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Topics - Darkstar2

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Programming Help / How do I do AI path finding in ENIGMA ? A*
« on: April 23, 2014, 10:57:30 pm »
Ok it was established already that the D&D follow object avoiding does not work as it should in ENIGMA, first discovered by TKG, object tries to follow but as soon as it hits an object it stops. 

So another alternative and preferred method is through the grid system. 

Does the mp grid and path finding work in ENIGMA ? I read that A* works in ENIGMA.  Could not got it to work here,
could someone help with this ? how do I set it up?

I uploaded this quick test I made, and the code I used.
I put it in create, also tried it in step, same thing, but I know this should be put in create and not step.

Could someone take a look and let me know.  The red squares should find a path and move, nothing happens.

Everything compiles fine, no errors.  and yes MP extension is enabled. :)

Issues Help Desk / Errors when using git-bash update
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:00:40 pm »
When using git update I now get those errors,

error: your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:

then it gives a long list of files,
Please commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

Yes I tried removing ENIGMA and manually deleting the program files/data folder and temp folders
and re-installing from latest builds, same problem.

Programming Help / Using C++ and GML in same project. Why?
« on: April 21, 2014, 08:01:25 pm »
It is said that one of the advantages of using ENIGMA is ability to use C++ in your projects along with GML.
This is a question that I have been curious about for some time.  Now please understand I am a complete novice when it comes to C++, more like total newbie :D  and learning GML progressively.

Could someone give me some examples of how C++ code in my projects would benefit me when I have all the GML functions to use?  Some examples would be great. 


Issues Help Desk / Are particles working in ENIGMA? Not for me !
« on: April 19, 2014, 01:36:34 am »
I wanted to use particles in my games but seems that cannot be used in ENIGMA even though ENIGMA claims to be compatible.....even though it was announced in 2013 and said to be complete and tested. Am I missing something or is this broken?

Using this in a control object, create event.

I tried with OGL1, 3, DX9/11, enabled Part API,
does not work nothing displays.

fire1 = part_type_create();
emitter1 = part_emitter_create(Sname);

I even tried ready made parts from the D&D actions, same !

Proposals / Suggestion for LGM (improvements)
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:12:46 pm »
Would it be possible to implement these features in LGM ?

* Deleting events or a block of events using del key instead of right click and deleting.  Same for resources.

* Room editor, adding studio functionality such as scaling, rotating, moving, etc from within the editor.
In Studio you can manually scale/rotate instances, tiles, etc. within the editor itself.

Issues Help Desk / Switching back and forth full screen / Windows mode
« on: March 30, 2014, 01:53:05 pm »
I've noticed that when switching between full screen and windows (F4) causes the screen to blank out.

Example, if I am playing a game in fulls screen, hit F4, it becomes a window but everything onscreen is blank,
hitting F4 again to full screen and screen is still blank.

yes I have unchecked to pause if out of focus box :D

Issues Help Desk / Step towards object avoiding does not work at all
« on: March 30, 2014, 12:20:10 am »
This is a follow-up to TKG's report, I tried reproducing it and it did not work at all.  I've set up a couple of large blocks marked as solid objects along with a target object and the main object.  I set the main object to step towards the target object, but upon running the object doesn't even move and stays still :D

Put it in a step event, the object moves but trails (paints), and as soon as it hits a solid it stops, as TKG reported.

Off-Topic / GameMaker Studio & OpenSource - Licensing question
« on: March 24, 2014, 09:10:23 pm »
I was curious about something, after all the recent discussion on licensing and opensource requirements, it got me to think, doesn't GameMakerStudio use OpenSource in its software ? In fact it uses many.  So yes this topic is not something I am very familiar with so forgive my ignorance.  Why is it not a requirement to include source code along with your GM made, despite using YYC and opensource elements (FFMPEG,physics, ETC.ETC.ETC.) ?

Their only requirement is to include the license for their slow runner, because that part belongs to them, but what about all the rest of the components they use and charge us an arm and a leg for.....:P

General ENIGMA / Some functions not implemented yet in ENIGMA
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:34:48 pm »
I have a question regarding certain functions that are not yet implemented in ENIGMA.  How accurate and up to date is the page listing missing functions ? I mean some are obvious like in app, windows8 and html5 specific, but is the page up to date ?

What about these:


Are all of these not compatible in ENIGMA ?

If not, is it possible to have the buffer md5/sha1 and file encode/decode md5/sha1 as well as string encode/decode md5/sha1 functions in ENIGMA?

Programming Help / get_string without a dialog
« on: February 10, 2014, 12:45:49 am »
I am looking to add interaction in my game, where the user inputs data, however I do not want the pop-up dialog box to appear but only the flashing cursor would appear at an x,y position and allow a user to input text.  In short, it is the get_string without the dialog box.

Something like


(x,y position to set input cursor, maximum length of str, default value)

Please advise.


Programming Help / Making games in Full HD resolution 16:9 possible ?
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:01:15 pm »
I noticed int he game settings under resolution you have 320x240, 640x480, etc.....up to 1600x1200, but where is 1920x1080 ?  Is there a function to manually change resolution with custom settings but before doing so probing the graphic card / driver to see if the resolution is supported, if true, change resolution or false, don't allow it ? This way one could make a menu inside a game to allow a player to customize it, much like commercial games ?  More so, is it possible to make games that are Full HD 16:9 (meaning allowing program to access those resolutions), as I'm sure many people use LCD monitors now, so I can't imagine using those lower resolutions they probably would not look nice downsampled .  320x240 displayed on a 1080 native resolution is not really nice.

I would like to build a menu in my game allowing the player to decide what they want, and quality sttings.  I can handle the rest, but how would I go about polling the hardware for specific resolutions whether they are compatible to current display used by the player ?

Thanks :)

Programming Help / Using external resources (loading/unloading)
« on: February 01, 2014, 01:18:42 am »
I have been pondering on this for quite some time now.  At the current stage I don't like the way GameMaker handles resources.  It is better suited for smaller games that can load all resources at startup but can become a memory hog and problematic for those with a bit more ambition who want to make big games and use large sprites and other resources.

For a while I have been thinking maybe I should code my own engine (scripts actually) to handle this with ease.  Here is an example: (this is just what I was visioning, nothing was made yet) so this serves as an example:

Level complete, everything uneeded is freed from RAM, new level resources to be loaded from single encrypted resource files, the script would automatically handle locating the individual file within the single file, decrypting it and storing it, it would use an encrypted pointer file / index file to do its trick as well.  Only one command would be used to extract from the single resource file, be it sound, music, background and video.

res_load (music.pak,act2.mp3,act2_snd)

So in this example res_load will pass along MUSIC.PAK which is the single large file containing all game music and extract act2.mp3 from it and store it in act2_snd.

This would be quite practical for large adventure games whether point and click, scrolling, etc, only loading the background / scenery, music, sound and video cut scenes as needed.

Now I can get this accomplished by coding a script to handle all this work and could plug it into any game I need this for. One advantage to that is that the resources are not stored individually and easily accessed by someone, they are PACKED inside one file and encrypted.  That is an easy part to make a script for, the trickier is the custom encryption and proprietary nature of my idea.

Now as I was thinking of that, I asked myself, wouldn't it be simpler to just use 7z which is an open source, to pack my resources into single files and simply use 7z to EXTRACT whatever file I want and use it then delete it when I don't need it ?   That was possible with the shell execute command in earlier GM versions but this option was obsoleted and not available in STUDIO.  I don't believe this is possible in ENIGMA either due to the compiled nature,
so there is no way to access programs externally from a compiled enigma project. 
Of course the script method, I would have to extract what I want to disk then later load it to memory using built in functions inside my script such as sound_add, video_add, background_add, sprite_add, etc......So what I would be doing is using the pointer file seeking to the right spot on the resource file and binary reading bytes for the entire file to be extracted, but I would have to save the resulting file......Unless there is a way to append these bytes to a string for example res_loaded is the string containing all the read bytes off of the mp3 file, then I could use the sound play and refer to the string ? I don't think this can be done.  The sound_add, video_add, etc......DIRECTLY load into RAM, but they load from individual files, which is great, I would like to apply the same by directly extracting from a resource file into RAM.

Any suggestions ?  The direct to memory extraction from a large resource file would avoid needing a disk cache and save an extra step (freeing up CPU and speeding up loading).

Using my method everything would be encrypted so it would not be possible for people to RIP resources using one of many hack tools out there.

Proposals / Device checking related functions for game compatibility
« on: January 30, 2014, 01:02:01 am »
I would like to make a suggestion for adding some functions that allows a game developers to check the following:

System OS
RAM / RAM available
Disk space available
Sound Card capabilities
Graphic card + capabilities (OGL1,2,3, DX9/10/11( etc.
Monitor / driver / supported resolution etc.

So that if you are making a really good game that uses OpenAL, D3D11, OpenGl3, etc, HD screen size, that it would be possible check if the user's system can support your game.  I think this is a standard practice in commercial games.

Off-Topic / New Member Intro + Other
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:24:46 pm »
First I'd like to say I am happy I found this site, as I accidentally stumbled upon it by reading online about game engines!   I am not familiar enough with programming to do
the things I want to......and game maker is the first, easy game making tool I used on a PC so far, and probably the easiest to learn!  I was looking for something that was not a 100% click and build type of app, where you use prefabs etc, but something that was easy to learn and at the same time allowed me full freedom to customize my projects.

I am actively seeking rapid development tools to help me reach certain goals.  I would like to eventually write some educational / interactive apps/ games and publish them (some free, some commercial) but to start mostly just as a hobby /free stuff.

Times are a bit difficult and so my budget is very limited, happy I found this site.

There are several things I want to do that I cannot get done with gamemaker studio,

1) I would like to do interactive apps/games that use cut scenes/cinematics/videos.  I would like the ability to embedd videos inside my game window and choose the size of the frame within the game, and also have full screen playback. 

2) I would like to publish some of those to Android (compile to APK ?)    Right now for what I need be done, $199 is not something I can afford.  I just want to get into this a little and further get better with GML and such.

I asked some help in the GMC community, and unfortunately nobody could help me with the specific things I was looking for.   One day someone contacted me by PM there and offered to help with a DLL to allow the video playback, but as I soon discovered, even with much tweaking and modifications to the code, that the results where really bad.  After doing some key searched in google I stumbled across enigma. !

I used enigma for some time now, impressed by how easy it is to use and it is very familiar to what I'm using so that's a great plus.

However, I have a problem and was wondering if anybody could help.  Video playback, the only way to use video playback is through the splash video functions......When I use this function, the video plays, but it has to play to the end... There is no way to abort playback.  In many games you can skip cut scenes by hitting ESC or whatever keys they have configured.  I don't see any commands where I can set video playback to stop once a key is pressed (stop as in exit the video playback).  Also I see no commands for customizing video playback (target size, window size, etc.)
I've seen reference to such commands in your wiki but they are not recognized by the parser when I compile them, even when I have the API enabled.

Any help there would be much appreciated.

Also, the only compile option I see is windows, I am using windows, but would also like to export my project to android eventually, now these are serious projects once they get done, which I can publish in the google play store,
setting up an account there is not a problem, how would I be able to generate a store compatible file format ? I heard there are signatures and special requirements for the app to be sent ? Any help there would be appreciated.

Back to video playback, I also found out the video add, video stop, etc commands that you support, however,
these load up the video in memory.  Is there a way to modify them to allow streaming the video from an external file ?  the video splash allows this but is not flexible, and does not allow stopping / ESCaping the video.


P.S.  Oh yeah one more thing, I got some rather odd suggestions from some GMC community members to use a cracked edition of studio, (for the android export) !  so I let them know clearly that it is out of the question and not an option at all and will never be even considered. 

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