Contributing to ENIGMA => Proposals => Topic started by: Yambam on July 12, 2016, 12:40:09 pm

Title: Minimal frontend
Post by: Yambam on July 12, 2016, 12:40:09 pm
I have some additions to the already proposed minimal frontend for ENIGMA. I think it would be awesome if Pure ENIGMA with all the seperate files had some kind of shell integration, like thumbnails on object/sprite/background resource files and that each of the resource types had unique context menus for batch operations like 7-Zip has, such as search and replace in selected scripts/objects contents/name in a specific event and stuff like that. And it would be handy if there was the ability to drag and drop sprites on objects and backgrounds or packs of predefined instance (creation codes) objects on rooms to add them to the "favorites" of that room. I don't know how you would go about making the shell integration stuff though, I don't have much experience with that. :)
Title: Re: Minimal frontend
Post by: Yambam on July 23, 2016, 03:46:46 am
And then you can simply drag and drop the sprite file on the object file to assign it and drop another child object on a parent object to assign its parent.