I know most people on here are Linux fans who hate Windows, so I'm not betting on anyone actually using this anytime soon.
License and InstallationI'm posting this topic as a reminder for me to make my GameMaker Windows DLL into an ENIGMA extension once Josh and Robert are ready for that, as well as to advertise to everyone ahead of time what I plan to contribute to ENIGMA, just to see what everyone thinks or if anyone finds it particularly useful. It is free on the YoYoGames Marketplace, and is soon going to be available for the same price on itch.io.
For GameMaker users, the library is both open source but also commercial, it is mandatory to pay for it in order to use it in your GameMaker Studio projects. However, when it will be encorperated into ENIGMA, for ENIGMA users, the code will be license under GPL, the ENIGMA extension will be free and open source, and in time, once the linking exception is written, will also have the linking exception applied to it as well. Anyways...
If you would like the DLL and an example GM81 formatted project for free, and if you are either an ENIGMA or GameMaker v5.0-v8.1 user, send me a PM on these forums, (sign up if you must), and I'll be more than happy to give you it for free, provided you will still pay for it if you intend to use it in GameMaker Studio 1.4 or 2. No credit required, for project use only. Derivative works allowed. Do not sell or redistribute as-is.
ENIGMA and Legacy GameMaker do not have an installer export, so you will need to make your own installer from the installer creator of your choosing. I highly recommend
NSIS which is what GameMaker Studio 1.4 and 2 uses, or
Inno Setup Compiler, which is also very popular for creating installers.
The installer you create, will need to register on installation, and unregister on uninstallation, the following dependencies:
● VideoPlayer.ocx
● WebBrowser.ocx
● DialogEx.dll
BEFORE those are registered, your installer will need to launch and wait for the VB5 runtime to install, which is also included with the sample project. This is a lot easier to do in GMStudio, because most of the work I did for you. If you don't need to use the splash functions, none of this is needed and you won't need to write or compile your own installer script. The rest is easy.
Description (What's it do?)The original GMC topic can be seen
The GMC topic's contents:
[Tutorial] ActiveX Extension Creation for GameMaker Studio pt. 1: ActiveX DLL[Tutorial] ActiveX Extension Creation for GameMaker Studio pt. 2: NS Installer
This extension is [strictly] Windows-only.This extension is 100% free, open source, and public domain.
Execute VBScript and JScript, (using Microsoft Script Control).
You may execute the code you write within the GMStudio IDE.
You may also execute the code from a given *.VBS or *.JS file.
For more information, see the VBScript and JScript docs
The DLL's full source code included.IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to use the scripts in the "SplashFunctions", "VB5/6Functions", and "JScriptFunctions" resource folders, you will need to build the game as an installer - this is required. You will also need to replace the contents of your project's default NSIS Windows installer script, with the contents of the "ActiveXInstaller.nsi" installer script, in the included files. If you do not intend to use these functions, you will not need to build your game as an installer, or replace the contents of the default Windows installer script. When testing a game with these functions, you will need to have the required ActiveX controls installed. The easiest way to do that is to install using the "Install.exe" file.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
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