Unlike some indie developers, this is my hobby, I'm not actively developing - I have many projects in mind and many ideas but no time to execute them - as to my writing - I type fast you wouldn't believe, so writing those 100 page books is easy for me, at 100-150wpm, much faster than the time it would take me to make a game.

Jealous of who ? I don't give a fuck
Maybe you misunderstood:
1) It's true that a lot of indie games are crap - it's one thing to have the skill to develop, if you don't have the skill the write a story and proper game, then you won't make a decent game. You could be an excellent C++ / GML coder and excellent graphics designer and modeler, but you need a proper story and gameplay......how many indie developers have all it takes to make decent game ?

2) As far as non indie games, many are decent, but some are garbage. I have followed the gaming industry on the PC for a very long time, FAR long before I started getting interesting in gaymaker, and I can tell you I have played really awful shite, they were not indie games, they were hyped disappointments, go check gamespot and many game reivews you will see the many sucky games and comments from people. I did not say all non indie games are shite, I said many indie games are shite, and I did not comment on your points because in some cases I agree - I too have heard the same comments from console gamers in regards to the amount of trash available.......yes, a lot of indie trash

But also there are non indie games that are very bad as well.
Here, let's talk about MAX PAYNE (first edition) it was hyped for so many years.....when it came down to it it was a big fat ass disappointment......you could count the polygons with your hand, lighting effects were utter rubbish, level design was subpar, ending was crap.
Let's go way back to the DOS days and DUKE NUKEM 3D......another piece of shite hype........First level, ok.......but as you progressed it was so fucking boring and the level design was shite......was I an indie dev back then, fuck no, and I still am not !
Look at all the games that were released on the PC, can you honestly keep a straight face and say ALL of them were decent

many avid PC gamers would certainly disagree with you, and guess what, they are not all jealous indie developers LOL! I was very critical of certain game myself at a time when I knew fuck all about C++ or GML !
As to multiplayer, unless you are playing with friends or people you know, I learned a long time ago that there are many cheaters online and a lot of people who ruin the games for everyone !! Team killers, bad players, ragers, etc. So yeah - it's obvious now that game companies bank on the multiplayer aspect, and by doing so they put less focus on single player campaigns, which is why they are so damn short.
To an avid multiplayer game, that is a non issue,
to those of us who are more into single player, that is a big motherfucker of an issue

The point I am trying to make here is that if you made those kind of comments (that you made to me) on a PC gaming forum you would probably be torn a new arse and flamed like crazy, but since this is a friendly community, there is none of this here......but I have experience with these type of gaming forums, you never want to talk like that to game critics lol !
So all my comments are made as a long time GAMER,
not a developer, because I could not do better myself, and I am not fucking jealous because this is not my fucking field - if it were I'd be working for big companies like UBISOFT, EA, etc.....and making big games.......not working with toys

As a GAMER I have also played many excellent games......
But opinions on games are very subjective.....Some people like a specific game whilst another hates it.
Yes I did mention long ago I would love to make MYST type games, because I played MYST ( I have all the MYST series in their original box I had purchased in my shelf) and I liked the concept. I mentioned my interest in adventure games, point and click, interactive games and my desire to make some, but always as a hobby. Making these games (As you know) is very time consuming, time I don't have, and designing skills / modeling skills I don't have either. One thing I do intend to work on is building engines to allow easy creation of point and click and similar games to cabin escape 3D and the other 3D game you made......
I still play PC games and still critical about some of them, positive and negative, but always as a gamer. I don't consider myself by all means an indie developer, not even close......just a hobbyist who has projects and ideas, but lack of time.....just like ENIGMA developers. I hope this is more clear

and as to your point about flappy bird, yeah agreed.
as to your point on multiplayer extending the game experience, again very much agree, providing you play with friends, good teams, good players, etc.
otherwise random players, cheating players, ragers, etc, nope, spoils the game.
Perhaps you never played much online PC games mate, and you never experienced team killers, idiots, ragers, aim bot cheaters etc.......you never played on COD, BF, halo, etc, etc, etc. or you must have played with a closed circle of friends only, because if you did you'd know what I mean.
In my time when I played MP a lot we had regulars, good players, but you'd often get the random shite that joined and team killed and used aimbot and the funny part, people admitting it and cussing you out.
So yeah, multiplayer games.......too much cheating FUCKS. there is always some *****z out there with the upper hand who will go lengths in cheating.