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General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 21, 2014, 05:30:05 pm »can make any kind of game. The problem seems to be that you and others think that if ENIGMA doesn't have feature X that GM has, then it suddenly cannot do anything.
I don't recall the term used "cannot do anything" but for example if I want to do a game that has parts in them and ENIGMA can't, then I can't. Same if I want to do a game that has video / cut scenes (pre rendered) I cannot in GMS because those fools were too lazy to support something across all platforms
The whole idea for GM/ENIGMA is for those who do not code and skilled enough to build a game from scratch using code( C++, etc.) instead use D&D or an easy to learn GML in hopes of moving up eventually.
Yes, there are bugs, but most of the time you can go around them. Like in case of particle system not working you could of made your own. Making a particle system in GML/EDL is less than 100 lines.
It's not really fair to say something like that because if I knew I would have done it That's like YYG saying to their customers "Oh we don't support video because we don't give a shit, do your own !" in fact they did say that rubbish lol, that kinda defeat the whole purpose of people using GM don't you think ?
Same for ENIGMA. I barely am getting into GML, I am not 100% fluent yet in GML, but I know enough about programming logic to help me get further up, but I still lack skill to make stuff from scratch, meaning those 100 lines you speak about for parts.
So I am not only convinced, but certain that GM can make Diablo, Bastion, FTL, MYST, Fallout, Arcanum and even Portal. It's just that you won't have a "Portal extension" coming with ENIGMA just to make a portal game in 20 lines of code. You still have to do the work.
Regardless of whether you have functions to do things, you still need work to piece it together.
For particles, there are many functions for parts, but if you don't know how to use them, they are useless There are games you can't do, of course if you don't have the functions or anything to work with, what does it leave people ? Having to look for DLLs or make their own....... not everyone can make their own, or they'd probably not be using GM/ENIGMA in some cases. Ok some people use GM/ENIGMA to speed up the game making process, but many use it because they don't know how to code. Personally I would be user 1, even if I knew C++ and everything needed to build from scratch due to lack of time.
As far as GM making MYST I doubt it. What MYST does not have cut scenes. and GMS does not support any video function, yeah I know the phrase "do your own" from the devs there, but the only GMMovieDLL is old, obsolete and does not work.
In ENIGMA, yes it would be possible, and if ever there is rendering video on surfaces, would make for even more advanced game (mixing of live video / renders inside gameplay, as in a version of MYST.
Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 21, 2014, 04:38:25 pm »
Nice find
Ok I screwed up somehow, when I attempted to test before and after your change I had a FPS of 75 I was confused at first but then I remembered I had adaptive vsync in my NVIDIA panel on, I had to set it to use application settings which I did but it was too late I already had your new mod. Anyhow, tested at 144-146 FPS OGL1 (holds steady 146) and about 130-136 FPS OGL3.
//edit: Testing on compiled EXE, holds steady at 151 FPS (OGL1) and 133 FPS (OGL3).
BTW, DX11 and DX9 does not work anymore with particles I would get a blank screen but initially before a re-install, I would get this:
But that was before, when I removed ENIGMA and re-installed + applied your fix, I get a blank screen on DX9/11.
I'm assuming that with your new fix it is meant only to work in OGL1/3 right ?
Ok I screwed up somehow, when I attempted to test before and after your change I had a FPS of 75 I was confused at first but then I remembered I had adaptive vsync in my NVIDIA panel on, I had to set it to use application settings which I did but it was too late I already had your new mod. Anyhow, tested at 144-146 FPS OGL1 (holds steady 146) and about 130-136 FPS OGL3.
//edit: Testing on compiled EXE, holds steady at 151 FPS (OGL1) and 133 FPS (OGL3).
BTW, DX11 and DX9 does not work anymore with particles I would get a blank screen but initially before a re-install, I would get this:
Building for mode (0)
Cleaning up from previous executions
- Cleared parsed objects
- Cleared room entries
- Cleared shared locals list
- Cleared event info
Loading shared locals from extensions list
Location in memory of structure: 4eb62da8
Copying resources:
Copying sprite names
Copying sound names
Copying background names
Copying path names
Copying script names
Copying shader names
Copying font names [1]
Copying timeline names [kidding, these are totally not implemented ]
Copying object names [1]
Copying room names [1]
0 Scripts:
"Linking" scripts
`Linking' 0 scripts in 0 passes...
Completing script "Link"
1 Objects:
obj_0: 12 events:
Event[0]: Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `obj_0::create... Done. Parse... Done.
Event[8]: Parsing 1 sub-events:
Check `obj_0::draw... Done. Parse... Done.
Creating room creation code scope and parsing
"Linking" scripts into the objects...
"Link" complete.
Tabulating maximum argument passes to each script
Writing executable information and resources.
Writing modes and settings
Writing object switch
Writing resource names and maxima
Writing events
Linking globals
Running Secondary Parse Passes
Writing object data
Writing local accessors
Writing font data
Writing room data
Writing shader data
Running make from `mingw32-make.exe'
Full command line: mingw32-make.exe Game WORKDIR="C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/" GMODE=Run GRAPHICS=Direct3D11 AUDIO=None COLLISION=Precise WIDGETS=None NETWORKING=None PLATFORM=Win32 CXXFLAGS="-I../Additional/i686-w64-mingw32/include" COMPILEPATH="Windows/Windows" EXTENSIONS=" Universal_System/Extensions/Alarms Universal_System/Extensions/Timelines Universal_System/Extensions/Paths Universal_System/Extensions/MotionPlanning Universal_System/Extensions/DateTime Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems Universal_System/Extensions/DataStructures" OUTPUTNAME="d:/tmp/egm8583723487621132820.exe" eTCpath=""
mingw32-make.exe -C ENIGMAsystem/SHELL
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory `D:/enigma/ENIGMA/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL'
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Audio_Systems/None/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Bridges/Win32-Direct3D11/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Collision_Systems/Precise/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Alarms/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/DataStructures/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/DateTime/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/MotionPlanning/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Paths/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Timelines/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Widget_Systems/None/
g++ -I../Additional/i686-w64-mingw32/include -IPlatforms/Win32/Info -IGraphics_Systems/Direct3D11/Info -IAudio_Systems/None/Info -ICollision_Systems/Precise/Info -IWidget_Systems/None/Info -INetworking_Systems/None/Info -IUniversal_System/Info -I. -IC:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/ -Wall -s -O3 -fno-exceptions -MMD -MP -c -o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Timelines/timelines.o Universal_System/Extensions/Timelines/timelines.cpp
g++ -I../Additional/i686-w64-mingw32/include -IPlatforms/Win32/Info -IGraphics_Systems/Direct3D11/Info -IAudio_Systems/None/Info -ICollision_Systems/Precise/Info -IWidget_Systems/None/Info -INetworking_Systems/None/Info -IUniversal_System/Info -I. -IC:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/ -Wall -s -O3 -fno-exceptions -MMD -MP -c -o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/SHELLmain.o SHELLmain.cpp
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `D:/enigma/ENIGMA/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL'
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory `D:/enigma/ENIGMA/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL'
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Audio_Systems/None/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Bridges/Win32-Direct3D11/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Collision_Systems/Precise/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Alarms/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/DataStructures/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/DateTime/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/MotionPlanning/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Paths/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Timelines/
mkdir.exe -p C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Widget_Systems/None/
echo "// GENERATED RESOURCE FILE FRONTEND" > C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/resources.rc
for res in Preprocessor_Environment_Editable/Resources.rc; do echo "#include \"$res\"" >> C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/resources.rc; done
windres.exe -o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/resources.res -I. -IC:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/ C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/resources.rc -O coff
g++ -L../Additional/i686-w64-mingw32/lib -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -o "d:/tmp/egm8583723487621132820.exe" C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/SHELLmain.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/libEGMstd.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWSjoystick.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWSmain.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWSregistry.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWScallback.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWSwindow.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWSfilemanip.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWSthreads.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWSsystem.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Platforms/Win32/WINDOWSexternals.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11profiler.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11sprite.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11textures.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11colors.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11vertex.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11d3d.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11surface.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11background.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11model.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11shader.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11enable.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11draw.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11screen.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11blend.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11primitives.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DIRECTX11Std.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11tiles.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11matrix.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/GSfont.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/GSstdraw.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/GSsurface.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/GScurves.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/GSsprite.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/GSmath.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/General/GSbackground.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Audio_Systems/None/fillin.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Collision_Systems/Precise/PRECimpl.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Collision_Systems/Precise/PRECfuncs.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Collision_Systems/Precise/placeholderlinks.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Widget_Systems/None/nowidget_impl.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/CallbackArrays.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/instance_planar.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/object.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/lodepng.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/instance.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/mathnc.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/backgroundstruct.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/multifunction_variant.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/highscore_functions.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/loading.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/fontinit.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/rectpack.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/soundinit.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/darray.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/callbacks_events.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/bufferstruct.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/transform_object.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/terminal_io.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/collisions_object.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/globalupdate.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/move_functions.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/reflexive_types.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/planar_object.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/var4.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/fontstruct.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/fileio.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/lives.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/shaderstruct.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/dynamic_args.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/spriteinit.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/graphics_object.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/estring.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/backgroundinit.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/spritestruct.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/ENIGMA_GLOBALS.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/resource_data.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/image_formats.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/zlib.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/roomsystem.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/instance_system.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/depth_draw.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/var4_lua.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Alarms/alarmcode.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Timelines/timelines.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Paths/path_functions.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Paths/pathinit.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/Paths/pathstruct.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/MotionPlanning/mp_movement.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/MotionPlanning/motion_planning.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/MotionPlanning/motion_planning_struct.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/DateTime/date_time.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_effects.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_emitter.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_attractor.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_actions.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_changer.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_updatedraw.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_deflector.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_destroyer.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_particles_apiimpl.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_sprites.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_type.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_system_apiimpl.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_depths.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_system_manager.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/ParticleSystems/PS_particle_system.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/Extensions/DataStructures/data_structures.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Bridges/Win32-Direct3D11/graphics_bridge.o C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/resources.res -lffi -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -lwininet -ld3dx11 -lz -ldxgi -ld3d11 -ld3dx11
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11primitives.o:DX11primitives.cpp:(.text+0x9c): undefined reference to `enigma_user::d3d_model_create(int)'
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11primitives.o:DX11primitives.cpp:(.text+0x14c): undefined reference to `enigma_user::d3d_model_create(int)'
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11primitives.o:DX11primitives.cpp:(.text+0x35c): undefined reference to `enigma_user::d3d_model_create(int)'
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11primitives.o:DX11primitives.cpp:(.text+0x40c): undefined reference to `enigma_user::d3d_model_create(int)'
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11primitives.o:DX11primitives.cpp:(.text+0x919): undefined reference to `enigma_user::d3d_model_create(int)'
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Graphics_Systems/Direct3D11/DX11primitives.o:DX11primitives.cpp:(.text+0xb09): more undefined references to `enigma_user::d3d_model_create(int)' follow
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/backgroundstruct.o:backgroundstruct.cpp:(.text+0xbec): undefined reference to `enigma::graphics_get_texture_pixeldata(unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*)'
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/fontstruct.o:fontstruct.cpp:(.text+0xb82): undefined reference to `enigma::graphics_get_texture_pixeldata(unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*)'
C:/ProgramData/ENIGMA/.eobjs/Windows/Windows/Run/Universal_System/spritestruct.o:spritestruct.cpp:(.text+0x14f): undefined reference to `enigma::graphics_get_texture_pixeldata(unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*)'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [compile_game] Error 1
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `D:/enigma/ENIGMA/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL'
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Game] Error 2
But that was before, when I removed ENIGMA and re-installed + applied your fix, I get a blank screen on DX9/11.
I'm assuming that with your new fix it is meant only to work in OGL1/3 right ?
Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 20, 2014, 09:50:20 pm »
having fun with particles can't believe this was fixed so quickly thanks TheEx So far so good. I'm fairly new to this so after trial and error I figured how to start and end particles on demand, destroy, etc, and proper code placement.
You could do complex stuff and demos using particles. I've managed to compile an EXE of 331K rared
You could do complex stuff and demos using particles. I've managed to compile an EXE of 331K rared
Programming Help / Re: Not able to set or get userdefined variables with unique values for instances.
« on: April 20, 2014, 08:05:26 pm »I occasionally have issues with custom variables as well and usually declaring them like so fixes the issue for me:Code: [Select]//suck my left hairy ball
var fuck, shit, dick, rectum;
Thanks for the heads up ! Guess we'll all have something to remember when declaring variables !
Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 20, 2014, 04:25:47 pm »Yes, in GL3 that would technically be faster than using draw_sprite_ext() for every particle. I cannot say any specific number, but it still should be faster.
But question is, are there still many people who have GFX cards without OGL3 support ? vs. DX9 ?
When they are fixed (of if they are fixed) we could do some benchmarks. There are no real downsides besides the fact we would need to maintain more code. The draw_sprite() method also means things like lights work on particles, while if we used a custom shader they wouldn't.
In my opinion, the speed difference will depend on its use. Probably the biggest impact will be with streamed particles particularly (yes I know ) if you use many in your room. But wouldn't that be an issue regardless of whether method used ? I guess in such case it would all come down to how they are used in your game. In cases where there would be many same instances of streamed particles (example a room with walls with several torches, etc....) it would be good to use pre-rendered,(APNG) in this case the same sprite would be used in many places and avoid the processing, on the down side extra memory.
Is it actually slow/slower for you? Or you cannot notice? Because I think you shouldn't really be able to notice.
For the pre-made stuff (action_effect) no, did not notice. For my fire1 custom particles, I noticed, but I cannot compare to anything since they did not work for me previously The fire1 example is a streamed particle, first instance does not slow much, but when adding another things start to really slow down.
Now I already posted my PC and GPU specs they are up to date and fast, can run all latest games at their full settings. So CPU/GPU is not a limitation.
General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 20, 2014, 04:07:45 pm »Wow I am curious as to whether people made full games with ENIGMA, it is giving me a big headache and is a pain in the ass
Well, you understand now why in the 'win enigma competiton' topic i said this competition is useless now, and the main priority should be bugs fixing. No wonder no full games have been made with enigma so far. I know some people who say the contrary but we have not seen so far any games from these people ! Still i come here because i like this community and i really hope one day enigma will get successful, but i hope it will happen before i die !
Still ENIGMA's development is faster than many of the other "alternatives" that are mostly piece of junk (won't mention names) that gets updated once in a blue moon So yeah I think ENIGMA is far more functional than other similar try-hards wannabes I'm not talking about GMS which is already slowed to a crawl (they are busy working on their crappy new IDE and new "wee exports" as someone else mentioned instead of fixing their !=wee mess.
the junk out there trying to do what ENIGMA is doing, I am referring to other GM derivatives :p
So far of all I tried ENIGMA is best, more functional.
I am convinced ENIGMA can be used to make MYST type games....There is support for video and external resource handling and other features obsolete in GMS, pretty much any point and click adventure,
MYST type, interactive / adventure, etc. That is a theory. In practice, can ENIGMA handle large resources, large games? I have not tried.
Not ready to abandon ENIGMA ! As to full games, it depends. Sure you can make full games, I can make a full catch the clowns game assuming movement and collision works in ENIGMA, that would be possible ! But now with particles working again (Thanks Ex), I can make catch the clowns with particles LOL (just saying, mind you I won't do it). Perhaps there are certain things that would require work-arounds, more work, etc. Might be difficult to make certain complex games due to some things not working yet in ENIGMA. So yeah, it depends on the type of full game. But seems it doesn't take much to be successful, stick figure, clones, crap released with GMS gets lot of attention.
but i hope it will happen before i die !
Right don't get your hopes up there Somehow ENIGMA seems to have a magnet that pushes people away I dunno, many calls were made by different people but it seems the project does not gather interest, or my secret theories involving YoYoG**s.
I tried getting the word around but you should see the responses lol ... So that's what happens when you have a project that is understaffed and relies on 1 or 2 people who already are very busy. and perhaps maybe because it is a FREE project, guess that model does not interest many developers, either that or people are busy and free time is a difficult concept nowadays......understandably.
Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 20, 2014, 02:02:49 pm »
Ok tested.
1) BTW, is there a faster way to download files that have been modified instead of opening each file in a text editor copy / pasting ? Is there a way to directly download the modified files?
2) Seems to work All gfx systems, indeed. They look like they are supposed to, no more squares
display above / below works now, before it didn't.
As far as speed, in a side scroller where I would use streamed particles in areas I would personally have them disabled when they are off view, I guess I see what you mean by "slower"
1) BTW, is there a faster way to download files that have been modified instead of opening each file in a text editor copy / pasting ? Is there a way to directly download the modified files?
2) Seems to work All gfx systems, indeed. They look like they are supposed to, no more squares
display above / below works now, before it didn't.
As far as speed, in a side scroller where I would use streamed particles in areas I would personally have them disabled when they are off view, I guess I see what you mean by "slower"
Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 20, 2014, 12:18:59 pm »
Thanks I will test this later today. You mentioned a quick fix by setting back shader, so if I understood correctly this would be a faster / more optimized way of displaying particles, but what are the downsides for this compared the the sprite_draw(ext) ?
Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 20, 2014, 12:00:31 am »If I get a chance I can look at fixing these bugs, sorry Darkstar, we're just heavily understaffed, find us some more developers!
They all want to work for YYG !
It's odd though you'd think with the MESS YYG created that more people would have switched already and helped here. There are some developers on GMC as I'm sure, but probably some have left for other things.
General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:57:51 pm »
Always on windows7 64bit, no linux here
General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:32:11 pm »
Wow I am curious as to whether people made full games with ENIGMA, it is giving me a big headache and is a pain in the ass More errors random.
I think this can be reproduced, I see a pattern of it happening after you run your game many times within
LGM. I have to exit LGm and restart it again.
Is LGM posessed ?
I think this can be reproduced, I see a pattern of it happening after you run your game many times within
LGM. I have to exit LGm and restart it again.
Is LGM posessed ?
Issues Help Desk / Re: Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:27:13 pm »
Ok an update I played around and noticed the following:
First, particles ONLY work through the effect D&D (action_effect). ALL particle GML functions are not working in ENIGMA, what a shame. So you can only use pre-made ones under D&D.
Second, OGL1 fucks up the effects, example snow flakes are square flakes, smoke is a series of squares, flares are a circle made of squares, etc you get the picture However under OGL1 when an effect is called ,instances remain visible and work.
Third, OGL3 seems to display the effects properly, snowflakes, flares, clouds, smoke, explosions, etc, however the annoying fuck of a thing clears all instances in the room and impossible to re-display them, even tried the draw_self and still does not work So this makes effects totally fucking useless lol!
Hope this helps !
To summarize:
Particles GML functions don't work, they are dead !
Effects (action_effect) works but only under OGL3 and they are useless for the reasons explained above.
First, particles ONLY work through the effect D&D (action_effect). ALL particle GML functions are not working in ENIGMA, what a shame. So you can only use pre-made ones under D&D.
Second, OGL1 fucks up the effects, example snow flakes are square flakes, smoke is a series of squares, flares are a circle made of squares, etc you get the picture However under OGL1 when an effect is called ,instances remain visible and work.
Third, OGL3 seems to display the effects properly, snowflakes, flares, clouds, smoke, explosions, etc, however the annoying fuck of a thing clears all instances in the room and impossible to re-display them, even tried the draw_self and still does not work So this makes effects totally fucking useless lol!
Hope this helps !
To summarize:
Particles GML functions don't work, they are dead !
Effects (action_effect) works but only under OGL3 and they are useless for the reasons explained above.
General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:19:34 pm »Yes but the point is, Josh wouldn't believe that ENIGMA is crashing JNA and in turn causing random segfaults that takes LGM and file changes with it. We don't want to ignore these issues, we want to fix them. Do you have the file that cause the exception? Or was it random?
Random. The same project ran fine after a restart.
General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 19, 2014, 11:00:33 pm »Great reid!
@Darkstar2, these exceptions have always existed in ENIGMA, you're just now finding out about them, this is why the new exception reporting is so awesome.
Yeah but now when I get this message I cannot work on my project anymore. I have to close LGM completely because the compile and play button are greyed out.
Before in LGM these things did not happen
I used to get similar crap with GayStudio when using lot of sprites / objects. In LGM seems to work far better with bigger projects
General ENIGMA / Re: LateralGM 1.8.5
« on: April 19, 2014, 10:39:26 pm »
So far I must say 1.85 is very unstable.
This happens intermittently, as I work with the project and run my projects.
This happens intermittently, as I work with the project and run my projects.
java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access
at com.sun.jna.Native.invokeInt(Native Method)
at com.sun.jna.Function.invoke(
at com.sun.jna.Function.invoke(
at com.sun.jna.Library$Handler.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.compileEGMf(Unknown Source)
at org.enigma.EnigmaRunner$