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Messages - Darkstar2

Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 19, 2014, 07:34:05 pm »
I've been trying to look more into particles, not convinced 100% they are not working at all.  Funny but I managed to make them work in GL3, in GL1 they look funny LOL, the snow flakes are squares, in GL3 they have proper shape.
Anyhow sometimes they work but eventually as you run, test re-run they fuck up, work and instances disappear, and weird shit happens, but the fact I managed to make them work (the effect D&D part) I suspect it has something to do with opengl init bugs or something not properly initialized ?

I also figured what was causing the endless looping and trailing of instances, you need to turn on a background. lol! fuck me, what was I thinking there.
I think now the particles thing might need some tweaking, as it's there and should work but there might be something minor need changing to enable it to work all the time and not intermittent or stop working after several re-runs.

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:49:40 am »
Well the good news is that it sure is a mile better than GMS's one LOL.

I don't know if you remember when YYG had a contest going for their new logo......and what actually won ! that created a lot of angry feedback in the community because what actually won was utter stupidity and something you could have made in MS-Paint in 2 minutes by a 5 year old !!!!

As far as the LGM one, it reminds me a bit of older GM versions, you know when you ran a game that initial loading thing ? but looks better :D

Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:39:19 am »
They were done at some point, but then became broken. They no longer work in all of the graphics systems. I would want the original developer of the particle system extension to fix that, but I am not use if that will happen.

lol- holy crap there sure are lots of things broken in ENIGMA as I'm discovering, makes it very difficult to use ENIGMA to make a game as you are limited from many sides.  What a shame for the particles though because there are very complex effects you could do with them without requiring pre-rendered stuff all over your game :D

Also I recall the dev post stating it was completed and fully tested and on par with GM' I am confused.

Wouldn't it be best to REMOVE all these non working features from ENIGMA, it can confuse the fuck out of some people particularly those new to ENIGMA.  To me if I see a particles extension and functions, it means they can be used.
BTW, I tried the particles functions in every gfx system, dx9, 11, ogl1.1, ogl3, nothing works.

If worse comes to worse I will use pre-rendered, it's just time consuming  but I'm not going back to using YoYoShit.  one thing that is good with ENIGMA is support for many useful functions that were removed due to lazyness by yoyo, but problem is I'm beginning to wonder what kinds of games can you do with ENIGMA, with many reportedly broken or non working things, it's a bit discouraging..... So with lights broken, 3d broken, particles broken, collision/path finding, and few others, what does it leave people to make ?

BTW I think the way YYG is heading sucks major dick.  I don't expect their new IDE to be anything worthy to begin with, I can see more and more that they are breaking apart GMS further with their new gayness, can't fix it, then either leave it there or remove stuff. No wonder people make shitty games, not because of lack of interest but because of a shitty product they have (GM Studio) with an $800 option to export your shit to other platforms...........:P

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:30:12 am »
Oh, I don't claim to be good at graphics design. But it oughtn't look as if it were made in MS Word. I understand the concept of throwing something together, but there's a line between that and not giving a fuck.

LOL don't you mean MS-Paint ???? :P

Issues Help Desk / Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 19, 2014, 01:36:34 am »
I wanted to use particles in my games but seems that cannot be used in ENIGMA even though ENIGMA claims to be compatible.....even though it was announced in 2013 and said to be complete and tested. Am I missing something or is this broken?

Using this in a control object, create event.

I tried with OGL1, 3, DX9/11, enabled Part API,
does not work nothing displays.

fire1 = part_type_create();
emitter1 = part_emitter_create(Sname);

I even tried ready made parts from the D&D actions, same !

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 18, 2014, 10:57:15 pm »
BTW I notice the bug is still present in 1.85, where
if you run a game in windows mode and hit f4 to switch full screen the entire game area blanks, even if you return back to window, it's all gone.  Same if you run full screen by default and switch to windows mode.

Also compiling times seem to have increased.

I have a simple project, 1 sprite, 1 room, 1 block,
1 line of GML code. I unchecked all unecessary API
and kept bare minimum, no sound, no network, etc. and it seems to take a long time to compile.  I know that the first compile will always be longer, but the 1st compile seems to take longer or is it just me ? ( illusion..) :)

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:53:53 pm »
BTW I have been curious about this for a while, it might sound weird to even ask, but does LGM have easter eggs ? :D

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:48:49 pm »
Oh ok so I could have deleted them from the java control panel perhaps right ?

Now it works :D

Few questions:

1) what is Texture Atlasses ?

2) what is the constants area used for ? ( you can manually add variables and values) what specific
games would this be useful in ?

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:45:31 pm »

Ok went in 1.84 and done now will install 1.85

Where are these recent files stored ??

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:36:32 pm »
Still does not work.

My recent files area is empty.  I have win7 set up not to store recent files.

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:32:57 pm »
Ok I'm staying with 7u55 :D 

BTW, I can't even run LGM it spits out errors :D
I have to then manually go in task manager and delete the 3-4 java.exe running. :P

I just ran the portable and installed ENIGMA the same way I did for previous builds, worked fine. Illegal character in path at index 111: file:/D:/enigma/Attack%20of%20the%20Naked%20Blockheads%203D%20for%20ENIGMA/AOTNB/AOTNB-EGM/source/AOTNB-EGM.egm file:/D:/gmc/snake/snake.gm6 file:/D:/gmc/DYN%20Collide/ file:/D:/enigma/Basic3Dexample.gm6 file:/D:/enigma/360degree_gravity_2dcube.gmk file:/D:/gmc/Alien%20Joe%20Bob%20-%20Mechanics%20Engine/Alien%20Joe%20Bob%20-%20EGM.egm file:/D:/gmc/Alien%20Joe%20Bob%20-%20Mechanics%20Engine/Alien%20Joe%20Bob%20-%20GMS.gm81 file:/D:/enigma/ file:/D:/Input%20Box%20-%20Full.gm6 file:/D:/Input%20Box%20-%20Basic.gm6
   at$ Source)
   at$Parser.checkChars(Unknown Source)
   at$Parser.parseHierarchical(Unknown Source)
   at$Parser.parse(Unknown Source)
   at<init>(Unknown Source)
   at org.lateralgm.components.GmMenuBar.updateRecentFiles(
   at org.lateralgm.components.GmMenuBar.<init>(
   at org.lateralgm.main.LGM.main(

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:28:11 pm »
Yes I know that, I was confused too. I don't know wtf Oracle is doing, I now have Java 8 in parallel with 7. If you want to install 8, which I don't recommend having 2 JDK's installed, visit the following link.

Perhaps since it is a major revision it cannot be updated - it has to be uninstalled first and manually install the 8 ?

The way I update my java is through control panel, I click on the java icon and update from there.
(Win7 64bit)
Is Java 8 currently a stable build or beta ?
If it's an official release I can just go ahead and uninstall 7 to install 8.   Does it break compatibility with anything ??

BTW, does LGM 1.8.5 use Java8? Would there be any advantages to using it with Java8 or should I just stay with 7u55.

and yes, I don't intend on running both Java, either I stay with 7u55 or jump to 8.

General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:19:38 pm »

BTW, updated Java to version 7 update 55, that is the most recent JAVA.

Wasn't version 8 supposed to be released in March?

Proposals / Suggestion for LGM (improvements)
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:12:46 pm »
Would it be possible to implement these features in LGM ?

* Deleting events or a block of events using del key instead of right click and deleting.  Same for resources.

* Room editor, adding studio functionality such as scaling, rotating, moving, etc from within the editor.
In Studio you can manually scale/rotate instances, tiles, etc. within the editor itself.

Works in Progress / Re: Man Boobs Are Candy Corn HD
« on: April 18, 2014, 12:15:44 pm »
I am 12 years old and what is this?

Playing with legos and blocks is so outdated, welcome to the future !  ;D ;D ;D