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Messages - Darkstar2

Off-Topic / Re: An article about Enigma on 'Gaming on linux'
« on: January 14, 2015, 06:54:58 pm »
weekly typed
First and third weeks of the month everything's an int, otherwise everything's a double.

First funny comment of the year !

Off-Topic / Re: An article about Enigma on 'Gaming on linux'
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:15:02 pm »
Improving yes but might not catch up.  GMS 2 is only around the corner, and I know that given YYG's track record it would be a long shot if the product was something spectacular, you never know.

Certain misleading info in the article.

1) He mentions ENIGMA is COMPLETELY compatible with GML which is wrong, ENIGMA is NOT 100% GML compatible.
It might support the majority, most common people use but not 100%.  The article should have also mentioned some supported functions that were RAPED (deprecated) by YYG, which is a positive thing and some unique EDL functions you could use.

2) He mentions ENIGMA is written in JAVA....That is not quite true.... The core ENIGMA is C++, the IDE is JAVA.

3) He mentioned unstable....Again, what is so goddamned unstable is the enigma plugin inside the IDE, I can testify to that, and I have posted many times logs so please no requests for logs, segfaults, memory errors, errors etc, we all established it's at the enigma.jar level and not the IDE itself. 

4) he mentioned full support for C/C++, again, not true.  It's true that you can use some C++ inside your project but ENIGMA does not support C++ functionality yet, there needs to be modifications to the parser/compiler or whatever.

ENIGMA is a good alternative to GM, for windows developers mostly, and advanced developers, and is open source so if you have the skill you can modify the code, fix it, etc.

If he's going to be negative about a product he should at least give the right information to begin with.

and the "other" products he's used, how much he paid for them :P

because it's unfair to make certain comparisons :D

Probably the biggest ass mistake was for ENIGMA to be "compatible" with GM that hurt it in the long run.  IT should have been its own or detached long ago and been its own, it would not have all the current problems. Whilst ENIGMA still struggles for GM compatibility, GMS 2 will break all the ties to the piece of dung, shitty code base that they inherit from the person who initially created the project......At least in theory....long over bloody due, I can't wait to see if this is true or just some utter rubbish, but one day they had to detach from that pile of Delphi theory this should allow them far more advances in future versions.

Off-Topic / Re: why I hate websites owned by tiny people
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:25:02 pm »
im mad you called it duck tape XD

Yes indeed that is a scandal to abuse ducks this way  ;D 

Not to worry though GMS 2 is coming out in a couple of months (at least in beta) (not that the software is never NOT BETA :D) and it will mention "No ducks (or other animals) were harmed".


Off-Topic / Re: why I hate websites owned by tiny people
« on: January 06, 2015, 08:33:39 am »
LOL ! yeah the o'l DUCT TAPE story with GM, that is something we both won't ever forget  ;D  let's see GMS 2 in motion, if it's really a rewrite or just some new duct tape over the old one ! :D

as to the bus factor, well everything online somehow relies on something else or someone else, so if one thing crumbles, it creates a domino effect.

Off-Topic / Re: How amateurs can improve a game's graphics !
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:01:30 pm »
The biggest impact was from all that grass, and the guy could run it at about 40fps with geforce 670. So it's clearly not that bad. I think you can run the game just fine on a top of the line 970. If anyone made 1 mod to create all that instead requiring about 30, I would try that on my 660ti. I'm sure it would run just fine.

Also, he has a youtube channel with many videos on modded skyrim. Right now he does use 970, but previously he had a 670 and still ran just fine (that is where the 40fps I mentioned comes).

Well the 660Ti is obsolete by today's standards, it just does not cut it for newer games maxed out, I might have to upgrade GPU this year and get something higher up.  A well optimised game / demo would run fine on a 660Ti maybe not with ultra settings.
as far as the grass, I reckon somebody did that in a GM game, I saw something on YT, it was bloody impressive.
and btw 100 mods, not 30 :D

Off-Topic / Re: why I hate websites owned by tiny people
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:58:32 pm »
Well if all the developers are hit by a meteor, ENIGMA will still exist on your hard drive and still be usable.

Unlike GameMaker which requires DRM, so if YYG dies, so does GM.

Unlike ENIGMA which does not have cock sucking DRM because it's an open source project !

You should not have depressive thoughts Sammy, think positive and when the time comes the bridge will be crossed, there will always be a game development tool out there unless the internet dies too :D

Off-Topic / Re: How amateurs can improve a game's graphics !
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:53:24 pm »
But I disagree with TKG - those who make those mods are far from amateurs.  You need a lot of skill and knowledge of 3D, modeling, graphics, coding, etc, not something any "amateur" can do. :P

Off-Topic / Re: How amateurs can improve a game's graphics !
« on: January 03, 2015, 01:20:44 pm »
Yeah impressive - even more impressive if a new gen GPU can run this at single digit FPS too lol.  This is a glimpse of what future games will look like and the monster graphics cards required to run them, probably quad SLI on steroids, would barely struggle to render something playable :D

Off-Topic / Re: why I hate websites owned by tiny people
« on: January 03, 2015, 01:15:07 pm »
Well mate, on a big airline with 320 passengers, the pilot and 1 co pilot can also die - yet these 2 people are relied upon for the 320 passengers being alive :D so someone onboard with their Commodore 64 flight simulator experience will take over.

Same for the other scenarios companies worth millions must have some contingency plans........ If a volcano erupted in Dundee, would it kill ALL members of YYG ? that's one big bloody volcano there  ;D ;D ;D 

As to ENIGMA, I don't think "millions" of people rely on ENIGMA nor the website, if that were the case, then whoever owns this would be an idiot not to monetize the traffic :P  Also their hosting bill would be far higher lol!

ENIGMA is open source, anybody across the world could take over....

As to GameJolt, well again it's the internet, so unless there is a big cataclysm to destroy the entire infrastructure, other people will take over.

So you will be developing games for a long time  not to worry ! :D

General ENIGMA / Re: Animated GIFs
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:51:35 pm »
The world is not ready for ENIGMA-powered GIFs!

What do you mean ? Is it NOW ready or NOT ready ? Was that a typo ? :D

Proposals / Re: Selection tool
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:19:50 pm »
I think that was basically the idea of the Batch tab for tiles which was never implemented and sat there like a stub. I would like something like that as well, where you can box-select, multi-select (while holding shift or similar) and drag, copy or delete them all at once.

It's funny because I thought this would actually be a feature of GMS......oh well, I guess won't be long before they implement it eventually....would be a good idea for GMS2, due for beta this year lol!

Works in Progress / Re: Platformer Maker - My firts project usng Enigma
« on: December 15, 2014, 05:29:11 pm »
Nice concept mate, I too have been planning for a while a realtime edit whilst you play concept, but did not have time to continue, sadly, but will do some similar stuff.

Proposals / Re: Selection tool
« on: December 15, 2014, 03:59:00 pm »
Brilliant idea ! Any UNIQUE feature to ENIGMA is always a big plus.

I can think already of many good uses for this.

General ENIGMA / Re: Quick question on fonts
« on: December 12, 2014, 12:44:16 pm »
BTW as  to MS word it uses all available/usable fonts you have installed on system, it does not restrict.....

As to FONT copyright and it's use, you are not allowed to SELL IT, true, but what I was wondering, what if I used a given font in my game, to write score or text and sell my game.....I am not directly selling the font but my game which happens to use a bitmap representation of the font, would I be illegal in the hands of the FONT (c) holder?  I am not embedding or distributing the font itself so it would have no use for the person playing my game and would not even be considered a "FONT" but a bitmap/texture map whatever.

General ENIGMA / Re: New Portable
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:20:08 pm »
oh FFS, yeah he did delete his account again WTH.... so who's kickers did he steal this time ? LOL!  ;D ;D ;D

Anyway Loney, I know you are reading, you are welcome back anytime, I came this close to buying your plugin on market place but YYG keeps making shitty decisions and I cannot and will bloody not use GMS because their shit is still VERY unsecure, all resources extracted and in the wild in the open upon running...... In ENIGMA using own C++ and some non deprecated functions it's possible to control this.  With GMS they don't have audio_add, so all audio is extracted and in plan view, unencrypted, what rubbish!

Anyhow you'll be back I'm sure, I hope you didn't join the dark side ! LOL.

Back to topic, yeah Robert, with YYG's not having changed much in its antics, and not having much hope for anything different on that regards in GMS2 I think this gives ENIGMA all the time and chance to grow a bigger willy....