I see you're getting a little obsessed about Harri's standards, from your post
lol :p
No actually he has very good points, I'm having some fun

Likes the way he makes arguments, and like I said it's a matter of taste, I respect that. I find nothing wrong with his standards. Imagine if the entire gaming market was like that would call for much more challenging game and longer gameplay as game companies would not have to make games so easy and take you by the hand in every step, such as point the arrow where you need to go etc. Even though I don't apply such standards myself, you gotta admire his patience though

Also he has a point about kids being spoiled and being used to getting it easy, which can translate to games. But I don't think this is always the case. I was not spoiled and everything I have I worked for through my own efforts, because I wanted to, not because I had to, but due to some circumstances, which I will not get into my life story here, I guess I have a specific taste and patience level. I don't like easy and short games....but I'd being a lying MF if I said I wouldn't mind starting the whole game over because of one small fucking mistake or because I died at level 15 and have to start at 1

Has nothing to do with wanting it easy......remember that some people lead stressful lives and for some, gaming is a temporary escape into fantasy....for some it can be a dangerous escape, others who are down to earth and use it moderately, can be healthy.
Well I considered that first one too by, like said in my OP, adding a tutorial option to the main menu.
I didn't think about the ability to turn hints off, because despite being a good and simple method, my game won't keep telling the player to press X to Y, every time Y is possible.
Nope, that's not what I meant by hints.
The press X or Y key subs could be considered tutorial or help. Some games have them at the beginning usually when you start a "new game" but as you keep playing it does not show up again.
By hints I mean actually adding full interactivity and AI / Logic, let's say you are playing my game and are stuck, and you've been playing a long time and going in circles....The logic would detect this and display some hints for you.
Example, goal based level you are facing
a concrete wall and reached a dead end
but something on the other side....
After a while a sub would display
"...If only I could get to the other side!"
and later display other hints. I could also
set hint levels, subtle, infrequent, frequent,
Also intend to play around with non linear aspect. As opposed to making a platform where you go from point A to point B find the exit type, I would like a multi goal/task based level system, where you don't have to necessarily complete goals in a linear fashion, where everything is scripted. With possibility of even going back and forth levels, sometimes requiring jumping between levels to get certain items you would need on previous levels, etc.
One thing certain people don't like about games is linearity. Go from point A to point B. Some like it, I could do both types.
Also intend to add "randomness" where when you play the game again, the objects won't be placed at the same place. That high jump "ability" potion you required to reach that area above that contained the red key you need to unlock the door on level 2, would not be placed at the same place and probably require another ability or set of tasks in order to reach it. Making the game different and offering different paths / possibilities. That concrete wall you needed to detonate when you first played the game might not be there at all once you finish the whole game and play again or start a new game, or you may have different set of tasks.
But this is all advanced stuff for now I would probably do classical / traditional! Those platform games tend to be so linear (go for the exit) type, this is one aspect I want to work on and eventually make something big.
The last one is more like a difficulty setting. Good idea in itself, though.
Not only that, but if a player would select HARD settings, I would disable obviously the help and hints system, and as opposed to difficulty level affecting only health or enemies, I could have completely new elements added to harder difficulty.
I know that, but it's always a good challenge to avoid them as much as possible.
you got that right, it's a challenge.
I've been in the industry (behind the scenes) and it can be very tough...... Even the best of filmmakers, actors, musicians, singers, game devs, will have their hate and harsh criticism. You can never avoid that completely.....