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Messages - Darkstar2

Off-Topic / Re: Contributor Status
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:30:51 pm »
Nice! Sounds like my last pay rise  :D

You are probably already over paid :D, fringe benefits, diplomatic immunity, free travel, get to carry cool er.... "gear" :D  :D

Next step will be a limo like Rob's

LOL!  I actually thought you were posting a screenshot of a new engine demo, I was like WTF he's pulling our leg......then I read the text above. :D

Off-Topic / Re: Contributor Status
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:28:34 pm »
I forgot to mention, we're also doubling your salaries 0$ * 2 ;D

LOL! That was actually funny.

Off-Topic / Re: Contributor Status
« on: November 05, 2014, 03:47:11 am »
Agent Wolf needs to have something worthy of contributing first  ::)

Dr. Wolf has something big and worthy, but unfortunately there is a big butt plug in ENIGMA that needs to be pulled out first, oh something about d3d_device if I'm not mistaken right ?   ;D  Hopefully soon Wolfie.....:D

Off-Topic / Re: Contributor Status
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:59:08 pm »
Let's hope Agent Wolf will have his badge soon too :D :P

Congrats Sorlok and Egofree, :)

Off-Topic / Re: Brilliant tip to not forget your password !
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:12:05 am »


Developing ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:17:33 pm »
Never thought I'd say this but I like the theme in the last image lol! I wonder what it reminds me of :D :P

Off-Topic / Re: GMS prices up again
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:15:59 pm »
This whole licensing issue seems to be a conspiracy about making ENIGMA look bad.

Seems to be a conspiracy led by the ENIGMA team themselves though.  ::)

I had never questioned the licence until Josh started posting these licence threads roughly a year ago. It was only then that I realized that ENIGMA owns my crap LOL  :D

So does YoYoGames agent Lonewolff :D

Be it marketplace or releasing / distributing with their assistance, they own your soul and your all your souls of future life times, :P of course as independent distributor that's another story. :P
But yeah with ENIGMA it's true they own you (p0wnZ to be more precise!) So it's nothing to mess around with :P
Though there are ways to kinda minimise the effects.  Like keeping all your data and resources EXTERNAL and encrypted and using an external handler to decypher and prepare resources fetching it back to your all you would need to provide is source of your game, the resource handler and its assets are yours!
if I were to code a C++ resource handler and call it from ENIGMA to fetch external resources, would ENIGMA also require the source to my C++ external file ? fuck no, I don't think so since it is NOT part of the ENIGMA engine and is totally independent.    But most people don't think out of the box and will include all their assets inside the EXE and everything in plain view in their code...... There are many ways to use ENIGMA where these would be non issues.
Besides the Josh/Robert probably too busy to even take a piss (literally :D) to even care about mocking about your code or your elements, so I wouldn't worry, the licence might bot be the only thing that held ENIGMA's more of the lack of contributors and time of existing ones.  I don't think anybody is in a rush to make a multi million $ game in ENIGMA as of yet. :D

Off-Topic / Re: GMS prices up again
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:26:54 pm »
So can the open source license with a custom exception so I fail to see your point.

No he has a bloody good point, if it were that easy and obvious then ENIGMA would have had a custom exception that long ago, now it is running after attorneys and legal help and being rejected and ignored left and right, where IS that custom licence ? :P 

The only thing lonewolff, is your product going to use open source ? how are you going to handle certain functionality ? Does using open source stuff in your closed source engine force the end-user to mention what open source was used ?

Note that GMS uses lot of open source software, and it is required to include the licence of each component, long and fucking boring that nobody reads...

So lonewolff, then your closed source would be a FREEWARE.  Quite an amazing initiative for such a product by the looks of the screenshot.  So you don't plan on earning anything for your hard work ???? I think you should sell it for some minimum, have a free version + a pro version, etc.  you could sell it cheap but at least earn something from your efforts :P
Or since you are rich guy already you probably could give it away free it will be ok still we won't deny it  :D :D :D

Off-Topic / Re: GMS prices up again
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:50:34 am »
Look what happened to MultimediaBuilder, a product that had amazing potential...

Several years ago, i bought the cobra bytes game engine : It seemed interesting. But it was created by one guy and it was closed source. Now it's dead. If it was open-source, at least there would be the possibility that someone start again the project.

yeah but whilst OpenSource has its perks, it's not always roses. :D
A one man person could make a closed source but done PROPERLY and fully functional and useable.
then there are options of turning a closed source into an open source should agent Lonewolff decide to although I doubt it would happen... I'd assume that by the time he abandons his new engine, it would have been fully functional and polished enough.......OpenSource is open to contribution but can trail for years and years and lose interest from the community, it's also open for rubbish and people contributing to it, messing it up and leaving....leaving a bloody mess and a smaller team to pick up the pieces......Sound familiar ? lol!

So yeah this is open to debate!
ENIGMA is a FREE alternative, but does it mean YYG went belly up ? Nope, they still are hiring people, they are expanding and their knobs are growing.... :P FREE can be attractive, but people work hard for their work and don't like the idea that everything they create is open source / open orifice, meaning open to theft and people stealing and claiming their own....Too easy with open source because most people involved in such projects have rights but would seldom go as far as taking the expensive legal route due to time and energy...

So one thing for sure, YYG and GMS is not going to die because of ENIGMA and ENIGMA has never been a threat to GMS' future, it might even help it lol!  However can we say the other way around is true ? NOPE....   and that is a big question mark awaiting YYG's next best thing they pop from the oven next year :P  One thing that might push ENIGMA to really be competitive is

1) detatch a little or completely from GM compatibility
2) be unique
3) support exporting to Android, ios, etc, fully appstore/market compliant.

Now with the YYC being included at no extra charge, for windows users, the gap is widening..... I guess now the deciding factor for someone

- should I go for FREE and all my shite is open source along with it
- should I stick to GMS, pay little money and shite I make stays closed source BUT at the sacrifice of an easy to decompile EXE, resources in plain view and other inconsistencies.

SADLY most people don't realise the big flaws with GmS and will stick to it.......

By the time agent Wolf finishes his engine (3 to 4 years tops) then maybe we can have this debate again :P

Off-Topic / Re: GMS prices up again
« on: October 31, 2014, 04:14:42 pm »
I never said anything about open-source or how it's better or worse than something else. I just clarified that the license isn't an "issue" for 7 years, as it was not ever brought up before spring this year.

LOL Sorry Harri I meant egofree :P :)

Off-Topic / Re: GMS prices up again
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:22:18 pm »
I agree with Harri, there are advantages to open source, but searching online I could read many complaints and negativity towards open source licences. :D

True, closed source at least the end-user can do what they want with their compiles, however, and particularly in a one man product, if they have no more time or dedication, the product is doomed.  There are few examples of such things in rapid application development world...... Look what happened to MultimediaBuilder, a product that had amazing potential, made by MediaChance and a small team closed got doomed and abandoned because team members leaving and lead coder leaving......With open source it can be picked up and continued by source means (in theory :D) different people can work on it and continuously improve it.....

The 2 biggest weaknesses of ENIGMA is
1) Licence
2) still tied to GM compatibility.
and now with GMS2 under way and new features being introduced, it is making ENIGMA a tad obsolete in that department, and the need to detach from GM a must ,or breaking it down into 2 projects.

On the other hand I support wolf,
his product will be unique, easy to use, fast, and end user can do what they want with what they compile,
in theory....:D  but he is in denial :D what he is trying to achieve requires more than a 1 man team, assuming he really is writing this from C++ and not Commodore 64 BASIC or ASM6502, then yeah, that would be different....... :P

So ENIGMA might not be that doomed after all....NOT YET.

It still is a bloody good deal for windows developers, and with the alleged subscription based model in GMS2 and price hikes, ENIGMA could very well get some opportunities as GM is clearly heading towards mobile / tablet development and rich developers :P

but who knows......GM can instantly rid ENIGMA if they wanted to.....add more unique functions to windows, bring back deprecated functions, add new ones, more optimised compiles, etc, and a better IDE.

In my opinion GMS2 might be what dooms least windows side...... but GMS2 given YYG's history probably won't be released before Q3-Q4 of 2015 and a STABLE release by 2016. SO plenty of time to polish ENIGMA's many knobs :P and plenty of time for lonewolf to code his ... paranormal, extra terrestrial engine :D

Off-Topic / Re: GMS prices up again
« on: October 30, 2014, 05:36:10 pm »
I guess they want to aim their product to SERIOUS developers who would pay $299 for the android module with serious intentions ..... They don't want new people to do anything, only those serious devs with money lol.

Newbies have many other alternatives, but they come with a price:

1) Their learning curve is steep
2) Their learning curve is steep
and finally
3) Their learning curve is steep

Did I miss something ? :D

All they are effectively doing is pushing a segment of their market towards piracy :P

BUT the rape increase in price is strategic, it paves way for its alleged, subscription model in a near future....
and what better way to sell the concept of a subscription model ?
I'll give you only one guess. :D :P

Off-Topic / Re: GMS prices up again
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:39:18 pm »
Yeah but lonewolff your universal approach will have certain things in common with YYG, windows users will suffer, since you wan to make things universal across all platform, windows performance will take a hit and suffer in terms of features or speed as with GMS, unless you do things differently :D

Also YYG going in wrong direction, I might not agree necessarily anymore,
why ? Because GMS2 is coming soon,
so any opinions NOW would be biased.
We'd have to wait for GMS2 to see if YYG learned and grew or simply the same utter rubbish.  They seem to be making good decisions lately and good chances, will they keep up the trend ? I'm just 1 or 2 technicalities away from going back to using GMS exclusively........ :P  not bad, there were more than a dozen before .....

Off-Topic / Re: GMS prices up again
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:02:21 pm »
In all fairness, they gave an advance notice of this, long enough for people to take advantage and buy export modules they need, they too will get the YYC option free and save $100!  For SERIOUS developers, what's $100 more ?  Actually you are saving money.

Here is an example,
a developer who has GMS:Pro and wants to buy the android module.

Before they would have to pay the android module + pay $299 for the YYC.

Now they will pay the android module + $100 price increase....  Saving $199 !

Those who will be most affected by the price hike are those who want to purchase more than 3 modules.
But any developer who would do that is a serious dev, so not an issue.

All in all this is a good deal many don't realise. :D

The $299 price tag was a bundle price taking into account android, ios and windows...However those who had only windows and no exports STILL needed to cough up $299.  Instead of that the price of the YYC is spread across price increases for each module, SO, it's much for fair now.....and I'm sure people spending all this money on modules are not hobbyists spending hundreds of $ just for kicks.....:D

So people who later complain that the exports rose by $100 simply had ALL THIS TIME to just buy the module and save $100..... :P  This was announced since October 10, so people had almost 1 month !

Also YYG is not GIVING anything FREE lol.  This was an expected move, because of GMS 2.....


General ENIGMA / Re: ENIGMA's Engine Code License - Please Vote
« on: October 25, 2014, 08:36:12 pm »
How many times is the same poll needed?  :D

I know I have personally voted atleast 2 maybe 3 times on separate polls on the same thread.

Good thing you guys are not in parliament, hey? Those guys only take a few years to decide on anything. ENIGMA is now 7 years old.  ::)

LOL good observation ! though they are deciding on far bigger issues whilst using your tax dollars to good use :P

The license issue is a big vicious circle

ENIGMA devs want protection !
end-users don't want to have to release their source and too want protection

Damned if you do damned if you don't
waste of bloody time.
I guess now people are riding on the fact of the unlikelihood anybody will get sued :D

Don't forget to check this topic every few years, yes ? , and cast your vote.  Cheers :D