General fluff => Off-Topic => Topic started by: hpg678 on May 08, 2022, 09:26:04 am

Title: What genre of game interests you the most
Post by: hpg678 on May 08, 2022, 09:26:04 am
I'm taking this poll in an attempt to comprehend what type of tutorial/game would be good to make/outline using Enigma. Please answer as honestly as possible and if i have missed out a category, then tell me which should have been included.
even if you are not a full 'gamer', there must be some you do play.

Title: Re: What genre of game interests you the most
Post by: HitCoder on May 08, 2022, 12:54:17 pm
This is quite an interesting poll!

Personally I would have made strategy and tower defense two separate categories as I can enjoy tower defense but I don't enjoy most other strategy games :P
Title: Re: What genre of game interests you the most
Post by: hpg678 on May 09, 2022, 11:06:27 am
I kinda agree in that today Tower Defense games are considered separate but overall, one must employ strategy........which is why i considered them into that category.

Another genre i forgot to include is Board games.