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Messages - IsmAvatar

Announcements / Re: Fixed those Makefiles
« on: May 13, 2010, 11:02:25 am »
Code: [Select]
ismavatar@mage-ubuntu:~/enigma-dev$ svn up
Updated to revision 218.
ismavatar@mage-ubuntu:~/enigma-dev$ make
cd CompilerSource && make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/CompilerSource'
mkdir .eobjs
g++ -Wall   -fPIC -c  cfile_parse/cfile_parse.cpp      -o .eobjs/cfile_parse.o
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/CompilerSource'

Make only compiled one object file, and I'm not seeing any kind of dll/so to work with here. Had to use the old method of C::B to get me an so.

Code: [Select]
ismavatar@mage-ubuntu:~/enigma-dev$ java -jar lgm16b4.jar
Java Version: 10600 (1.6.0_20)
Loading lib files in /home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/lgm16b4.jar
01_move.lgl 02_main1.lgl 03_main2.lgl 04_control.lgl
 05_score.lgl 06_extra.lgl 07_draw.lgl
SvnKit missing, corrupted, or unusable. Please download and place next to the enigma plugin in order to enable auto-update.
Initializing Enigma: Intializing Parsers.Probing for GCC...
GCC located. Path: `'
Successfully loaded GCC definitions
# 1 "blank.txt"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "blank.txt"
All that worked. Trying to find make.
cd CompilerSource && make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/CompilerSource'
make[1]: `.eobjs/cfile_parse.o' is up to date.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/CompilerSource'
Good news; it should seem I can reach make from `make'
Ignoring error in specialization expression at position 19: Expected operator at this point

Ignoring error in specialization expression at position 19: Expected operator at this point

Ignoring error in specialization expression at position 23: Expected operator at this point

Successfully parsed ENIGMA's engine (570ms)
Initializing EDL Parser... Done.
Unable to load plugin: jna.jar: null: Missing plugin entry point (LGM-Plugin)

I then clicked Enigma->Run and discovered that it's about time for LGM to start threading...

Code: [Select]
Location in memory of structure: 0x94fed78
File version: 600

Copying sprite names [0]
Copying sound names [0]
Copying background names [0]
Copying path names [kidding, these are totally not implemented] [0]
Copying script names [0]
Copying font names [kidding, these are totally not implemented] [0]
Copying timeline names [kidding, these are totally not implemented] [0]
Copying object names [0]
Copying room names [0]
0 Scripts:
"Linking" scripts
`Linking' 0 scripts in 0 passes...
Completing script "Link"
0 Objects:
"Linking" scripts into the objects...
"Link" complete.
# Target takes the following parameters:
#   GMODE{run,build,debug,compile}
#   GRAPHICS{<anything under graphics_systems>}
#   PLATFORM{<anything under platforms>}
#   GLINKS{<requirements of anything above>}
echo Okay.
cd ENIGMAsystem/SHELL/ && make GMODE=Run GLINKS="-lGL -lz" GRAPHICS=OpenGL PLATFORM=xlib
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL'
# Target takes the following parameters:
#   GMODE{run,build,debug,compile}
#   GRAPHICS{<anything under graphics_systems>}
#   PLATFORM{<anything under platforms>}
#   GLINKS{<anything needed by the above as linker args>}
cd Graphics_Systems/OpenGL/    && make Run MODE=Run
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL/Graphics_Systems/OpenGL'
mkdir .eobjs_Run
g++ -c graphics_object.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/graphics_object.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSblend.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSblend.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSblend.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GScolors.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GScolors.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GScolors.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSenable.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSenable.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSenable.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSmiscextra.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSmiscextra.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSmiscextra.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSprmtvs.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSprmtvs.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSprmtvs.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSscreen.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSscreen.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSscreen.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSspriteadd.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSspriteadd.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSspriteadd.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSsprite.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSsprite.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSsprite.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSstdraw.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSstdraw.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSstdraw.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/GSsurface.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c GSsurface.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/GSsurface.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/OPENGLStd.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c OPENGLStd.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/OPENGLStd.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run/
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run/': File exists
make[2]: [Run] Error 1 (ignored)
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL/Graphics_Systems/OpenGL'
cd Platforms/xlib/       && make Run MODE=Run
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL/Platforms/xlib'
mkdir .eobjs_Run
g++ -c XLIBmain.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/XLIBmain.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/XLIBwindow.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c XLIBwindow.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/XLIBwindow.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run/
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run/': File exists
make[2]: [Run] Error 1 (ignored)
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL/Platforms/xlib'
cd Universal_System/         && make Run MODE=Run
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL/Universal_System'
mkdir .eobjs_Run
g++ -c CallbackArrays.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/CallbackArrays.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/collisions.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c collisions.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/collisions.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/collisions_object.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c collisions_object.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/collisions_object.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/compression.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c compression.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/compression.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/EGMstd.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c EGMstd.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/EGMstd.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/ENIGMA_GLOBALS.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c ENIGMA_GLOBALS.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/ENIGMA_GLOBALS.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/estring.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c estring.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/estring.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/events.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c events.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/events.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/event_system.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c event_system.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/event_system.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/globalupdate.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c globalupdate.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/globalupdate.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/IMGloading.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c IMGloading.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/IMGloading.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/instance.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c instance.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/instance.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/mathnc.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c mathnc.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/mathnc.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/OBJaccess.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c OBJaccess.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/OBJaccess.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/object.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c object.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/object.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/objecttable.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c objecttable.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/objecttable.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/planar_object.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c planar_object.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/planar_object.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/reflexive_types.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c reflexive_types.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/reflexive_types.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/roomsystem.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c roomsystem.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/roomsystem.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/simplecollisions.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c simplecollisions.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/simplecollisions.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/spriteinit.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c spriteinit.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/spriteinit.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/spritestruct.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c spritestruct.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/spritestruct.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/transform_object.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c transform_object.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/transform_object.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/var_cr3.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c var_cr3.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/var_cr3.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run': File exists
make[2]: [.eobjs_Run/WITHconstruct.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -c WITHconstruct.cpp      -o .eobjs_Run/WITHconstruct.o
mkdir .eobjs_Run/
mkdir: cannot create directory `.eobjs_Run/': File exists
make[2]: [Run] Error 1 (ignored)
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL/Universal_System'
g++ SHELLmain.cpp Graphics_Systems/OpenGL/.eobjs_Run/*.o Platforms/xlib/.eobjs_Run/*.o Universal_System/.eobjs_Run/*.o -lGL -lz -o game.exe
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ismavatar/enigma-dev/ENIGMAsystem/SHELL'
+++++Make completed successfully.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
No resource data in exe
Game returned 0
0 Sprites:
0 Sounds:

After which I was greeted with a game window (default).

Ok, someone's going to have to explain to me how to add scrollbars to that thing, because [ codebox ] doesn't work.

Also, one of these days you'll have to give me the new Enigma/LateralGM background tile, because I never got a copy of it.

Off-Topic / Re: David Cameron is the new UK Prime Minister
« on: May 13, 2010, 10:57:41 am »
subsidize is when someone gives money to someone else in order to alleviate costs. Usually, subsidizing is the government giving money to a company. Here, it's the government giving fees collected from TV licensing (which is a kind of tax) to the company responsible for developing and airing Dr. Who. As for why Dr. Who needs government handouts, and can't generate money on its own just from having a ton of viewers... is beyond me.

General ENIGMA / Re: ENIGMA's value
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:48:31 am »
Divide by number of people to determine project duration.

Off-Topic / Re: David Cameron is the new UK Prime Minister
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:47:04 am »
It's kinda sad when you have to subsidize a TV show...

Off-Topic / Re: David Cameron is the new UK Prime Minister
« on: May 11, 2010, 04:14:51 pm »
By printing more money, no doubt :-p

Proposals / Re: Tiering vs Components
« on: May 11, 2010, 10:37:18 am »
And I wouldn't even venture a guess at how many users would "absolutely be making direct use of the component system." The count stands at six presently; I imagine it will eventually end up about where map<> users will
I'm willing to wager that if documentation was provided, these features would begin to incur a lot more use. Especially from advanced users as myself who are not familiar with how they work, but are willing to extend their repertoire to achieve more advanced effects.

Proposals / Re: Tiering vs Components
« on: May 10, 2010, 04:25:12 pm »
Nothing you've said. It was a 2-part thing:
1) To be able to explain it to me
2) That said explanation was realistic

The first condition was met by luiscubal's cursory explanation, but the 2nd was not. luiscubal's cursory explanation aside, nobody's been able to explain the system in a way that I can understand, let alone having said explanation be realistic.

Proposals / Re: Tiering vs Components
« on: May 10, 2010, 12:58:41 pm »
I believe the mythological creature is my doing, when I said "comparing tiers to components is like comparing apples to unicorns" because at the time, nobody was able to explain the components system to me in a way that made it realistic. This still seems to be the case.

Issues Help Desk / Re: #define?
« on: May 06, 2010, 11:56:47 pm »
Which isn't actually that bad. Just not sure if Enigma will complain since ldx isn't defined.

Proposals / Re: On Settings and Dependencies
« on: May 06, 2010, 12:25:56 pm »
Just tell me what you want the options to read, and they'll be in there before you can figure out the correct pronunciation of "classificatory".

Proposals / Re: Custom Widgets
« on: May 06, 2010, 09:30:38 am »
It has the data for it stored in the EXE. Heaven forbid we support a few more fonts that GM doesn't support.
Regardless, I thought I did something like this already. Should be easy enough to re-implement it (including kerning)

Proposals / Re: On Settings and Dependencies
« on: May 05, 2010, 05:33:12 pm »
I could add a tab for it and list them vertically, once we get more than 2. In the meantime, I'll just add it in with the list of compatibility options. Also, one of these days we need to add Enigma Options in to the communication between Java<->DLL, so that you can actually make use of my options.

Proposals / Re: Custom Widgets
« on: May 05, 2010, 05:29:25 pm »
luis, using drawString would not work because of kerning.

Proposals / Re: Custom Widgets
« on: May 05, 2010, 12:22:57 am »

Proposals / Re: On Settings and Dependencies
« on: May 05, 2010, 12:17:23 am »
Java UI tends to be a fair bit simpler than Win32 or any of the other ones. I simply add the components to the settings pane. It calculates its own size and their size and placement.