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Author Topic: Rough JSON Parsing/Manipulation Library for GM 8.0  (Read 5478 times)
Offline (Male) Yambam
Posted on: November 21, 2016, 04:43:40 pm

Location: The Netherlands
Joined: May 2016
Posts: 67

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Yambam's JSON Library (GM8 only, at this stage)

My first "JSON library" for GM8 used object instances, which obviously slowed the game performance to a crawl. So behold... my (pretty much) extraordinary JSON library for GM8; be warned though, though it's based around the golden ratio constant for a reason (I'd describe it as "the furthest you can get from a simple fraction"), it's still possible that you'll get in trouble with the combo that consists of (1) my weird logic and (2) GM's number (or floating point, i.e. "real") precision.

Download link:

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