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Topics - Josh @ Dreamland

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Announcements / Release 1
« on: April 06, 2008, 03:34:58 pm »
That's right. I decided to make the release today since a lot of you have been waiting to see what it's made of.

NOTE: This is Alpha. 'Pre-beta.' Almost-not-functional.

Only meant for testing the code features. 10% of all scripting is done, and rising. String functions are under development. Try not to abuse those. In fact, avoid using them.

Sprites were planned in this release... but I have some bad news.

LGM and ENIGMA have some communication errors at the moment. You will have to manually activate the ENIGMA exe, then the game exe, which is always game.exe. This will be fixed in the next release, which is also soon.
>>To clarify on that, you must hit "compile with enigma" in LGM. Then open its directory, and double click
>>"compileEGMf.exe". This will do the rest for you and produce "game.exe".

Version one will be a totally operable Game Maker replacement, we hope.

To be on the safe side, save all the LGM things before hitting compile. This was all done very quickly to get a demo out.

So for now, no sprites, unless sprite_add still works.

All the DND stuff is just for show. Scripts, Objects, and Rooms are it. Explore a bit, but don't expect it to compile an entire game just yet.

For those who don't like to read a lot:
Basically, do as follows.
  • Open LateralGM.jar.
  • Add scripts, objects, and/or rooms with whatever code.
  • Save it and close out of all the resources.
  • Hit compile with Enigma.
  • Close LGM.
  • Open its directory.
  • Double click CompileEGMf.exe.
    • It should export Game.exe if you didn't use unimplemented functions.
    • Run game.exe, it's yours.
    If your game does not compile:
    Make sure you aren't using functions that are not yet implemented.

    IE, draw_sprite without calling sprite_add. The current LGM -> Game sprite loader is broke. Sorry.
    Show_message is dispstr(string,string or real), or MessageBox(0,Text,Caption,0) if that works for you.

    If your game does not draw:
    •   Tip: draw_set_color() is your friend. All colors default to white.
    •   Sprites are not loaded from exe yet.

    And I know there are lots of errors. Please compile them in this topic post them in the bug report section and they will be dealt with on a Can-This-Be-Corrected-Without-Disrupting-Anything basis.


    Announcements / Upcoming Release
    « on: April 02, 2008, 08:55:44 pm »
    Yes, there was a release planned for yesterday, actually. But due to some difficulties, it's been delayed slightly. I'm still and always hoping for "tomorrow."

    The current problem is simply some nulls that pop up in the output files before compile. The team is trying to find the cause and iron it out. (Dev's debugger is not a prize winner.)

    Either way, from what I can tell the rest is working or easily fixable.


    Rusky Edit:
    Got my dad's help, we found some weird problems, we're trying to pinpoint their causes. Maybe done sometime tomorrow (as always XD) but AFAIK Josh won't be able to do much.

    Rules up. Read to avoid being b&.

    Announcements / Update
    « on: March 15, 2008, 08:51:50 pm »
    I really don't feel like editing any of the pages right now, so I'll just make a newspost.

    Anyway, objects are fully functional now. Here's a demonstration.

    Please note: Some serious optimization is to be done on the newly completed object code. I have no intention of being within 30 fps of GM when this is done.

    Game Maker


    And to answer a recent yet recurring question, ENIGMA's point is to allow backwards compatibility with Game Maker, while extending its possibilities into a lower level language. (C++)

    Announcements / More progress
    « on: March 08, 2008, 01:27:34 pm »
    Objects and their instances are working, as a basic system. The last thing I have to do before release one is make sure the parser can arrange a bunch of resources into the ENIGMA compile shell's sources, and we're set.

    That is not so easy, however. It entails keeping track of which variables are declared as what type, or remain undeclared.

    Also, I've been contacted recently by a team working on their own SDK of some sort. They seemed to have an interest in the project, but our goals are different.

    My first priority is to get a release out that will compile your games and save them from Game Maker's decompiler problem. As well as speed them up great deals.

    The var class is 5x faster than GM. If you declare a type as double, it'll be fifty to one hundred times faster than my var, or about 250x as fast as Game Maker. You have C to thank for that.

    ENIGMA also takes C++. This is the only current ticket away from GML. Type naming can still be done in GML, and var can still be used in C++. This will allow users to mix the languages in a way that suits them.

    I'll see about decreasing the levels of some functions.


    Announcements / Updates
    « on: February 15, 2008, 06:42:03 am »
    I just added a progress page. Now you can watch us struggle to fill the list. We're getting closer to a release each day.

    If you've just heard about ENIGMA, feel free to have a look at the information page. It'll fill you in on the details, and out plans for the project.

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