I am also planning some stuff too for ENIGMA and LGM, new functions, extensions and new features.
Great to hear this !
Not afraid of C++ and OpenGl ? 
lol not afraid of much, but I know my limits. I do know enough to contribute certain things though, which will be mostly features and not have to do with graphics/rendering, as I am not familiar with the more advanced graphics programming stuff (oGL, d3d, etc.) But know how to add extensions, and add new functions. What I plan to do is make a tool to parse an EGM file and let the user configure different options to pack resources into files or single file, with or without encryption, allowing them to call these individual resources from their games, directly to memory, straight read to memory. That tool will be written entirely in C++, and be a console mode. Though later I could add a GUI to it. As far LGM, that is JAVA, something I am not 100% familiar with but could use a convert for that purpose. Ideally I would like to convert it and interface it with LGM as a plugin like ENIGMA is a plugin to LGM, adding an option under build, build resource files. etc.
And some small fixes, addons to LGM here and there.
See where this brings me. My contribution level will be very limited, the more advanced graphics stuff and major stuff will be left to the experts

After this whole pain my arsehole font fix and DX9 fix playing around with the code, nah, not afraid

My knowledge on how the code interfaces to each components is limited, so far I know how to write extensions and enable them, how to add new functions, how to modify existing ones and where to look for them. Wish I knew more but that might come in time or never come,

it was never a plan, I guess I found out about ENIGMA by accident and I got into C++ by accident.

There's a great tool out there for Java to C++ and C++ to JAVA, as I'm sure you are aware, if I could do my stuff in C++ and port it to JAVA and integrate it in LGM that would be fantastic.