Easy Cross-compiling?
« on: May 27, 2014, 12:10:51 pm »
It's a shame then that I don't know enough to apply for the job,

Who said you actually needed to know enough :D  No experience needed. :P

I'm sure it would be many times over what I'm currently making and besides...

Yes, thank wee customers !  ::)

Drinking single malt not blended scotch there must be way cheapper than here in México.  :(


Say what you want but the problem is with ENIGMA.

1) Nothing wrong with my hardware. I never had this shit happen to me in any 2D game, 3D game, or whatever.

2) It has NOTHING to do with blurriness, everything is sharp that is not the issue. The issue is the fucking pixel vertical line on scrolling that I did not use to have and text that is displayed wrong, NOT BLURRY, but rendered wrong.  I already posted a screen shot in the past, you too, so it can't only be card related.

3) It's no use testing gl model view and d3d projection ortho no combination works.  I tried all the combinations suggested even my own even sweeping through the entire possible range, no combination bloody works.  If I find a setting that works in fullscreen it won't in windows and etc. having swept all the combinations.

4)  void AddVertex(gs_scalar x, gs_scalar y)
    vertices.push_back(x); vertices.push_back(y);
vertexStride = 2;
what the fuck am I supposed to do with this ?
more offsets as in x+=0.5f; y+=0.5f ?
did change fuck all, same shit.  Tried other numbers.

You mean to tell me that everything works fine on your end without any need for offsets in the glmatrix ?  I thought you said otherwise back when I reported it the first time.

ENIGMA is completely useless to me now until I find a solution for at least text.

If I take the same bkg_clouds and load it as a sprite and have it scroll (non tiled) across the screen, I don't see any lines.  It only
happens with H tiled backgrounds, and I haven't even tried V tiling too to see if this affects V scrolling.........
1) Cannot render text properly !
2) Cannot do scrolling background.
3) Though I had figured out how to fix it but did not work.
Only thing I could emulate a fix was to subtract 1 to the code
with cloudswidth but that was simply an overlapping pixel, that is rubbish and still does not fix text and not a proper way to do things
When using normal code for room scrolling / background, etc it glitches now like crazy.

you are telling me that studio does this, O RLY?  Because as much as GMS is dog's shite, it has never had scroll glitching or text artifacting.   I will try this with gaystudio tomorrow morning with my new set of drivers.

what if the problem is in the font rendering or sprite/background handling or deeper in the graphic system ?

If I have time I will make a video showing the display sweep through
all possible combinations for you to see and believe we have ourselves one giant steaming hot pile of turd, and I honestly exhausted all my tests I don't know what more I could try or do.

Guess I have to forget about scrolling......
and text, no way...... a game without text lol. not gonna happen.
or I could just say the fuck with it I don't care if the game won't display properly for all......... but that's not me.  I cannot swallow this shit that everyone with NVIDIA cards will not be able to run a game compiled with ENIGMA...........rather the game will not render properly and look like shit!  WTF.... no way, this can't be happening.

What seem to work with scrolling is setting display resolution 1:1 with room width room height, but only works for full screen, windowed = glitchy scroll ( lines).

vertices.push_back(x+0.5f); vertices.push_back(y+0.5f);
or variations of that have no effect no visual difference no nothing.
because this is not what is causing the issue.

That's exactly it I don't think it's GPU related :D

BTW, yes I put the code exactly where you told me to.
and again, it had no effect. you know why ? Because it has nothing to do with the problem.  Will post a screenshot later on.

Yeah, I have noticed a few things 'off' in the half hour that I have been playing with ENIGMA.

Poor Rob has a lot of weight on his shoulders with this project I think.

lol oh mate you have not seen anything yet !

I am losing my mind here. :D

But I still like to work with ENIGMA, it's a challenge,
and I think I can find ways to work around the issues,
it's a pain in the arse though :P

Issues Help Desk / room_set functions not implemented in ENIGMA????
« on: May 26, 2014, 08:25:15 pm »
I noticed lot of simple functions are missing in ENIGMA.
You can set those in the IDE, but not in GML:

(compiles but does nothing).
and basically all room_set commands

...continuation from above post.  Regarding scrolling I found a workaround, I looked at the code, I don't know who wrote this, but they could have coded it better. There are simpler ways of doing the scroll thing using existing functions, I replaced and simplified some code and the scroll works now in every resolution and offset possible.  Before, the scrolling was handled manually using a formula/calculations, now I have it handled by built in functions.  I will test this more and will send you a copy and would like you to tell me if you see anymore lines.  If it works on your end then the problem is caused elsewhere which I am pretty sure it is.

This has nothing to do with the blurry texture reported in unity. the problem I am experiencing is not blurriness.....but artifacting.

When I refer to text display being bad I mean the letters themselves are fine, but there are tiny veritcal and horizontal lines around edges of the font.

I really feel hopeless.  I tried even defining fonts,
I used many different kinds of fonts and sizes ranging
from tiny to huge and see those artifacts !!! and what's more upsetting is the artifact is not consistent across a range of x,y but it is variable, depending on each letter in the font so this proves beyond doubt something deep in ENIGMA perhaps nothing to do with what we are trying to fix :D

I use a script to change the offset within the game,
it resolves it to where my 1111111 example is, but
breaks the lines below it and if moving the position more artifacts come.
  it seems impossible to have a fix that will allow text to display fine regardless of its x,y coordinate.  I'm certainly not reverting my gfx card drivers because I know the driver is fine.  The new driver happen to coincidentally enhance or make more visible what was already broken in ENIGMA.

You might be chasing the wrong problem.
None of the suggestions worked.

Uhm, yah, my drivers are up to date, I just bought this computer. Second, I don't think updating your drivers should have had any effect on floating point rounding, that's something that is somewhat built into the graphics card.

Prior to updating my drivers, I did not have the scrolling glitch on any offsets.   Since updating my drivers, I see the scrolling glitch on ALL offsets, and text glitch on ALL offsets as well.  I suspect there is more to it, must be something in ENIGMA.  I am currently investigating this now as I tried making a new project and using tiled background scrolling and did not see the scroll glitch on ANY offset.  I think this is in relation to some function not working right within ENIGMA and in the game code. Regarding the text glitch, that still remains.  With my older drivers text displayed fine with many tested offsets.  With new drivers, ALL offsets glitch, I tried every possible increment range between 0.000 and 1.000, no go.

At any rate, try not offsetting at all, and try 0.5,0.5. And also, I told you. I don't know how Unity3D solves this either.

As I mentioned already, I tried ALL possible ranges, from 0.000 to 1.000 in every increment, any possible combination.  I suspect where the scrolling bug is coming from, but regarding text don't know.   I have lots to work on and test for now.

You can also try rounding up or down x and y on the following line. Also try rounding up or down and offsetting by 0.5,0.5

Will do.

Read previous posts for the shit update.

Nothing works !

0.00,0.00 and 0.25,0.25
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.25,0.25 and 0.25,0.25 (original settings)
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.25,0.25 and 0.125,0.125
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.125,0.125 and 0.25,0.25
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.375,0.375 and 0.375,0.375
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.125,0.125 and 0.375,0.375
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.25,0.25 and 0.375,0.375
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.375,0.375 and 0.25,0.25
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.375,0.375 and 0.125,0.125`
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

0.000,0.000 and 0.000,0.000
pile of dung all around.  Scroll bad text bad border bad

(Seems nothing has any effect everything is identical)

Same shit, full screen, window mode, all resolutions,
OGL1,OGL3 and even DX9 !!!!

Everything has gone to complete utter shite!

All I did was update my driver, and yes I did a clean install.  and yes I rebuild all each time.
Seems no matter what numbers I use they all have the same look, I don't see any difference between all of the above.

What in fuck just happened here ?


Instead of going back and forth editing and rebuilding
(time consuming) I wrote a script that I plugged into
the game, allowing me in real-time to tweak settings with keyboard and view the changes live.
Not a single settings work, be it full screen, window, scroll is always bad.  I swept the entire range using the script.

So it's no bloody use, I don't know what else to do
and I am pissed at this.

Issues Help Desk / Re: Problems with multiple views
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:23:50 pm »
Aren't you supposed to use glFinish(); before Swapbuffers ?

Issues Help Desk / Re: Font rendering is broken again ! (updated)
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:12:24 pm »
Ok what mess.  Since I have been extremely busy for quite some time I kinda neglected updating stuff on my PC.  Didn't have the need to.  Anyhow now I am up to date on the NVIDIA drivers, they are the latest official WHQL.

Robert, are your AMD graphics card drivers up to date as well ? 

After updating lots have changed, I will re-run those tests again

Now I see those flickering lines too !!!!!

Not only that but bad text & flickering lines.  Am I to assume by this that they fixed the rounding issue ? Guess we shall find out :D

Will re-run tests, I will start with
0.375 / 0.375 (update: Nope no go)

@Harri:  model view only 0.375 does not work for me either.  Flickering lines (scroll) bad text.
So far I tried many and all have bad text and bad scroll, will try the set above.

Pissed off I thought recent drivers would solve it.
Why the bloody hell don't I have any issues running any other 2D or 3D game...... ?

Issues Help Desk / Re: Font rendering is broken again ! (updated)
« on: May 26, 2014, 12:30:59 pm »
Tried that already Harri, I get the following results, notice the 1px border on the left and top as a result of shifting my geometry because the black rectangle fades over the scrolling background.

Harri if those final tests he does do not work, we won't have a set of values that works for both of us. What do you think about rounding up in the Vertex2D function of ModelStruct? That way we emulate the same consistent behavior, i'd prefer not to do it in the vertex shader also because we can't control which vertices are 2D that way.

Before doing anymore tests there is something I have to do.  I will go update my drivers to the latest version.  My drivers a little outdated.  Will go install
the latest WHQL ones.  Currently using 314.22.

Proposals / Re: Easy Cross-compiling?
« on: May 26, 2014, 12:23:22 pm »
I'm (in the time that I have) working on other things that are less fundamentally sad.

I'm sure YoYoGames is always hiring good talent.
Have you sent them your CV yet ? They pay a much better salary than ENIGMA. :P

Off-Topic / Re: Unity Web Player
« on: May 26, 2014, 12:14:10 pm »
Well, you are going to meet a lot of people like that in the near future. Just like people don't want to use flash for anything anymore.

Interesting, and it would be good to ask all those people why........   IS it because they don't WANT t o use it or because being told they shouldn't.  Media influence.     If tomorrow there is a big trend that wearing pink shirts and rainbow shoes is the next big thing, everyone will want to wear them.

Remember there was time when all those gadgets, smartphones, tablets, those amazing things called computer, social media was once referred to as a nerdy thing........nowadays you don't see one person without their smartphones pounding social media :P if you dared walk around with those in a certain "era" whilst in high school or university you'd be labeled a geek/nerd ...... Now, it only makes it easier for the chick to ask you your number....... you can just text it to her.........:D

It's the new trend, people don't talk anymore they text......

...until the next big thing people get brainwashed into doing or using.

It's the media and the whole technology industry that controls what you want to use or not it seems.

I call it, the Dr. Oz effect........

If Dr. Oz makes a show and says that potato chips is a newly discovered miracle that cures cancer, makes you lose weight etc.etc...... then I don't need to say the rest.

Not long into the future we'll all be robots, nobody to think for themselves and controlled by the big powers that be.

I reckon reading from YYG once that they claimed HTML5 did not need any modifications since their code is super optimised.  :P

That is why I said that the fact you can run UnrealEngine in browser without any plugins, just shows how powerful and fast the thing can be. Unreal4 also runs in a browser now.

That's amazing stuff right there......  Maybe one day GM can be a cloud application !

Issues Help Desk / Re: Font rendering is broken again ! (updated)
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:45:15 am » mean you weren't passing the second set to model view?

LOL  ;D ;D ;D FFS of course I passed the second value ! That was through the CPP file.  Everything was done.   I was talking about function, I asked how do I dynamically change those values inside game, you mentioned using d3d_projection, then I asked how do I pass the model view value, I thought it was obvious I meant through EDL/GML functions.  I already know how to apply changes through the GLMatrix.cpp ! :D

The reason I ask is should we never find a solution perhaps we can find the one set that works for you, and the one set that works for me, and I could make a script in my games with ability for a setting to be configured either internally or through a settings.ini of some sort where GPU=AMD or GPU=NVIDIA or whatever and have the game automatically change settings.  I'm thinking ahead and try to think of workarounds, because I have a feeling this specific issue might be bigger than we think !