General fluff => General ENIGMA => Topic started by: notachair on April 03, 2008, 01:07:58 am

Title: Rules and Guidelines - Last modified December 16, 2010
Post by: notachair on April 03, 2008, 01:07:58 am
This list contains both rules and guidelines interspersed. It is up to your common sense to decide what is what.

Please note that this list are subject to change at any time. When this list is modified, a post will be created detailing what has been changed from before.

Punishment is to be given at the moderation team's discretion. Moderators that break the rules will have their privileges taken away for a length of time or permanently and may be accompanied with a ban, depending on the severity of their rule breaking.

We currently have no method of taking ban appeals, but there is an intention to have such a process.

We can enforce the rules, but react only so quickly. We are not liable for your experience in this forum; enter and participate at your own risk. All opinions and comments posted to this website are owned by their respective owners, NOT by the ENIGMA Team. The ENIGMA Team will not be held responsible for any comments or opinions posted by anyone on this website. Illegal content will be dealt with, however the ENIGMA Team makes no guarantees that all of such content will be removed. If such content is found, please notify one of the ENIGMA Team promptly and the issue will be dealt with.
Title: Re: Rules and Guidelines - Last modified December 16, 2010
Post by: Goombert on May 01, 2013, 02:53:39 am
These regulations are in effect throughout the entire website, exercise good judgement where possible. This is not a full disclosure, these regulations are subject to change at any time without notice and are only a partial terms of service. Excessive and blatant violation of these rules may warrant your account being terminated indefinitely without notice or result in punishment given at administrators discretion. They themselves are subject to the same regulations, if they break the rules they will have their privileges revoked and possibly banned, depending on the severity of their actions. We currently have no method of taking ban appeals, but there is an intention to have such a process.

We can enforce the rules, but react only as quickly as humanly possible. We are not liable for your experience in this forum; enter and participate at your own risk. All opinions and comments transmitted to this website are owned by their respective owners, not by the ENIGMA Team, we will not be held responsible for any comments or opinions posted by anyone on this website. Illegal content will be dealt with, however the ENIGMA Team makes no guarantees that all of such content will be removed. Please notify the ENIGMA Team or an administrator promptly of any such content found and it will be dealt with.
Title: Re: Rules and Guidelines - Last modified December 16, 2010
Post by: Josh @ Dreamland on May 01, 2013, 09:03:56 am

Number of words in a2h's rules: 410
Number of words in Robert's "condensed" rules: 560
Number of bold, red typeface words in a2h's rules: 0
Number of bold, red typeface words in Robert's "less-naziish" rules: 17
Number of (unquoted) exclamation points in a2h's rules: 0
Number of (unquoted) exclamation points in Robert's "less-naziish" rules: 2

I think you failed.
Title: Re: Rules and Guidelines - Last modified December 16, 2010
Post by: TheExDeus on May 01, 2013, 03:57:20 pm
I don't see the point of this exercise.
Title: Re: Rules and Guidelines - Last modified December 16, 2010
Post by: Goombert on May 01, 2013, 04:13:48 pm
Im trying to bring them down and make them more concise, we have 2x as many as the GMC in a2h's, I just suck at it :P


Title: Re: Rules and Guidelines - Last modified December 16, 2010
Post by: Josh @ Dreamland on May 01, 2013, 04:15:36 pm
We have twice as many rules at half the size or less.