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Off-Topic / Re: GM:S's support response times are impressive!
« on: March 04, 2014, 03:23:48 pm »I love YYG. I love how they spend nearly a fortune to pay for all the ever-multiplying servers needed for their games sandbox, which 99.9999% made up of tutorial edits, catch the clown clones, block/ball-character platformers, and ms paint games. I love how their showcase wipe's unity's ass. I love how their published appstore titles aren't worth playing.
But above all, I love their customer support. This topic is one great example of why I feel that way.
You forgot something, how dare you

I love how instead of fixing something they just remove useful functions regardless of what people think or how many games get broken....
Works in Progress / Re: Alien Joe Bob - Mechanics Engine
« on: March 04, 2014, 02:52:03 pm »I believe you are correct about the wav. I'll try that it should really help.
I am, check my previous post above yours
I edited it as I went ahead and tried.

New compiled EXE size little over 5MB lol!
Once again we have a winner ! ENIGMA,
if only the view ports worked correctly

If you want the MP3 and/or new EGM let me know. Mind you this makes the file SIZE smaller, but it will all use the same RAM, as you know, the sound is uncompressed in RAM (this one is on preload).
Works in Progress / Re: Alien Joe Bob - Mechanics Engine
« on: March 04, 2014, 02:08:04 pm »
I was kind of surprised that the GMS version ran better, this view port issue breaks a lot of good potential games. I replied to your ticket
Now I saw this is the exact bug you reported
I don't usually check that section a lot!
Ok I looked at the EGM file again, did some optimizations, (removing particle extensions, turning widgets off, reduced by 3MB) THEN, this is the main reason for your big file.......SOUND. You used a WAV file.
If I am not mistaken now GMS compresses all sound files to OGG, so this explains why the file was smaller on the same source.
So I took the WAV and did a high quality convert to MP3 with settings 160kbpsCBR,
and imported it to your EGM, replacing the WAV with MP3. When I compiled the EXE,
file size was now only little over 5MB ! so more than 2x smaller than GMS.EXE!

I noticed the file size difference and wondered the exact same thing because I've had compiled games/examples compared in the past but with the opposite effect.
Ok I looked at the EGM file again, did some optimizations, (removing particle extensions, turning widgets off, reduced by 3MB) THEN, this is the main reason for your big file.......SOUND. You used a WAV file.
If I am not mistaken now GMS compresses all sound files to OGG, so this explains why the file was smaller on the same source.
So I took the WAV and did a high quality convert to MP3 with settings 160kbpsCBR,
and imported it to your EGM, replacing the WAV with MP3. When I compiled the EXE,
file size was now only little over 5MB ! so more than 2x smaller than GMS.EXE!

Off-Topic / Re: GM:S's support response times are impressive!
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:59:59 pm »
LOL! You almost got me worried there for a minute, when I read your topic title.... but then I saw your first line 
Well anyway, looks like you marked this a LOW priority, you should have marked it HIGH, this way you might have had a reply in 1 1/2 years instead of 2. lol!
Here's a tip, if you want a faster reply, add the text, "suggestion for new functions to be removed" before your subject line.

Well anyway, looks like you marked this a LOW priority, you should have marked it HIGH, this way you might have had a reply in 1 1/2 years instead of 2. lol!
Here's a tip, if you want a faster reply, add the text, "suggestion for new functions to be removed" before your subject line.

Works in Progress / Re: Alien Joe Bob - Mechanics Engine
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:51:35 am »
Ok it seems enigma has issues with views and porting and/or screen scaling.
In GMS it works flawless.
Just to test I set my res to 800x600, port to screen in your game are 1250x960 right? Somehow it is not scaling the view down to my res...... the GMS exe does it no problem. To confirm,I changed port to screen to my screen res 800x600 in this example and it was better. worked, so this is indication something is not right in ENIGMA.
I tried playing with the screen scaling options in global, no effect.
I wonder if this has to do with
I tried options there no effect
Oh yeah I almost forgot...... Welcome to the Twilight Zone
In GMS it works flawless.
Just to test I set my res to 800x600, port to screen in your game are 1250x960 right? Somehow it is not scaling the view down to my res...... the GMS exe does it no problem. To confirm,I changed port to screen to my screen res 800x600 in this example and it was better. worked, so this is indication something is not right in ENIGMA.
I tried playing with the screen scaling options in global, no effect.
I wonder if this has to do with
I tried options there no effect

Edit: Why did someone lock this? Because I sure don't
remember doing it. Anyway, I unlocked it, didn't know
I had that capability.
Oh yeah I almost forgot...... Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Works in Progress / Re: Alien Joe Bob - Mechanics Engine
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:11:37 am »Doesn't this look interesting to anyone? D:<
Didn't have much time lately, been crazy, yes it is interesting concept, got to looking at it now. Here are my observations and questions:
Did you use the YYC Compiler in the GMS exe?
Why is the GMS EXE much smaller than the EGM exe? I would have thought the opposite.....
Also something very wrong in the EGM version, the
views are fucked up! The GMS version looks far better. the EGM version looks zoomed in and displays
incorrectly. Run both and look closely you will see.
Also bug / glitch maybe, sometimes the player can get stuck inside one of those bars.
Otherwise it looks good,BTW lol that player character looks amazingly similar to one found in another game (forgot the name already lol pink shirt guy..... one of the teachers bullies,

I would personally add sound effects as you are flipping the bars.
When I get more time I will look at your source (both actually ) and try to determine why the GMS
one is better.
General ENIGMA / Some functions not implemented yet in ENIGMA
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:34:48 pm »
I have a question regarding certain functions that are not yet implemented in ENIGMA. How accurate and up to date is the page listing missing functions ? I mean some are obvious like in app, windows8 and html5 specific, but is the page up to date ?
What about these:
Are all of these not compatible in ENIGMA ?
If not, is it possible to have the buffer md5/sha1 and file encode/decode md5/sha1 as well as string encode/decode md5/sha1 functions in ENIGMA?
What about these:
Are all of these not compatible in ENIGMA ?
If not, is it possible to have the buffer md5/sha1 and file encode/decode md5/sha1 as well as string encode/decode md5/sha1 functions in ENIGMA?
General ENIGMA / Re: Linking Exception Draft
« on: March 03, 2014, 07:22:22 pm »I agree with Josh in that I think the primary concern for licensing is having enigma sold, which I do think is unlikely at this stage in its development but could definitely happen in the future once Enigma gains more traction.
But I would hate to see this end up like the Blender game engine wherein the only way to avoid the GPL is having a bootstrapper to load in your external blend file.
The issue of choosing the dual license / licensing exception should not be done in haste.
Oh God no! No no no no! No bootstrappers please,
don't give them any ideas

Tips, Tutorials, Examples / Re: Conway's Game of Life
« on: March 03, 2014, 01:21:15 pm »
Nice find ! Will take a look later.
LMAO @ some of the reviews people gave it,complaining about no sound and no "story" lol.
Guess some people don't get that this is not an arcade game / shootem up!
Oh well. I haven't visited the sandbox in ages !
LMAO @ some of the reviews people gave it,complaining about no sound and no "story" lol.
Guess some people don't get that this is not an arcade game / shootem up!
Oh well. I haven't visited the sandbox in ages !

General ENIGMA / Re: Linking Exception Draft
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:02:07 pm »Josh, I may be legally ignorant but this guy really seems to really know what he's talking about and at a first glance I think we should listen to him. It might be a scary first step, but it could mean whether this engine will still exist in about less than a year from now.
I second that, I like the way he goes in detail, long read, but speed reading finally put to good use.

He has a great point about the "what if" it's good to get all grounds covered ! There is a saying in business, C.Y.A......Cover Your A$$.
One thing I disagree is the notion that married people with careers and kids don't have time to do anything else ! Many commercial game devs have families and busy careers. Somehow there might be other things at play why people left or things are advancing at such pace..... based on what I read when I joined, it appears there are some disagreements(?) but in any case I think said software is a great alternative considering it's free, too good to abandon but I guess time might be a main issue for at least one of the devs.
It's amazing I have never seen so much debate over licensing before

We all saw what happened when they acquired someone elses work. The whole point is to make ENIGMA better, not cripple it

Off-Topic / Re: Waiting for Godot?
« on: March 02, 2014, 03:40:18 pm »Trying new game engines isn't on my priory list. Been there, done that. I've tried and bought almost everything out there and always come back to GM & ENIGMA
Well said ! You probably noticed that some of the stuff you tried has a steep learning curve and might be aimed more towards people who have lots of time on their hands to build a game and more knowledge on code and learning new ones.
Issues Help Desk / Re: Josh! Help Me! My Life Is In Danger!!
« on: March 02, 2014, 03:36:56 pm »
lol ! Nice topic title! That'll get his attention for sure. 

General ENIGMA / Re: Linking Exception Draft
« on: March 02, 2014, 03:36:15 pm »I don't know how you guys have such time to develop rapidly an entire game engine as complex as ENIGMA, to fart around with all the legal issues surrounding it, AND talk by the very books about things so smart it's beyond my reading comprehension. There's only 24 hours in a day, with eating, drinking, sleeping, and everyday life getting in the way. How does anyone cram this much work in a day you guys do every day??!
Yeah good point there - whenever I read all this text I get an intense migraine

This might look very bad for newcomers and might actually turn people away. Nobody wants to use a product if there is such legal liabilities and too much ambiguity.
General ENIGMA / Re: Linking Exception Draft
« on: February 27, 2014, 10:38:51 pm »
Actually to some extent I do think ENIGMA can be used to make commercial games, despite some of its shortcomings, there are ways around them, and seeing some of the quality of indie games out there, I think it could be done. I have no problems crediting and linking to enigma, without even be told I am required, I would do it ! All commercial games out there credit the engines they use even if they are licensed, in fact, most people already know what engine is used in different games because it is written in the game credits.
Some of my games will make good use of CPU power and I certainly don't intend to spend $299 for a windows only YYC compiler, that's a complete rip-off. I will have to decide whether to continue using enigma or accept compromise in performance and go on using GameMaker Studio and their runner.
People with Pro version who want to buy the YYC have to pay the price for ALL YYC exports, even if all you want to do is develop windows, they sell the YYC as a "package". that is highly unacceptable and way overpriced for what it's worth. There are 2 big reasons that inspired me to use ENIGMA, 1) Support for DirectShow / Video, 2) the COMPILED nature of games, (a $299 saving).
Agreed, let's wait to see what the developers can come up with, I'm wonder if they might require legal help drafting this .... ?
Some of my games will make good use of CPU power and I certainly don't intend to spend $299 for a windows only YYC compiler, that's a complete rip-off. I will have to decide whether to continue using enigma or accept compromise in performance and go on using GameMaker Studio and their runner.
People with Pro version who want to buy the YYC have to pay the price for ALL YYC exports, even if all you want to do is develop windows, they sell the YYC as a "package". that is highly unacceptable and way overpriced for what it's worth. There are 2 big reasons that inspired me to use ENIGMA, 1) Support for DirectShow / Video, 2) the COMPILED nature of games, (a $299 saving).
Agreed, let's wait to see what the developers can come up with, I'm wonder if they might require legal help drafting this .... ?
General ENIGMA / Re: Linking Exception Draft
« on: February 27, 2014, 07:14:57 pm »Thank you for your reply Darkstar2. I agree that adopting a new license for the engine code makes things more "solid." Using a well-known license should give ENIGMA users the confidence to make and sell the games they create. No one wants to risk making a game only to have their source code relicensed without their consent.
To be honest, I like enigma but after this issue I feel less confident in using product, should I be concerned ? Should users STOP using enigma until things are final ? There is no way that I am ever going to release source codes of game or apps - How the hell am I supposed to eventually sell my products if source code is circulating and being used

that from happening, but it might not. Such a thing could only be tested in court. I'd rather trust my game code to a another, less restrictive, license that was designed to protect both developers and users.
Just like with GameMaker, you have to tell the people, who download your compiled game, that it was made with ENIGMA. Under the GPL 3.0 or the MPL 2.0, you'd still have to direct them to ENIGMA's source code.
I don't mind at all telling people I *USED* enigma don't even mind crediting devs by name but what I am concerned about is source code of my game

More so there are certain other issues when disclosing what you used. When you tell someone you MADE your game WITH something, most people will think "oh one of those newbie tools you make games in 10 clicks......

I also don't want anyone to avoid using ENIGMA because of licensing issues.
Interesting you should mention this because I think this might be inevitable for anybody joining and reading who were not aware or don't know how licensing works, as in my case might be discouraged.
So if anybody decides to sue me, only do so if my game makes enough money please.....LOL. say
at least $500k lol.
Reaching a consensus on what license to use is very important to the health and continuation of this project.
Maybe ENIGMA needs a pro bono attorney.....
It's one thing to write text all over the place, but it has to be binding and legal in order to avoid another big issue, the ambiguity clause which can render an agreement useless !

Darkstar2.Thanks for bringing this to my attention. All this legalese is starting to make my head spin. I'm better with hypotheticals than I am with legal jargon.
Same here, I think I need 2 advils + 2 tylenols ! LOL.
Let's say the ENIGMA project was licensed the way I proposed with the Parser and Compiler being GPL 3.0 and the Engine being MPL 2.0. An ENIGMA user is creating a game and decides to compile it for distribution. When the user's code is passed to the Parser and translated to C/C++ code does the user retain the copyright for the translated code? Is the translated code now licensed under the GPL because the Parser is licensed under the GPL? Did the user create the translated code or was it the Parser? Was it a collaborative effort? I honestly don't know the answer to these questions.
One thing for sure, your IP remains your IP. All the content of your game assuming you are the IP owner, sound, music, sprites, videos or any content used in your game. That raises another question, so assuming that you only partially sold your soul to the devil, and your code is no longer under your (c), then what ?
Assuming that the user does retain copyright and the user's code isn't "infected" by the GPL, their translated code is then statically linked to the Engine's code. According to the MPL 2.0, this translated code can be licensed or proprietary and still be compatible with the MPL. No problems there as long as the translated code isn't GPL or one of its cousins.
looks like 2 tylenols + 2 advils won't be enough.

The last step is passing this combined code to the Compiler. The Compiler compiles (obviously) the code into executable form and adds the resources (sprites, sound, etc.) from the user's game source. Does the Compiler add any GPL code to the executable? This is another question I can't answer.
In a way, even if your game is compiled, it is way different than say, writing your own game from C++. You are relying on an engine... This engine saves you a hell of a lot of work, so in my opinion yes that engine is now part of your compiled game, an important part that drives everything.