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Author Topic: Remakes or original content  (Read 13046 times)
Offline (Unknown gender) TheExDeus
Posted on: July 15, 2013, 11:46:00 am

Joined: Apr 2008
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Hi. I don't have the time or creativity required for original content so I though we (or just I, but some sprite work would be nice) could make some remakes just to show ENIGMA's potential. I would also want the development time to be recorded as rapid game creation I think is the biggest selling point of ENIGMA (if there ever was such a point). The idea came from watching Greenlight and Kickstarter where there are a lot of old style games, but by reading the info it always seems there was a lot of time invested in the coding part. For example, for the past week or so I was hooked on FTL: Faster Than Light and the guys who made it said they did the engine part for 6 months.... and I can assure you that I could remake that engine in maybe a week of intensive work in ENIGMA. The same with Broforce which I saw yesterday. They made it a lot faster (because it originally was for ludum dare), but I believe that in ENIGMA all of that could be made faster still. Same for games like Meatboy and others.
So what you guys think? If anyone has a game they would like me to try to remake (my scheduled is quite full though, but this is just a test for me. Others can take over if I fail or just do it separately), then post it here.
My current ideas are:
FTL: Faster Than Light
Maybe Broforce, but that would just be interesting from the destructible world part.

The problem with this is that they are all indie games. For example, if I make a very precise remake of FTL then that could actually be negative and seen as copying other people ideas. And then if I release them as freeware then people would think I want to rip off the original devs.
Offline (Unknown gender) egofree
Reply #1 Posted on: July 15, 2013, 02:35:02 pm
Joined: Jun 2013
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FTL: Faster Than Light

Are you talking about the Commodore 64 game ?
Offline (Unknown gender) TheExDeus
Reply #2 Posted on: July 15, 2013, 02:39:21 pm

Joined: Apr 2008
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No. This one:
Offline (Male) Goombert
Reply #3 Posted on: July 16, 2013, 10:19:45 am

Location: Cappuccino, CA
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I don't get what you are saying Harri. Josh is almost done with the compiler, the main thing stopping games from working is lack of polymorphism and inheritance and scripting errors.
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect.

Offline (Unknown gender) TheExDeus
Reply #4 Posted on: July 16, 2013, 10:48:44 am

Joined: Apr 2008
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I am saying that even though you can create games with ENIGMA for at least a year now, no one has done it. So I was proposing creating a full clone of another game (by also recording the full development time) and then release it here. Right now we have EDC full of examples, but we should also have some games. So I was asking what other 2D games others would propose. Of course creating original content and then selling it would add more popularity, but right now I just though to create something for people who visit the site.
Offline (Male) Goombert
Reply #5 Posted on: July 17, 2013, 07:59:34 am

Location: Cappuccino, CA
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The only game I have ever thought about completely redoing open source was Sonic & Knuckles, I also still have not ported my Project Mario game into ENIGMA, I need object inheritance for particles.
I think it was Leonardo da Vinci who once said something along the lines of "If you build the robots, they will make games." or something to that effect.

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