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Applying Window sizes

Posted on 2023-10-22 07:08:00 by hpg678
Deciding on the window resolution and its size is an important factor in creating games. Here is a small tutorial on how you can switch between landscape and portrait modes.

For this, we take the view_width and view_height and work out the aspect-ratio of the window. Basically this is the ratio of its width to its height. For example, landscape mode has an aspect ratio of 16:9 as depicted in monitors and Tvs, wheras portrait mode has a ratio of 4:3 as depicted in phones and mobile devices.

Connecting gaming device

Posted on 2023-06-22 10:24:02 by hpg678
Enigma has functions for connecting other input devices like a gamepad, joypad or joystick. This is dependent on the platform u are using.

On Linux, this is accomplished by using the joystick functions to map the joystick axes and buttons.

Using my PS3 controller i was able map the left stick to move my character in the left, right, up and down direction.

The code ascertains what type of device is connected first. Then it reveals the name and the amount of buttons there are. With trial and error, one can ascertain for the buttons and map accordingly.

As such you can add another object with the same code to get that a player experience of your game.

Back in Action

Posted on 2022-12-02 06:52:36 by hpg678
After a long hiatus recovering from an operation, i am back.

Created an retro oldie but goldie.........Pacman.

Source is available as well an executable for Opensuse Tumbleweed

retro 3d dungeon crawler

Posted on 2021-09-23 08:16:46 by hpg678
I came across this alternative method of creating a fps unlike the traditional method shown by Goombert post in the EDC. It  uses 2d sprites and tiles to design your level layout. The code is simpler and easier to understand.

Check it out in the EDC.

Fresh Wallpapers

Posted on 2020-06-17 19:04:08 by hpg678
Hello there!. Just finished composing two fresh wallpapers you can use for your desktop promoting ENIGMA.

They are very large (1892x976 pixels and 1200x600 pixels) respectively.
You can view them their links:


Posted on 2019-09-26 12:32:09 by hpg678
Mithe is a clone of the popular mobile game 'Flappy Bird'. It is great for beginners to study and learn Enigma.

The objective of the game is simple enough. Using your player, you must avoid pipes above and below you, by going through the space between the pipes. However, I have made some alternations to the original mechanics of the original game.

In this version

         you can collect extra items for extra score
         Extra pipes appear below you
         extra enemies appear for you to avoid

One can expand the source code of the game easily by adding effects, a menu system or an achievement system. The possibilities are endless.

Hope you enjoy!

Unravel.....A sliding puzzle game

Posted on 2019-07-22 21:21:30 by hpg678
Another game created from using Enigma. well actually it was inspired from the popular game called 'Blocked in" on Google Play. I had always liked that but unfortunately, its not that easy to come by on the PC. So i decided to create my own version. You can get a copy of it in the EDC using the link below:

You can also see a promo video of it using this link here as well

New games uploaded

Posted on 2019-07-04 20:54:05 by hpg678
There are 2 new games uploaded DOTR(aka Defense of the Realm) and ABP(aka Amazing Box Puzzles)

DOTR is a space shooter similar to Alien Invasion. You must kill all the space aliens with your spaceship. You must be careful. The space aliens shoot at you and their speed increase over time.

DOTR is a work in progress with only 5 levels in the demo. Enemy formation is a big hurdle to get over....not to mention the Bosses pattern of movement. However, more levels will be added soon.

ABP is a maze solving puzzler similar to one of my previous projects, Mystery Mansion. It is more in the style of Sokoban, where you must solve the puzzles by placing the boxes into there appropriate places.

There are just over 25 levels with 3 modes of play.....Standard, Scrolling and Landscape. Each has their own Select Screen. The final game will have over 50 levels with more traps, obstacles to cross and other features.

Hope you enjoy the two of them. Comments, criticisms and suggestions are always welcome.

Collapse tutorial Update

Posted on 2019-04-28 07:48:46 by hpg678
I am creating an update as a fully workable game. It will feature additional levels, additional tiles, special effects, a scoring system, a GUI and a dialog system.

The first release will be for Linux users. A windows version will follow later.

As an additional bonus, an ebook will also be published with step by step details on its creation, implementation of the game mechanics and conversion from tutorial to workable game.

Rotation tutorial

Posted on 2019-03-05 07:41:09 by hpg678
With the help of a fellow user "impo', I was able to complete a difficult problem involving animating a sprite. i didn't want the standard 360 degrees rotation. I wanted it to rotate along the x-axis, similar to the coins animation in Mario games, without i having to make any additional frames.

So i decided to share this in case others may want to the same in their games.

the code is very easy and self-explanatory.

1. in your object, in the Create event, create a variable to handle the rotation = 0;

2.In the Step Event, increase that variable. Depending on the room_speed, you can set it to a number between 0.01 to 1.

3. In the Draw Event, use the "draw_sprite_ext" function and in the case of the rotation, section, place (your variable)] there. for example in the Draw Event of the source I have

draw_sprite_ext(spr_0, 0 ,x,y+z, 1,1,imgrot,c_white,1);

spr_0 being the name of the sprite
imgrot is the name of my variable