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General ENIGMA / Re: Mac's 3D
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:18:37 pm »
Yes TKG, and more and more people will complain now that YYG is expanding its exports across several of the consoles, etc.......So you will see the garbage spread out now.....The crappy indie games were once reserved for PC, but now with game dev tools expanding, and the mobile and console craze, you will see very bad games indeed.
Companies are focusing on gfx and not gameplay anymore ! You will see this with many indie games, they show off their "SKILLZ" of using 3D engine and shit, but the story and game utter rubbish!
I once told you, you think outside the box and you have potential in your games, just push the limits, make longer versions and you could very well be on your way - mind you, you yourself are an indie developer so you might be subject to much the same criticism - but your games are far better than what most I've seen done in RumpStudio
Companies are focusing on gfx and not gameplay anymore ! You will see this with many indie games, they show off their "SKILLZ" of using 3D engine and shit, but the story and game utter rubbish!
I once told you, you think outside the box and you have potential in your games, just push the limits, make longer versions and you could very well be on your way - mind you, you yourself are an indie developer so you might be subject to much the same criticism - but your games are far better than what most I've seen done in RumpStudio

General ENIGMA / Re: ENIGMA compiled EXE detected as virus!
« on: January 22, 2015, 06:47:03 pm »
Yes Robert I forgot to mention I disabled all extensions.
BTW I am doing some tests to compare YYC and ENIGMA, I've starting getting my feet wet again
The smallest file size ENIGMA I produced was 310K compressed...... The smallest empty project compressed YYC 1.9MB...... EMpty project compiled in YYC over 2MB ! Empty project ENIGMA compile twice smaller file size.
Interesting to note that McCaffee SHIT is the one detecting the alleged malware,
Problem is giving your compiled EXE to someone, nothing worse than receiving angry cunts cussing you out because they found "virusuz" in your EXE, and you try to explain to them that it is a false positive.
Maybe someone should contact McCaffee SHIT and tell those blokes to fix things. Because GM and many other tools might create executables that include code that have some similar proprieties as malware so it's up to the company to review a sample and remove the false warnings.......
BTW I am doing some tests to compare YYC and ENIGMA, I've starting getting my feet wet again

The smallest file size ENIGMA I produced was 310K compressed...... The smallest empty project compressed YYC 1.9MB...... EMpty project compiled in YYC over 2MB ! Empty project ENIGMA compile twice smaller file size.
Interesting to note that McCaffee SHIT is the one detecting the alleged malware,
Problem is giving your compiled EXE to someone, nothing worse than receiving angry cunts cussing you out because they found "virusuz" in your EXE, and you try to explain to them that it is a false positive.
Maybe someone should contact McCaffee SHIT and tell those blokes to fix things. Because GM and many other tools might create executables that include code that have some similar proprieties as malware so it's up to the company to review a sample and remove the false warnings.......
General ENIGMA / ENIGMA compiled EXE detected as virus!
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:22:28 pm »
I was shocked and surprised to see that ENIGMA compiled EXE get detected as virus !
I used
I used a common project in ENIGMA and GMS 1.4 Pro.
I compiled a simple project, 1 empty room
in both ENIGMA and Windows-YYC, the Windows YYC EXE = 0 detection / 57. Which surprised me, because I thought it would be detected by many !
When I compiled same project with ENIGMA, it detected 1/57....... This is classified as MALWARE.
Now before some people go and saying that it must be the embedded code in the EXE tripping the scanner, well.........In YYG's EXE there is similar things happening if not more......yet it's clean.
I recall from past ENIGMA iterations that it was not tripping any detection.
I used
I used a common project in ENIGMA and GMS 1.4 Pro.
I compiled a simple project, 1 empty room
in both ENIGMA and Windows-YYC, the Windows YYC EXE = 0 detection / 57. Which surprised me, because I thought it would be detected by many !
When I compiled same project with ENIGMA, it detected 1/57....... This is classified as MALWARE.
Now before some people go and saying that it must be the embedded code in the EXE tripping the scanner, well.........In YYG's EXE there is similar things happening if not more......yet it's clean.
I recall from past ENIGMA iterations that it was not tripping any detection.
Issues Help Desk / Re: sprite_add not working?
« on: January 19, 2015, 09:58:18 pm »Do you have the PNG? I'll test myself, Project Mario uses extensive BMP and PNG loading. Also the code that you are trying to load it with.

if I make this into a GIF, it worked fine.
Issues Help Desk / Re: sprite_add not working?
« on: January 19, 2015, 09:51:59 pm »
lol perhaps you didn't read the part in my post where I said I tried all possibilities still did not load the PNG. By all possibilities means yes I tried the 1 instead of 0 also.
and yes I am using proper settings, tried all possible combinations, different PNG, etc.
Issues Help Desk / Re: sprite_add not working?
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:23:05 am »
Since the topic was about sprite_add,
Robert, any idea why sprite_add no longer works ? It used to.
I also tried it, it crashes, it works only with GIF, but with PNG it crashes, and yes I am using proper settings, tried all possible combinations, different PNG, etc.
After months of not using ENIGMA, I started playing around with it and notice how far more unstable it has become, just after half a dozen save/updating I get memory access JVM errors in LGM and crashing/closing.......I have 16GB of RAM, 14GB free, and yes I use the 1000 max in settings.ini, and some functions that used to work fine now either don't work at all or fail/crash.
sprite_add one of them.
Robert, any idea why sprite_add no longer works ? It used to.
I also tried it, it crashes, it works only with GIF, but with PNG it crashes, and yes I am using proper settings, tried all possible combinations, different PNG, etc.
After months of not using ENIGMA, I started playing around with it and notice how far more unstable it has become, just after half a dozen save/updating I get memory access JVM errors in LGM and crashing/closing.......I have 16GB of RAM, 14GB free, and yes I use the 1000 max in settings.ini, and some functions that used to work fine now either don't work at all or fail/crash.
sprite_add one of them.
Issues Help Desk / Re: sprite_add not working?
« on: January 18, 2015, 01:45:43 am »
Even in GMS 1.4 latest this does not work, returns error "cannot display non existing sprite"
I obvously replaced file name with an image file in the same directory as the compiled exe.
I obvously replaced file name with an image file in the same directory as the compiled exe.
Developing ENIGMA / Re: MinGW 64
« on: January 17, 2015, 08:42:22 pm »
So Robert with 64bit support to ENIGMA soon, this could mean big games with bigger RAM access, instead of the 2GB limit right ? I can't wait to do some comparative testing though I believe that in most cases most people won't notice a difference in speed, because the 32bit version is faster than most people need for the current games people make. it would be nice for a project that would push limits where 64bit can shine.
Developing ENIGMA / Re: MinGW 64
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:40:49 pm »
So you mean our actual compiled game would be 64bit native and only work on a 64bit OS right?
Considering the majority of games out there now are still 32bit, and most modern games at higher res are GPU intensive, would there be any real benefit to compile to a 64bit executable rather than 32bit where it comes to ENIGMA ? Given the type of games people create with these tools would there be any noticeable speed difference?
Considering the majority of games out there now are still 32bit, and most modern games at higher res are GPU intensive, would there be any real benefit to compile to a 64bit executable rather than 32bit where it comes to ENIGMA ? Given the type of games people create with these tools would there be any noticeable speed difference?
Issues Help Desk / Re: Create games for mobile platforms is possible with enigma??
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:25:57 pm »I wasn't here yet, see the following topic:
Awkward typo in my original post, what was written "what the fuck did you lot do all those years?" I meant to say "what did THEY do"..... I was referring to YYG and not ENIGMA......I know that ENIGMA has had so many improvements, probably at a faster pace. I meant that YYG had so much times to change things - will go edit the typo

Uhm, first of all relax because it's not that complicated to port it. We just haven't decided on how to overload variant for pointers, it can be done with simple hacks but we haven't even discussed how to do it the proper way.
lol - I only said it's a shame that his video engine cannot work here, it has big potential for making very cool effects in games, making MYST type, and other similar interactive games.
would the hacks affect or possible break something else ? Couldn't this be made into an extension - but anyhow lonewolf is probably still busy working on his own engine mind you I trust him to some extent but I would hate to think he was fooling us all along, I mean government agents / CIA agent, I mean can't take their word really but somehow I think maybe he had something going.

Drag and drop actions are fully documented, every single one.
I would hate to think people still use this......I mean I found out on my own how much better it is to code, some people think D&D is easier, but it can become a mess for more complex games.......learning basic functions and how they work with one another is optimal. The D&D aspect of GM should seriously need a rehaul I really hope that in GMS2 they will get rid of this bloody interface and make something decent - or maybe it is all just more hot BS they feed us and we'll see the same interface.....Who knows.
besides contributing a substantial amount, GM itself did not start out completed it started as a simple animation program which was improved over subsequent years, from 1999 to about 2008/9 when GM8.1 was released, approximately a decade to reach the point of what GM is today, YYG's is of course the de-evolution of that decade.
Was called ANIMO originally right ?

Yeah has gone a long way indeed.
you simply can not expect miracles. It takes time, SKILL, and dedication to pull this off, but the goal is never only money as has been
Nobody expects miracles, despite all the goodies and improvements in LGM that you or anybody contributed, working inside LGM still can be a pain due to the still the instability issues with the plugin. Anybody who has worked long enough in LGM, with big projects, saving many times, etc will have seen the errors, random crashes, closing, etc, even with the setup.ini hacks.
So this is STILL and will always be an issue with stability regardless of how many functions you add... of course someone would need enough time and skill to completely port LGM to C++ and finish it. nobody expects miracles, even less from an open source, but people who are already using a closed source program they consider complete and stable (sigh - GM) will have a hard time with ENIGMA. People who like to think outside the box and work around things, will like working ENIGMA.
As much as there are some stability issues and cons to using ENIGMA there are many advantages, but to most of the GMC who have their cock tied around GameMaker since its roots, well that will be harder (no pun intended) to convince.....
helped me learn anything, I never figured out how to make games with D&D in GM they were just broken messes, like all D&D games, it's a failed concept.
I used D&D only for a while just to mess around and experiment - but I already had a background in logic and programming, so I find it quite annoying to work in D&D and messy....It became easy for me to learn GML - just learn how GML functions work and apply what you know about logic, and convert a problem into logic and GML - and the good about GML is that you can make your own functions to replace complex lines of GML code for complex operations. Though some people can swear by D&D, there is a developer on the GMC who only uses D&D and only used D&D even for his complex games, he was featured and talked about by YYG. I get a headache just by looking at some of the D&D stuff. Mind you for someone with an existing background and typing speed D&D is annoying, but otherwise for people who never programmed in their life or never touched code, not familiar with logic or anything or type slow, I guess D&D is the way to go, until they decide to want to learn.
I'm fairly comfortable with most GML though since I have not had time to use it extensively I have lots to learn to be an advanced level, but I can do platform and most projects with GML. I would never however use D&D in ANY of my project and would rather read documentation and learn what I want to get done, that's what I did from the start.
I also specifically hate the event system and think the objects should just be scripts.
Sure, for many of us but for beginners or people new to this the events was an easier way to separate objects into groups, keyboard, collision, other events, etc. Sure ideally the object should be a script and you do everything inside it, if you are well organized and tidy and properly document and structure your code.
But from what I know you can already do that right ? You don't have to use events in objects, I don't know if this is fully supported in ENIGMA, but you can just have everything in step (collision, keyboard, events, drawing, etc.) right ?
Issues Help Desk / Re: Create games for mobile platforms is possible with enigma??
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:11:32 pm »@everyone
I personally dont want the children here,
Unless they are the nerdy type who know 16 languages and can code C++ with their eyes closed - they do exist, but you are not LIKELY to find them on the GMC of all places.

they have to be at least 15, thats my sisters age and despite the immaturity I know some pretty chill 15 year olds because of her.
Well age is a number, some kids are very mature for their age and skilled, whilst some adults are less mature than their age. but the average of people you will find on those communities are people aiming to release 10,000 games - they aim for quantity and not quality.
But im not sure if I even want that. There's some really big weirdos on the GMC of that age group. I can mention their usernames in PM's their posts and games are dumb as shit make no sense and are hilarious.
...and they will probably go viral some day and be the next big sensation and laugh the way to the bank. Sometimes making no sense, dumb and being hilarious makes you rich, I can give you a lot of examples of that !

A little off topic, isnt it weird that YYG hired Brawl as a sandbox moderator when he was only 16? Or Honno who is 16 and hired for GameJolt...
No it's not weird - it's just easier to brainwash pickney dem dat age Rasta !

you do realise in order to upload to GP it has to be 50 MB or less andother than thatif it is an APK file and runs on at least one version of android and you specify what its built for there's really not much requirements left.
I have played a few android games that were over 300MB in size, yes I am aware about the initial file limit, those are the games you get which then download the extension to the game as the big file. That was long ago but there was a nice 3D game with nice cut scenes and video, initial file was small but then it downloaded 300MB worth of files once run.... but since there are BIG games on GP why can't YYG support it, instead asking people to do their own - I mean it defeats the purpose don't you think ?

Once enigma fully supports droid, there's next to nothing for the enigma team to do for getting games on GP. You are thinking of apple, their store is a LOT more strict.
Don't the apk have to be signed or have special signatures from an approved source first ? What are all the advanced settings and shit that gets signed and embedded in the YYG APK then ? They mentioned ages ago that there they have to abide by store compliency and it was their excuse for not including some features people asked. or maybe it could have been rubbish, I mean the 9-12 year olds might have bought it

Issues Help Desk / Re: Create games for mobile platforms is possible with enigma??
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:52:26 pm »I for one don't needed or want 12yrlds here coming from GM. They can if they want, but if they only rage about how GM is better because it's more stable, then I don't need them.
Well some people have the wrong idea and come to ENIGMA thinking it is a carbon copy of GM but free when it isn't, not exactly, because it is not 100% compatible. and most people don't bother reading, so they won't read the fine print so to speak

As Robert said, if someone wanted a stable mobile tool like GM, then they would come to ENIGMA and implement it.
Exactly, but that is the point, the user base of GMS is very young, I mean catch the clowns, mario clones, and the few lot who make original games, but not everyone there who makes half decent games has the coding skill, hence the main reason of using a tool like GM in the first place. So the actual C++ developer base is scarce, you rarely will find them using GM/GMS, the proportion of people using said tools is slim. and those that exist will probably not want to touch ENIGMA. Perhaps if ENIGMA was a different project of its own ... who knows.
Yet the only ones who work on ENIGMA are people who want Windows and Linux support (and maybe Mac).
That's what I've been saying from beginning, the windows aspect is more attractive and less restrictive than the shite they have done with GMS. But the problem many people on their community want to export to multiple platforms at once. and this gay mobile industry, it's become an epidemic so very few people care about desktop games anymore, and want everything to be released on mobile at least. I mean people are so obsessed with mobiles now I mean they sleep with their smart phones, they work out at the gym with their bloody smartphone, I mean who's to say they don't shag with their phones clipped to their nob too.
Sorlok's idea is to port GM games to Linux, that is all he wants. And so he has done great job at fixing things and implementing things.
Did Sorlok come from the GM community ? If so, then he represents the tiny fraction I was talking about. There are still people using drag & drop FFS.... you think they will want to contribute code ? I mean I abandoned D&D early because I wanted to actually learn, unfortunately given life circumstances and lack of time, I could not continue my further learning of C++ and probably never will have the time. It's one thing to know C++, one would also have to be familiar with graphics and sound programming and others to fix certain things need to be fixed. It's good to know C++ but you need to be familiar with the graphics engine and how graphics work, full depth knowledge.
So this project, like most open source ones, are worked on based on personal needs.
Exactly - that's open source, however sadly, there are many times where things are implemented and some things fixed whilst breaking tons of past things that worked fine, and it is unfortunate because when said developers then leave and abandon the dog shite they left behind, and nobody left to wipe up the mess, it keeps piling up and eventually not much people have time or skill to fix it. that's also the downside of open source. It's all about team effort really, in an ideal world when a contributor starts working new stuff to an existing project should they break something it would have to be addressed right away and fixed and not piled up and "patched" with a band-aid (what Robert calls DUCK tape lol!) this has always been the philosophy behind GM from day 1...BREAK shit, PATCH shit, rinse recycle and repeat.
Replicating GM has not been my goal in about 3 years, because I don't really have any GM version (besides 8.0) to test anything on.
You're kidding me Harri, you didn't actually get STUDIO ? Shame on you

To be fair, GMS did progress compared to GM8, a long way. I took advantage of an early special and got GMS Studio Pro + HTML5 (that I never end up using lol). and studio pro that I rarely used!
So I don't know what GM:S has or doesn't have. I just do what I need.
It has a lot of quaking "ducks".....

Issues Help Desk / Re: Create games for mobile platforms is possible with enigma??
« on: January 15, 2015, 11:43:33 pm »
Alrite, my turn to speak candidly.
First, Robert, the 9-12 year olds (the top demo group for GMS) might disagree with you and claim their GMS is so complete and has all the gayness (no offence, you know what I mean) they need to make their catch the clown and bouncing balls, and mario clones and shit, and Sooooo does everything.
Normally the bigger cocks and narcissist wins......kinda awkward in this case but you do know what I mean in the end, the kids over at GMS want a finished product, they don't want to debug, code C++ or bother......and whilst ENIGMA has potential it is still far too buggy for most people without skill to solve problems hence the lack of interest.
and the problem with ENIGMA is 2 letters...GM...... Perhaps if ENIGMA was its own product , totally different name, does same functionality and MORE, different sets of commands, etc, maybe people would be interested, but since its cock is tied with GMS' cock on a thin string, I guess people will go with the bigger denominator, GMS.
They took over from Mark Overmars and we all bloody thought they were going to make something half fucking decent out of it, instead decades later, they still are blaming the delphi pile of poo for them not evolving GM like they wanted to and blame old GM for their limits, REALLY
?? what the fuck did you lot do all these years ? They had ample time to do SHIT.
Now they adopt a new attitude, do your own bloody extension, they have the nerds do their dirty work and at the same time earning money ! I hear lots of people selling shit in the market place not being paid for months. Agent Campbell a.k.a. lonewolf (the guy who deleted his account 2 times here!) he has probably one of the best extensions around and he is owed big 3 figures and was not paid yet......Who in their right fucked up mind would want to sell on the market place.
I was not aware about the alleged misleading advertising regarding amazon. What I meant, Sammy, about the compliance is the compile is signed and ready to be dumped in the google play store, etc. I was not talking about ads, etc. I mean yeah ok GMS is flawed on many levels and YYG is crap to deal with and their attitude stinks, but it is by all means ok for most people because people's standards are quite low.....what's a 9-12 year old going to want more than GMS delivers, how many GMS games did you play that you can HONESTLY say is commercial quality and worthy of buying.....Not much, I guess most you can count on your fingers.... and don't count the mario clones and all the illegal, stolen, ripped games..... I am talking original games. Now in the age of HD and this motherfucker of a product does not support apk extension when a lot of the high-end games in the market has extended content, cut scenes, etc, something YYG does not support, BASIC functionality.....Let's see if GMS 2 supports native video. Lonewolf did a BIG mistake to release his video engine - he should never have !!! He handed YYG the goods on a silver platter....why the FUCK should end users be doing the job YYG was supposed to do, BASIC functionality that should be included. they DID have video functionality.
What a shame Lonewolf's video engine cannot run in ENIGMA, he was so willing to work with ENIGMA to integrate it FREE....would have been great. How much of a hypocrite would I end up being if I buy his engine in the market and use it in GMS...... I have projects in mind but might not have a choice, I feel bad about it because I want to support ENIGMA, unfortunately I cannot as a contributor due to my lack of knowledge on advanced levels, but I can see why some people prefer GMS, it sucks on so many levels but excels in some levels, for one, it is far more stable at the current time......
There I hope that candid enough lol!
That's my 25 micro bitcoin contribution of the day !
First, Robert, the 9-12 year olds (the top demo group for GMS) might disagree with you and claim their GMS is so complete and has all the gayness (no offence, you know what I mean) they need to make their catch the clown and bouncing balls, and mario clones and shit, and Sooooo does everything.
Normally the bigger cocks and narcissist wins......kinda awkward in this case but you do know what I mean in the end, the kids over at GMS want a finished product, they don't want to debug, code C++ or bother......and whilst ENIGMA has potential it is still far too buggy for most people without skill to solve problems hence the lack of interest.
and the problem with ENIGMA is 2 letters...GM...... Perhaps if ENIGMA was its own product , totally different name, does same functionality and MORE, different sets of commands, etc, maybe people would be interested, but since its cock is tied with GMS' cock on a thin string, I guess people will go with the bigger denominator, GMS.
They took over from Mark Overmars and we all bloody thought they were going to make something half fucking decent out of it, instead decades later, they still are blaming the delphi pile of poo for them not evolving GM like they wanted to and blame old GM for their limits, REALLY

Now they adopt a new attitude, do your own bloody extension, they have the nerds do their dirty work and at the same time earning money ! I hear lots of people selling shit in the market place not being paid for months. Agent Campbell a.k.a. lonewolf (the guy who deleted his account 2 times here!) he has probably one of the best extensions around and he is owed big 3 figures and was not paid yet......Who in their right fucked up mind would want to sell on the market place.
I was not aware about the alleged misleading advertising regarding amazon. What I meant, Sammy, about the compliance is the compile is signed and ready to be dumped in the google play store, etc. I was not talking about ads, etc. I mean yeah ok GMS is flawed on many levels and YYG is crap to deal with and their attitude stinks, but it is by all means ok for most people because people's standards are quite low.....what's a 9-12 year old going to want more than GMS delivers, how many GMS games did you play that you can HONESTLY say is commercial quality and worthy of buying.....Not much, I guess most you can count on your fingers.... and don't count the mario clones and all the illegal, stolen, ripped games..... I am talking original games. Now in the age of HD and this motherfucker of a product does not support apk extension when a lot of the high-end games in the market has extended content, cut scenes, etc, something YYG does not support, BASIC functionality.....Let's see if GMS 2 supports native video. Lonewolf did a BIG mistake to release his video engine - he should never have !!! He handed YYG the goods on a silver platter....why the FUCK should end users be doing the job YYG was supposed to do, BASIC functionality that should be included. they DID have video functionality.
What a shame Lonewolf's video engine cannot run in ENIGMA, he was so willing to work with ENIGMA to integrate it FREE....would have been great. How much of a hypocrite would I end up being if I buy his engine in the market and use it in GMS...... I have projects in mind but might not have a choice, I feel bad about it because I want to support ENIGMA, unfortunately I cannot as a contributor due to my lack of knowledge on advanced levels, but I can see why some people prefer GMS, it sucks on so many levels but excels in some levels, for one, it is far more stable at the current time......
There I hope that candid enough lol!
That's my 25 micro bitcoin contribution of the day !

Issues Help Desk / Re: Create games for mobile platforms is possible with enigma??
« on: January 15, 2015, 04:11:11 pm »Yes i know GMS can do that, but that program is not free and only offer trial version for development software like mobiles app...
Yes that's the only downside indeed, it's not free, but you might have missed on their big discounts lately, they had huge discounts for GMS Pro and 50% off for their export modules.
ENIGMA is open source and free but it is dependent on contributors and time and availability/skill. GMS is run by a company, fully staffed and paid for (though not exactly top wages, but that's another story!). Looks like for now if you want store compliant android/IOS etc you are better off with GMS or another software that can do so.
The advantage of ENIGMA is the ease of use and familiarity to "GM" in many aspects, and that might be its biggest downfall too. I too would love to see Android capability and android-complient store capabilities in ENIGMA as I have many projects I would like to eventually compile to android and not willing to get ripped off $299 to do so

even for the half price they sold it at.
The seasonal developers are screwed, it seems now GMS is getting more targeted for high caliber developers with big budgets.
Maybe one day ENIGMA will be multi platform, but realistically mate, don't hold your breath, it ain't happening anytime now or in a distant future.
Right now the contributor base for ENIGMA is very limited, and to get to the same compliant level as used by GMS would require lot of work and skill !
Issues Help Desk / Re: Create games for mobile platforms is possible with enigma??
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:40:40 pm »
Making an android game is one thing, but will ENIGMA ever be like GMS ? That is doubtful. In GMS the mobile compiles are store compliant, allow ads and mobile specific functions. To release stuff in the stores your app must be store ready/compliant.
You are better off with GMS for mobile compiling...
You are better off with GMS for mobile compiling...