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Messages - Darkstar2

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:15:06 pm »
It works, and as you know, still the focus problem.

Ok the losing focus thing might be due to the embedded window within a window and so that takes "priority", if you click outside the embedded browser area the initial window is back in focus, if you click on the browser area the caption turns grey as the focus is placed on the embedded browser. since the browser itself is another window.  So in theory this should be normal behaviour, as only one windows at a time can be in focus,
and since the embedded window has no border, it gives a weird impression although it's acting normal...You can switch back and forward focus, now when clicking on the initial window, it does not force itself to lose focus, but stays in it, unless you press inside the embedded area.

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:42:53 pm »
It displayed POOP in a white background - however there is still the problem of window losing focus, (by losing focus I don't mean disappearing, it is the caption area that goes from gradient blue to grey as if it was a stay on top and you tried clicking on another window, when clicking in caption area it becomes blue again, but when clicking in any area inside client area it loses focus.
But yeah, I see the word poop. lol!

BTW, this topic should be moved to work in progress as I think we all agree that this is not a finished game :D

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:38:50 pm »
Are we ???? because it feels colder to me :D
BTW I tried stuff on my own here, I tried local HTML viewing, same problem.
I tried disabling web styling, I tried changing other things.  there is one thing I have in mind I will go check.

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:29:56 pm »
Okay with this version I commented out all windowstyler calls.


lol thanks I already went ahead and did that, still same problem.  I tried making changes to the code, modifying stuff, removing stuff, same stuff... I tried running the barebones browser plugin without embed, white area....and flickering hourglass/arrow, it's as if it is retrying in a loop of some sort.


Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:22:28 pm »
It made it FAR WORSE :D it's now creating several windows of itself when clicking mouse,
still the window loses focus as soon as run.
It was so bad, I had to manually end the process in task manager :D

I suspect the problem might have to do with the styler.

Could you try sending me a browser example, WITHOUT the styler or any calls to the styler, just the embedding browser.

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:35:39 pm »
It would be so much easier if I could test this myself on a machine that is having the trouble you guys are.

Could you describe the machines you ran this successfully on ? including OS/type, etc?

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:09:50 pm »
From the traces I ran and my observation in the window forcing itself out of focus and the flickering hour glass, it seems like a conflict, and something is looping indefinitely, a trace showed buffer overflows and invalid device (when tracing your browser plugin through process monitor) - Congratulations TKG, you may be an actual victim of DLL hell !

Perhaps someone on the blitz forum can help you there.

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:02:07 pm »
and I had no way of knowing that!

Actually you do, nothing prevents you from distributing the program to people with different configs to test your product first.
I would have helped you there testing it first before release, I'm sure others too.

So it does not work for anybody but you ?
could it have to do with what you used to create the plugin and how it was generated?

BTW I don't know if this is any relevant I tried running a trace on your program, monitoring what goes on and I can see in web browser it is generating buffer overflows and INVALID DEVICE warnings.
I will go try this plugin of yours in an old system with XP. will let you know.

// nope, same thing in another system in win XP.

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:58:52 pm »
Interesting... I created the actual browser control DLL with a watered-down programming language known as BlitzMax. I'm requesting help and insight on their forum as we speak, worst case scenerio I'll have to re-write the entire extension in C++. :/

Still no go, running both EXE, see window with an embedded white window but no browser..... I notice as if something is trying to to loop or move away from the window, when clicking on the window the caption area becomes blue then grey (in and out of focus).

I tried running from your EGM source, same issue.  Even the GMS compiled EXE behaves the same, as did the EGM compiled one.

This is interesting indeed, these kinds of problems might be an issue with 3rd party plugins DLL..... And yes I tried including the dependency DLL in the same folder, still no go, so that's not the issue.

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:38:59 pm »
Ok ran both EXE and all I get is a WHITE window area inside the main window and nothing.  The IE DLL has nothing to do, I tried placing the DLL inside the folder and same problem.  I will investigate this

and no TKG, we don't have viruses on our systems :D

BTW I am running Windows 7 64bit,
I do have IE as it came with windows, will investigate this further see if I can find the reason.


Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:33:08 pm »
Extract the and in the datafiles dir just run "" that'd be great! :)

Download -

Will do TKG......Thanks. 

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:20:18 pm »
Darkstar2 if you really want to help please download it and run it. If you have no problems, I can verify Lonewolff has a virus and call it a day. You're right IESHIMS.DLL is a part of IE meaning every windows OS still on the planet has it. No need to distribute it.

Is this compatible with ENIGMA because I do not use GMS currently and it is not installed.
BTW, I cannot download from the MarketPlace as I do not have an account in the MarketPlace.  Only MarketPlace account holders can......This is separate from the community and YYG account.  I also do not want to register on the market place for now,
PM me your extension here, if it is compatible with ENIGMA I will give it a try.

Off-Topic / Re: Restructuring the Community
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:11:54 pm »
The reason Robert is usually mentioned, is because he is the one that originally was very rash on the forums.

There are some genuinely mean people and there are people who might appear or act mean on the outside, for some reason my gut instinct always told me that deep inside he's not mean and that he's helpful.  Usually one could easily distinguish those on a forum, as he was not like that in every single post.  When I joined I asked questions, and I remember a particular user flaming and insulting / degrading everyone he was 0% constructive 100% mean/flame, all the time, so it SHOULD be fairly easy to seed out the bad weed :D

Before him the whole thing was still silly, but it wasn't really offensive or aggressive.

I remember Cheeseboy's posts and his nice comments on ENIGMA...... So ok maybe now things have changed for the better but imagine new people coming to see devs fight and talk trash about their own product and the work of others, how the hell do you think this resonates to new people, will they say "WOW this is an amazing project and community" or will they simply dismiss this as a kiddies playground.......that's the question.

So the ending questions is - What is exactly the thing that needs to be restructured? Just moderation for swear words?

Fuck no :D You want examples ????

Here are some, it's all about common sense:

1) People who abuse and CONSTANTLY flame developers or other users, and are of absolute no use (such as the one person I witnessed when I joined), those usually are not contributors and trouble from the first day they join.....Those are the #1 candidates for moderation or ban.

2) Spewing garbage that could be a liability for the site and the project.  Inciting illegal acts (do I even need to give examples here !?!?!?) inciting violence, hate, slander, defamatory remarks on a dev/user, making personal attacks against a person, homophobia/racism, etc.   These kinds of discussions/remarks have absolutely no room in the official forums of the product, you can disagree with devs, other users, you can be harsh in your opinions, the line goes quite far, but there HAS to be a line that one cannot cross otherwise you just allow anything and things can quickly spiral out of control !  People who still think moderation is unnecessary have probably not much experience in forums or have not experienced situations that require it. 

company/product bashing? Like many here (usually not developers, the only dev who actually bashes them is Robert) bash YYG, GM:S, Microsoft, Apple etc. Prettier site? As most know there was one very pretty which never went live. Josh doesn't want this to seem like a product or even worse, a

In a way YES.  BTW, there HAS been bashing from devs, inside source code and on forum, I recall clearly comments made against YYG and new nicknames given to YYG and GM/GMS, long before I started using some of them as I thought it was kinda funny at the time, (and still do).  But there is a line to draw, bashing a product when you argument your statements....

For example I bloody hate what YYG did with GM and the direction they took, their arrogance, their responses to people who asked them about features, removed features, etc, their removing of some functions, their telling people make your own, the way they handle certain things in there is a difference on the intentions and context.  Then there is straight / random bashing without any arguments, just bashing for the kicks of it, probably by people who never even bothered using the product, have not paid for it, or are newbies who can't learn how to use it. I think it is fair to assume that most of us here who bashed the product have been long time users of GM and paid users......I've known about GM since its beginning, it actually started as an animation progam......I've started USING GM at version 5 and been a paying user all the way.  It's one thing to bash a product, but when is he line crossed ?
Making derogatory/degrading/racist/hurtful comments towards a person..... I think in all fairness most people here who bashed a product or company made solid and valid arguments.  Others might not agree with point of views though.  I could give MANY valid reasons why I stopped using GMS, but some kiddies attached to GMS might strongly disagree with me, because usually people who do, don't raise the bar and won't ever discover WHY......Catch the clown galore and boring ass games.  How many of the user base of GM make EXCEPTIONAL quality games???? The majority ? How many truly push the limits ?  I don't think it is the majority, and if I'm wrong correct me....
Common moderate when you see a situation can spiral out of control.  Of course some mods on forums ban or close topics very quickly, that is BAD moderation.  I've seen cases of people being banned or moderated for no valid reasons, whilst I've seen other people get away with a lot of shit, but they agree and suck up to mods and admins/company......(sounds familiar??? :D)
That is an example of BAD moderation and power abuse :D  But whether an open source / hobby project or closed source, EVERY forum should have rules. Otherwise no rules then anything goes........Then don't be surprised to see topics like these and any negative image you might get.....

As far as some people making comment that we should not talk about YYG or GM, that is difficult considering ENIGMA is tied to GM :D and the reason of ENIGMA was not because GM was exceptional and flawless....... :P

finished product, mostly because that will attract a lot of people asking why X doesn't work or why Y isn't added in ENIGMA in the next 48h hours. People, especially comming from GMC, don't know what FOSS is. They expect from us the same things (or more) they expect from a company like YYG. And that is not what we want.

So use 127 point font, red big and bold and
make it clear that this is WORK IN PROGRESS.  I have seen VERY negative comments against ENIGMA by people outside this forum, by the product itself, some very harsh terms even used by GM devs themselves..... So why the bloody hell can't we call out what deserves to be called out ?

But at the same time I want that new site online for MYSELF. So Josh, can we maybe put the site live, with just giant letter "THIS IS PRE-BETA!" or something?

lmao! then you scare people away thinking the product is absolutely bug ridden ,does not work and not worth using...... In my opinion work in progress is better.  One could make fully functional games in ENIGMA, in certain situations more work is needed......this project will not cater to those who are newbies , D&D only and don't have minimal coding knowledge or work around skills.....People might join thinking ENIGMA is 100% compatible with GM, I think there are certain things that should be very obvious and documented on the main site, in nice big bold letters.......127 points will do! :D Then people who complain have no excuse they didn't read :D unless they are totally blind !

Off-Topic / Re: Creating an ENIGMA fork?
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:58:10 am »
Just reading through the GPL license FAQ now.

Seems like a massive mess of contradictions and double talk.

Makes closed source more attractive, the more that I read it...

LOL ! and you just discovered this now lonewolff ? :P   

to address Josh's points:

You can try to do that, but I suspect that you will have at most half as many active users as we do

It depends, a significantly better product or different product might attract a crowd.  Given the fact that it was said to me that nearly 99% of the GMC are kids/pre-teens, I could see why people have attachment to GM :D  so perhaps a new product, nothing to do with GM, but same ease of use, might attract a different crowd, it all depends on the person running the site.

I also suspect you'll find that a community whose only facet is stricter moderation run by people less qualified to provide support for the actual software behind the community is, in fact, less likely to draw a crowd. But I could be wrong.

Excellent point there, who better to get support from, than the original development team, especially when you are working with the same code base.  Good point there Josh.  Though I disagree with you about the moderation part.....It all depends on your level of moderation.  There is a difference between a forum mod by trigger happy kids and stuck up admins, and PROPER moderation - believe it or not it IS possible to be very lenient BUT draw the line on what is acceptable and what  cannot be crossed.

Finished Games / Re: Window Styler, Web Browser, and Embed Program
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:01:49 am »
Can you legally do that TKG ?

That DLL is part of Microsoft Internet Explorer and you should have that DLL inside your program files internet explorer.
It is the Microsoft Internet Explorer Compatibility Shims. People should have that on their system, as an alternative you could add the the location to the PATH environment from within your game, if not mistaken.